Sunday, August 15, 2021

Redmi 9A (Sea Blue 3GB RAM 32GB Storage)| 2GHz Octa-core Helio G25 Processor | 5000 mAh Battery

Redmi 9A (Sea Blue 3GB RAM 32GB Storage)| 2GHz Octa-core Helio G25 Processor | 5000 mAh Battery

See Colour
Pattern name: Redmi 9A

Redmi 9A + Redmi Earphone (Black)
Redmi 9A + Redmi Earphone (Blue)
Redmi 9A + Redmi Earphone (Red)
Size name: 32GB Storage
Style name: 3GB RAM

Model Name Redmi 9A (3GB+32GB)
Brand Redmi
Form factor Touchscreen Phone
Memory Storage Capacity 32 GB
OS Android

Technical Details
OS ‎Android
Product Dimensions ‎16.5 x 0.9 x 7.7 cm; 194 Grams
Batteries ‎1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included)
Item model number ‎Redmi 9A (3GB+32GB)
Wireless communication technologies ‎Bluetooth, WiFi Hotspot
Connectivity technologies ‎Wifi; 802.11 a/b/g/n Bluetooth v5.0 wireless technology;USB 2.0;GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou
Special features ‎Dual SIM, E-mail, Accelerometer, GPS, Ambient Light sensor, Video Player, Music Player, Proximity sensor
Display technology ‎HD+
Colours displayed ‎268 ppi pixel density, 20:9 Aspect Ratio
Other display features ‎Wireless
Device interface - primary ‎Touchscreen
Other camera features ‎Rear Camera (13MP) | 5MP Front Camera
Audio Jack ‎3.5 mm
Form factor ‎Touchscreen Phone
Colour ‎Sea Blue
Battery Power Rating ‎5000
Phone Talk Time ‎27 Hours
Phone Standby Time (with data) ‎915 Hours
Whats in the box ‎Handset, Power Adapter, USB Cable, Sim Eject Tool, Warranty Card and User Guide
Manufacturer ‎Redmi
Country of Origin ‎India
Item Weight ‎194 g

Friday, July 23, 2021

Online | बच्चों को ऑनलाइन सुरक्षित रखने के लिए मॉम एस गाइड

आज की माताओं को अपने बच्चों को दो दुनियाओं में खतरों से बचाने की जरूरत है: सामने के दरवाजे के बाहर और इंटरनेट पर। हालांकि ऑनलाइन संसाधन जैसे वेब लॉग (या "ब्लॉग") और सोशल-नेटवर्किंग साइट बच्चों को संवाद करना और अपनी राय व्यक्त करना सिखाते हैं, वे बच्चों को ऑनलाइन शिकारियों और घोटालेबाज कलाकारों के सामने भी ला सकते हैं।
 कई माताओं की तरह, ट्रिवा हैमिल्टन ने अपने बच्चों को वेब साइट से वेब साइट पर निर्देशित किया जब वे अपना पहला कदम ऑनलाइन उठा रहे थे। लेकिन अब जब उसके बच्चे बड़े हो रहे हैं, "मैं हर पल कमरे में नहीं रह सकती कि बच्चे कंप्यूटर पर हैं," उसने कहा।

 इसके बजाय, हैमिल्टन और उनके पति ने ऑनलाइन खतरों के बारे में अधिक जानने के लिए दोस्तों और विश्वसनीय स्रोतों, जैसे को देखा है। उन्होंने सख्त नियम भी बनाए हैं - जिसमें रात के खाने के बाद तक कोई बच्चा ऑनलाइन न हो, जब माँ और पिताजी घर पर हों।
 माइक्रोसॉफ्ट कॉर्प में सुरक्षा इंजीनियरिंग और संचार सुरक्षा प्रौद्योगिकी इकाई के निदेशक डेबी फ्राई विल्सन ने कहा, "बच्चों को ऑनलाइन सुरक्षित रखना उन्हें अजनबियों और भौतिक दुनिया में अन्य संभावित खतरों से बचने के तरीके सिखाने जैसा है।" माइक्रोसॉफ्ट इसके संस्थापक प्रायोजकों में से एक है।, जो ऑनलाइन सुरक्षा और सुरक्षा मुद्दों को प्रबंधित करने के तरीके पर मुफ़्त, गैर-व्यावसायिक मार्गदर्शन प्रदान करता है। "यथार्थवादी नियम निर्धारित करके और यह सुनिश्चित करके कि बच्चे सावधानी की आवश्यकता को समझें, माता-पिता अपने बच्चों को ऑनलाइन सुरक्षित होने में मदद कर सकते हैं।"
 साइट पर युक्तियों (www.stay में निम्नलिखित शामिल हैं:
 • एक अनुबंध बनाएँ। बच्चे की उम्र के आधार पर नियमों के साथ एक इंटरनेट आचार संहिता विकसित करें। परिवार के सभी सदस्यों को अनुबंध पर हस्ताक्षर करना चाहिए।

