Friday, October 16, 2020

Circular Motion | Centrifugal Force

Centrifugal Force :-

Ex :- 
(1) When a car take turns toward left, the passengers in a car is push in a outward direction, this is due to centrifugal force acting on passengers.

(11) When a bucket of water whirled in a vertical circle the water in a backet does not fall, the is due to centrifugal force balances by weight.

(111) The children's sitting in the many go raund experience centrifugal force.

(Iv) Incase of weshing machine centrifugal force ads.

The centrifugal force is imaginary force and this force is also called as pseudo force.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Circular Motion | Frequency of Revolution

Frequency of Revolution :-
       The number of Revolution completed in 1 second is called as frequency of revolution.

It is denoted by = (n)
                 Unit = (Hz)
      Diamension = [M°L°T-1]

Circular Motion | Period of Revolution

Period of Revolution :- 
       The time taken by the particle to complete one revolution is called as period of Revolution.

Unit = Second 
Diamension = [M°L°T°]

v = circumference

v = 2πr

but, y = r.w

r.w =

w =

w = 2π 

w = 2πn

Circular Motion | Uniform circular motion (UCM)

Uniform circular Motion (UCM) :-

          The motion of a particle along the circumference of a circle with costant speed is called as UCM.

circular Motion | Relationship between linear velocity (v) & angular Velocity (w)

Relationship between linear velocity (v) & angular velocity (w) :-

Consider particle of mass 'm' performing circular motion in anticlockwise direction along the circumference of a circle 


A = initial position of particle 
B = position of particle 
   = Angular displacement
   = Radius vector 
   = Arc length
   = time 

Then instantaneous velocity of a particle is given by,

v = lim     displacement
     -o               time 

  =  lim            8.s  
      -o.              t 


Angular displacement = Arc length 

Arc length = Angular displacement ✖️ radius ---(1)

This is the relationship between linear velocity and angular velocity.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Circular Motion | Angular acceleration

Angular Acceleration :-
       The rate of change of angular velocity w.r.t time is called as angular acceleration.

It is denoted by.
              ➰ = Change of angular velocity

              ➰ =      or   w2 - w1
                        t                 t

              Unit = rad 1s

                     = rad

Diamension = [M°L°T°] 

Circular Motion | Angular Velocity (w)

Angular Velocity (w) :- 
       The rate of change of angular displacement w.r.t. time is called as angular velocity.

       It is defined as the ratio of angular displacement to time.

       It is denoted by w.    w =

Angular velocity = Angular displacement
                          Unit  = rod
      diamension = w = [M° L° T°]
                              = [M° L° T°]

                           w =

                              = 2π.   

                           w = 2πn

Circular Motion | Angular Displacement

Angular Displacement :-

The angle trace by radius vector at the centre of circle is called as angular displacement.

It is depoted by .

Consider, a particle perform circular motion in antivlockwise direction along the circumference of a circle.


A - starting position of particle
B - End position of particle 
O - Angular displacement
8S - Arc Length 
8T - Time 
r - radius vector 

Then angular displacement is given by.

Angular displacement = Arc length 
                                   =    AB

Angular displacement  =  8S

Unit :- Radian (Rad)
Diamension :- [  M° L° T° ]

Circular Motion

Circular Motion :- 
       The motion of a particle along the circumference of a circle is called as circular motion.

Ex :- 
1) Motion of teep of minute bond, second hand, hoor hand.
2) Motion of earth.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Gender of Nouns (नामांचे लिंग)

1) Masculine gender (पुल्लिंग) 

2) Feminine gender (स्त्रीलिंग) 

3) Neuter gender (नपुंसलिंग)

4) Common gender (सामान्य लिंग किंवा उभयलिंग)

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