 • बातचीत। इंटरनेट सुरक्षा के बारे में एक सतत संवाद बनाएँ। अगर परिवार अक्सर इंटरनेट के अच्छे और बुरे पहलुओं के बारे में बात करते हैं, तो माता-पिता की चिंता होने पर चैट करना आसान हो जाता है।

 • पहचान की रक्षा करें। अपराधियों के ध्यान से बचने के लिए, बच्चों को पता होना चाहिए कि वे अपना नाम, पता, उम्र या अन्य जानकारी कभी भी ऑनलाइन प्रकट न करें। माता-पिता को बच्चों को एक स्क्रीन नाम बनाने में भी मदद करनी चाहिए जो उनकी पहचान की रक्षा करता है और यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि उनकी ऑनलाइन प्रोफ़ाइल खाली है।

 • उदाहरण के द्वारा पढ़ाएं। माता-पिता परिवार पीसी पर मजबूत सुरक्षा सेटिंग्स बनाए रखकर बच्चों को विनाशकारी कार्यक्रमों से बचने में मदद कर सकते हैं। उन्हें एक फ़ायरवॉल, एक एंटी-वायरस उत्पाद और एंटी-स्पाइवेयर सॉफ़्टवेयर का भी उपयोग करना चाहिए।

Site | Mom S Guide To Keeping Kids Safe Online

Today’s moms need to defend their children against threats in two worlds: those outside the front door and those on the Internet. Although online resources such as Web logs (or “blogs”) and social-networking sites teach kids how to communicate and express their opinions, they can also expose kids to online predators and scam artists.
Like many moms, Triva Hamilton guided her children from Web site to Web site when they were taking their first steps online. But now that her kids are getting older, “I can’t be in the room every second that the kids are on the computer,” she said.

Instead, Hamilton and her husband have looked to friends and creditable sources, such as, to learn more about online threats. They’ve also created strict rules – including no kids online until after dinner, when Mom and Dad are home.
“Keeping kids safe online is like teaching them how to avoid strangers and other potential threats in the physical world,” said Debby Fry Wilson, director of the Security Engineering and Communications Security Technology Unit at Microsoft Corp. Microsoft is one of the founding sponsors of, which provides free, noncommercial guidance on how to manage online safety and security issues. “By setting realistic rules and ensuring kids understand the need for caution, parents can help their children be safer online.”
Tips on the site (www.stay include the following:
• Create a contract. Develop an Internet code of conduct, with rules based on the child’s age. All family members should sign the contract.

• Talk. Create an ongoing dialogue about Internet safety. If families frequently talk about good and bad aspects of the Internet, it becomes easier to chat when parents have concerns.

• Protect identities. To avoid attention from criminals, kids should know to never reveal their name, address, age or other information online. Parents should also help kids create a screen name that protects their identity and ensures that their online profile is blank.

• Teach by example. Parents can help kids learn to avoid destructive programs by maintaining strong security settings on the family PC. They should also use a firewall, an anti-virus product and anti-spyware software.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Googles S Google समाचार मिडिया रिपोर्टिंग और संगठन के लिए इंटरनेट मानकों को फिर से परिभाषित करता है

Googles S Google News Redefines Internet Standards For Midia Reporting And Organization 

इसकी कई अन्य सफलताओं में, Google के Google समाचार ने मीडिया रिपोर्टिंग और संगठन के लिए इंटरनेट मानकों को फिर से परिभाषित किया है
 वर्ल्ड वाइड वेब पर इतनी सारी सेवाएं उपलब्ध होने के कारण दावेदारों में से दावेदारों को चुनना अक्सर एक मुश्किल काम होता है। हालाँकि, कैलिफ़ोर्निया में स्थित Google, वास्तविक समाचार प्रदाताओं से नकली को अलग करना आसान बनाता है।

 Google पर ब्रेकिंग न्यूज तक पहुंचना आसान है। Google समाचार पूरी तरह से स्वचालित है और 2002 में इसकी शुरुआत हुई। अंत में, 23 जनवरी, 2006 को, बीटा परीक्षण समाप्त हो गया और अब Google सेवा पर ब्रेकिंग न्यूज 20 से अधिक भाषाओं में उपलब्ध है।

 Google समाचार के सबसे ताज़ा पहलुओं में से एक पत्रकारिता पूर्वाग्रह का उन्मूलन है: सेवा पूरी तरह से स्वचालित है ताकि कोई भी मानवीय निर्णय समीकरण में अपना काम न करे।
 इन दिनों ऐसा लगता है कि सभी प्रमुख समाचार रिपोर्टिंग सेवाएं तिरछी हो गई हैं। वामपंथी, दक्षिणपंथी - यह ईमानदार, सच्ची रिपोर्टिंग का दूषित है। एक आउटलेट का होना ताज़ा है जो कुछ जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए इसे ट्यून करने के बजाय सिर्फ समाचारों की रिपोर्ट करता है।

 दुनिया में क्या हो रहा है, इसमें दिलचस्पी रखने वाले किसी भी व्यक्ति के लिए Google पर ताज़ा समाचार एक मूल्यवान संसाधन है। आज, चूंकि बहुत कुछ चल रहा है जो समाचार के योग्य है, Google समाचार सेवा शिक्षाविदों, पत्रकारों और व्यवसायियों के लिए एक जबरदस्त संसाधन है।

 Google समाचार HTML, टेक्स्ट और RSS/Atom फ़ीड द्वारा प्राप्त किया जा सकता है। समाचार पर कालानुक्रमिक परिप्रेक्ष्य देने के लिए कहानियों को व्यवस्थित और छान-बीन किया जा सकता है। मीडिया के संदर्भ में यह देखना हमेशा दिलचस्प होता है कि कहानी कैसे आगे बढ़ती है, समय के साथ कैसे बदलती है और जैसे-जैसे नई जानकारी उपलब्ध होती जाती है।

 विभिन्न उद्योगों में Google की सफलता वास्तव में क्रांतिकारी है। यही कारण है कि यह कोई आश्चर्य की बात नहीं है कि Google समाचार ने मीडिया रिपोर्टिंग में उत्कृष्ट प्रदर्शन किया है। Google पर ब्रेकिंग न्यूज भी अनुकूलन योग्य है। इसका मतलब है कि आप चुन सकते हैं कि आप अपने पेज पर किस तरह की खबरें दिखाना चाहते हैं।

Friday, April 23, 2021

5 Main Benefits Of Starting Your Own Ebay Internet Home Business | Technical

5 Main Benefits Of Starting Your Own Ebay Internet Home Business 
Today, many people are looking for opportunities to earn money online, and selling merchandise on Ebay is one of the popular ways of earning money on the internet. 

Regardless of the type of online business you start, there are many benefits that you can enjoy if you have your own business. This article presents the main benefits that you enjoy as an Ebay seller making money on the internet. 
You can earn a living the easy way selling products on Ebay. Some people have very stressful jobs that take up all their time, such that they have no time left for their family and other interests. If you start your own Ebay business, you can earn a living at home doing something that is fun and easy. 

You are your own boss and you set the targets of what you want to earn from your business. Many people put up with hard-to-please bosses and annoying workmates. If you start your own Ebay business, you get rid of your boss, and you do not have to commute to work every day. 
You can pursue your interests. The best way to make money is by doing what you enjoy. Because you can sell anything on Ebay, you can create your own products based on your interests, and sell them on Ebay. Since you will be doing something that you enjoy, you can never get bored or tired of building your Ebay business. 

If you start your own Ebay business, you can work from home and you can have a better work-life balance. Since you are your own boss, you can adjust your life to suit your business. 

Starting an Ebay business enables you to achieve financial freedom. If you take your Ebay business seriously and professionally, you can make a lot of money on the internet selling merchandise. Very few people can become rich from a job salary. By starting your own Ebay business, you can achieve financial freedom and make any amount of money you want on the internet. 

Given all these benefits that you enjoy if you have your own Ebay business, it's a good idea that you start your own Ebay business today!

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Staying Out of Trouble with eBay's Listing Policies. | TECHNICAL

Staying Out of Trouble with eBay's Listing Policies. 
While you can sell most things on eBay, quite a few things are banned. If you try to sell any of these things then eBay will remove your auction and all bids will be void. 

Here is eBay's full list of prohibited or questionable items: 

Academic Software
Airline and Transit Related Items
Alcohol (also see Wine)
Animals and Wildlife Products
Anti-circumvention Policy

Authenticity Disclaimers
Autographed Items
Beta Software
Bootleg Recordings
Brand Name Misuse
Catalog Sales 
Catalytic Converters and Test Pipes
Celebrity Material
Charity or Fundraising Listings
Comparison Policy
Compilation and Informational Media
Contracts and Tickets
Counterfeit Currency and Stamps
Counterfeit Items
Credit Cards
Downloadable Media
Drugs & Drug Paraphernalia
Electronics Equipment
Embargoed Goods and Prohibited Countries
Encouraging Infringement Policy
Event Tickets 

Faces, Names and Signatures
Firearms, Ammunition, Replicas, and Militaria

Freon and Other Refrigerants
Gift Cards 

Government IDs and Licenses
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Items
Human Parts and Remains
Importation of Goods into the United States
International Trading - Buyers
International Trading - Sellers
Lockpicking Devices
Lottery Tickets 

Mailing Lists and Personal Information
Manufacturers' Coupons
Mature Audiences
Medical Devices
Misleading Titles 

Mod Chips, Game Enhancers, and Boot Discs
Movie Prints 

Multi-level Marketing, Pyramid and Matrix Programs
OEM Software 

Offensive Material
Plants and Seeds
Police-Related Items
Political Memorabilia
Postage Meters
Pre-Sale Listings
Prescription Drugs and Devices
Promotional Items
Real Estate
Recalled Items
Recordable Media
Replica and Counterfeit Items
Satellite and Cable TV Descramblers
Slot Machines 

Stocks and Other Securities
Stolen Property
Surveillance Equipment


Unauthorized Copies
Used Clothing
Weapons & Knives
Wine (also see Alcohol) 

Most of this is very obvious - of course you can't sell illegal things like drugs, pyramid schemes or stolen goods. Almost everything that is on the list is there because there is law against selling it. Some of the reasons, though, are a little strange. 

The 'autographed items' entry, for example, doesn't mean that you can't sell anything that's been autographed - it just means that you can only sell it if it comes with a certificate of authenticity. The 'artifacts' entry prohibits you from selling Native American graves; 'celebrity material' means you can't sell unauthorised pictures of celebrities; 'embargoed goods' means that you can't sell anything that comes from Cuba… on and on it goes, and most of it you never need to know. 
If your chosen kind of item seems to be on the list, though, and you're concerned that you might not be able to sell it, then check the full list at to see whether the item is banned entirely or there are just a few restrictions. 

eBay says it will remove any items that it believes violate copyright law, but in reality they don't have that many people to monitor the site. You will generally only find that your auction gets removed if someone decides to report you - and even then, they might not get around to it. 

Really, buying and selling on eBay can sometimes feel more complicated than it really is, thanks to all the rules surrounding it - not to mention the jargon. Our next email is a 'jargon buster', to help you learn the language of eBay.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

What You Need to Know BEFORE You Get Started on eBay. | Technical

What You Need to Know BEFORE You Get Started on eBay. 
So you've decided that you want to get started as a seller on eBay. There are a few things that you really need to know before you go and throw yourself in at the deep end. 

What to Sell. 

First off, you need to know what it is you're going to sell: what's your speciality? You'll do far better on eBay if you become a great source for certain kind of products, as people who are interested in those products will come back to you again and again. You won't get any loyalty or real reputation if you just sell rubbish at random. 
When you think about what to sell, there are a few things to consider. The most important of these is to always sell what you know. If you try to sell something that you just don't know anything about then you'll never write a good description and sell it for a good price. 

You might think you're not especially interested in anything, but if you think about what kind of things you usually buy and which websites you go to most often, I'm sure you'll discover some kind of interest. If all else fails mention it to your friends and family: they'll almost certainly say "Oh, well why don't you sell…", and you'll slap your forehead. 

Out of the things you know enough about, you should then consider which things you could actually get for a good enough price to resell, and how suitable they would be for posting. If you can think of something of that you're knowledgeable about and it's small and light enough for postage to be relatively cheap, then that's great! 
Don't worry if you think the thing you're selling is too obscure - it isn't. There's a market for almost everything on eBay, even things that wouldn't sell once in a year if you stocked them in a shop. You'll probably do even better if you fill a niche than if you sell something common. 

Tax and Legal Matters. 
If you earn enough money, you should be aware that you're going to have to start paying tax - this won't be done for you. If you decide to sell on eBay on a full-time basis, you should probably register as a business. 

Prepare Yourself. 

There are going to be ups and downs when you sell on eBay. Don't pack it in if something goes a little wrong in your first few sales: the sellers who are successful on eBay are the ones who enjoy it, and stick at it whatever happens. 
Anyone can sell on eBay, if they believe in themselves - and if you do decide it's not for you, then the start-up costs are so low that you won't really have lost anything. 

If you're ready to start selling, then the next thing you need to know is the different auction types, so you can decide which ones you will use to sell your items. Our next email will give you a guide.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

EBay Income Possibilities.| TECHNICAL | #ebay #ebayseller #amazon #poshmark #reseller #vintage #ebaystore #resellercommunity #etsy #ebayreseller #ebaycommunity #mercari #forsale #poshmarkseller #fashion #thrifting #resellerlife #thrift #ebaysales #depop #ebaylife #s #sale #poshmarkcommunity #onlineshopping #mercariseller #ecommerce #thriftstorefinds #poshmarkcloset #bhfyp

EBay Income Possibilities. 
If you've ever read an article about eBay, you will have seen the kinds of incomes people make - it isn't unusual to hear of people making thousands of dollars per month on eBay. 

Next time you're on eBay, take a look at how many PowerSellers there are: you'll find quite a few. Now consider that every single one of one of them must be making at least $1,000 per month, as that's eBay's requirement for becoming a PowerSeller. Silver PowerSellers make at least $3,000 each month, while Gold PowerSellers make more than $10,000, and the Platinum level is $25,000. The top ranking is Titanium PowerSeller, and to qualify you must make at least $150,000 in sales every month! 
The fact that these people exist gives you come idea of the income possibilities here. Most of them never set out to even set up a business on eBay - they simply started selling a few things, and then kept going. There are plenty of people whose full-time job is selling things on eBay, and some of them have been doing it for years now. Can you imagine that? Once they've bought the stock, everything else is pretty much pure profit for these people - they don't need to pay for any business premises, staff, or anything else. There are multi-million pound businesses making less in actual profit than eBay PowerSellers do. 

Even if you don't want to quit your job and really go for it, you can still use eBay to make a significant second income. You can pack up orders during the week and take them down to the post office for delivery each Saturday. There are few other things you could be doing with your spare time that have anywhere near that kind of earning potential. 
What's more, eBay doesn't care who you are, where you live, or what you look like: some PowerSellers are very old, or very young. Some live out in the middle of nowhere where selling on eBay is one of the few alternatives to farming or being very poor. eBay tears down the barriers to earning that the real world constantly puts up. There's no job interview and no commuting involved - if you can post things, you can do it. 

Put it this way: if you know where to get something reasonably cheaply that you could sell, then you can sell it on eBay - and since you can always get discounts for bulk at wholesale, that's not exactly difficult. Buy a job lot of something in-demand cheaply, sell it on eBay, and you're making money already, with no set-up costs. 
If you want to dip your toe in the water before you commit to actually buying anything, then you can just sell things that you've got lying around in the house. Search through that cupboard of stuff you never use, and you'll probably find you've got a few hundred dollars' worth of stuff lying around in there! This is the power of eBay: there is always someone who wants what you're selling, whatever it might be, and since they've come looking for you, you don't even need to do anything to get them to buy it. 
So you want to get started on eBay? Well, that's great! There are only a few little things you need to learn to get started. Our next email will give you the lowdown.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Advertise, Do not Spam | Technical #technology #tech #innovation #engineering #iphone #business #science #technews #design #electronics #apple #gadgets #smartphone #instagood #programming #android #pro #software #bhfyp #samsung #computer #instatech #education #coding #gadget #security #mobile #oneplus #covid #bhfyp

Advertise, Do not Spam 

There is a fine line between advertising and spam and unfortunately many business owners do not understand the difference between the two. This is important because while a cleaver, well planted Internet marketing campaign can help to attract new customers and keep existing customers loyal, spam is likely to alienate both new customers and existing customers. This can be extremely damaging to profit margins for the business owners. This article will take a look at a few basic Internet marketing strategies such as banner ads, email campaign and message board posts and describe how each can quickly cross the line from cleaver advertising to spam. 

Banner ads are one of the most popular strategies which accompany an Internet marketing plan. These ads are usually ads which appear at the top of websites and span the width of the website. It is from this appearance that they earned the name banner ads but actually banner ads can refer to ads of a variety of different sizes and shapes which appear in an array of different locations on a website. In many cases the business owner purchases advertising space on these websites but the banner ad may also be placed as part of an exchange or an affiliate marketing campaign. Banner ad exchanges are situations in which one business owner posts a banner ad on his website in exchange for another business owner posting his banner ad on the other website. These agreements may be made individually between business owners with complementary businesses or as part of exchanges facilitated by a third party. In the case of affiliate marketing, an affiliate posts and advertisement for your business in exchange for compensation when the banner ad produces a desired effect such as generating website traffic or generating a sale. The terms of these agreements are determined beforehand and are generally based on a scale of pay per impression, pay per click or pay per sale or lead. 
Now that you understand what banner ads are, it is also important to understand how they can be overused and appear to be spam. Judiciously placing your banner ad on a few websites which are likely to attract an audience similar to your target audience is smart marketing, placing your banner ad on any website which will display the ad regardless of the target audience can be construed as spam. Internet users who feel as though your banner ads are everywhere they turn will not likely take your business seriously and are not likely to purchase products or services from you as a result of your banner ads. 

Email campaigns can also be very useful tools in the industry of Internet marketing. These campaigns may involve sending periodic e-newsletters filled with information as well as advertisements, short, informative email courses or emails offering discounts on products and services. Loyal customers who opt into your email list will likely not view these emails as spam and may purchase additional products and services from your business as a result of this marketing strategy. Additionally, potential customers who have specifically requested additional information on your products and services will also find this type of marketing to be useful. However, email recipients who did not request information are likely to view your emails as spam. Harvesting email addresses in a deceptive manner and using these addresses to send out mass emails will likely always be considered to be spam. 
Finally, message boards provide an excellent opportunity for business owners to obtain some free advertising where it will be noticed by members of the target audience. If the products and services you offer appeal to a specific niche, it is worthwhile to join message boards and online forums related to your industry of choice. Here you will find a large population of Internet users who may have an interest in your products. You might consider including a link to your business in your signature or posting the link when it is applicable to the conversation. However, care should be taken to carefully review the message board guidelines to ensure you are not doing anything inappropriate. This technique is smart marketing. Conversely, replying to every message with a link to your website when it is not relevant to the conversation is likely to be construed as spam by other members. Once they begin to view your posts as spam, they are not likely to visit your website via the links you post.

eBay: The First 10 Years. Technical

eBay: The First 10 Years. 

Yes, you read that correctly: ten years. eBay was created in September 1995, by a man called Pierre Omidyar, who was living in San Jose. He wanted his site - then called 'AuctionWeb' - to be an online marketplace, and wrote the first code for it in one weekend. It was one of the first websites of its kind in the world. The name 'eBay' comes from the domain Omidyar used for his site. His company's name was Echo Bay, and the 'eBay AuctionWeb' was originally just one part of Echo Bay's website at The first thing ever sold on the site was Omidyar's broken laser pointer, which he got $14 for. 

The site quickly became massively popular, as sellers came to list all sorts of odd things and buyers actually bought them. Relying on trust seemed to work remarkably well, and meant that the site could almost be left alone to run itself. The site had been designed from the start to collect a small fee on each sale, and it was this money that Omidyar used to pay for AuctionWeb's expansion. The fees quickly added up to more than his current salary, and so he decided to quit his job and work on the site full-time. It was at this point, in 1996, that he added the feedback facilities, to let buyers and sellers rate each other and make buying and selling safer. 

In 1997, Omidyar changed AuctionWeb's - and his company's - name to 'eBay', which is what people had been calling the site for a long time. He began to spend a lot of money on advertising, and had the eBay logo designed. It was in this year that the one-millionth item was sold (it was a toy version of Big Bird from Sesame Street). 

Then, in 1998 - the peak of the dotcom boom - eBay became big business, and the investment in Internet businesses at the time allowed it to bring in senior managers and business strategists, who took in public on the stock market. It started to encourage people to sell more than just collectibles, and quickly became a massive site where you could sell anything, large or small. Unlike other sites, though, eBay survived the end of the boom, and is still going strong today. 

1999 saw eBay go worldwide, launching sites in the UK, Australia and Germany. eBay bought, an Amazon-like online retailer, in the year 2000 - the same year it introduced Buy it Now - and bought PayPal, an online payment service, in 2002. 

Pierre Omidyar has now earned an estimated $3 billion from eBay, and still serves as Chairman of the Board. Oddly enough, he keeps a personal weblog at There are now literally millions of items bought and sold every day on eBay, all over the world. For every $100 spent online worldwide, it is estimated that $14 is spent on eBay - that's a lot of laser pointers. 

Now that you know the history of eBay, perhaps you'd like to know how it could work for you? Our next email will give you an idea of the possibilities.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Word Of Mouth Marketing Stemming From Email Marketing

Word Of Mouth Marketing Stemming From Email Marketing 

Sometimes the benefits of email marketing are quite different than anticipated. Most Internet marketers understand the basic concept of email marketing which is to email promotional materials to a large group of Internet users to promote an interest in your products or services. This concept is easy for many to understand but sometimes there are added benefits to email marketing. This article will discuss the basics of email marketing and will also explain how sometimes email marketing can be much further reaching than planned. This additional reach can be either a positive or a negative depending on the quality of the original emails and the reactions of the original recipients. 

Email marketing is a very simple concept which is also extremely cost effective. The general idea behind email marketing is that an email is sent to an email distribution list and these emails are intended to create an interest in the products or services offered by the originator of the email. In theory this concept could not be simpler but email marketing can get significantly more complicated. One of the biggest complicating factors is the potential for the emails used in the marketing campaign to be viewed as spam by either the recipient of the email or the spam filter provided by the Internet service provider. This potential alone creates a major complication because Internet marketers have to make a significant effort to assure their messages are not trapped by a spam filter or immediately deleted by the recipients for appearing to be spam. 

Once the email messages get through to the recipient, they have a small window of opportunity to make a positive impression on the recipients and influence him to make a purchase or at least visit the business owner’s website. Providing quality content, keeping advertising subtle and at a minimum and providing a clear call to action are all factors which can help to get the message across and entice the potential customer to make a purchase or at least visit the website to research the products and services a little bit more. 

As previously stated the goal of an email marketing campaign is to convince the email recipient to either make a purchase or visit the website to obtain more information. When an email recipient performs either one of these actions, it is considered a huge success. However, thanks to the power of the forward button email marketing can actually be much more successful than even the business owner intended. 

The great aspect of email marketing is that when the email recipients receive an email which they think is worthwhile they are likely to make a purchase and may also forward the information onto a friend or family member they think might be interested in this information as well. The ability to forward email messages has become comparable satisfied customers using word of mouth to tout the quality of the products or services they received. However, the ability to forward a worthwhile email message is exponentially more effective than using word of mouth to spread the word. With just a few clicks of the mouse, the original email recipient can forward the message to several of his friends at once. This can result in significantly better results than the business owner had originally intended with no additional effort on behalf of the business owners.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Why Not Email Marketing? | TECHNICAL

Why Not Email Marketing? 

If you are currently participating in other types of Internet marketing but not email marketing you should seriously consider why you are avoiding this type of advertising. This is important because email marketing can be a very important part of an Internet marketing campaign. Many business owners avoid email marketing for fear of being accused of spamming. Internet markets may not have a clear understanding of what is spam and what is not so they avoid participation in email marketing campaigns to avoid the potential for being labeled a spammer. 

Why are Internet marketers so afraid of being accused of being purveyors of spam? This is a common fear for a number of reasons. First of all there may be harsh penalties associated with sending spam emails. Recipients of spam have the option of reporting the spam to their Internet service provider who will investigate the validity of the claim. If the originator of the email is determined to be a spammer there can be harsh consequences. 

Internet marketers are also afraid of email marketing because they believe it will not be well received by potential customers. This is an important concept because Internet users are bombarded with spam each day. Receiving this quantity of spam each day can be frustrating and can anger some Internet users. These Internet users are not likely to be receptive to email marketing. The fear that these potential customers will view email marketing and stray to competitors keeps many Internet marketers from taking advantage of this type of marketing strategy. 

However, it is important to note that despite the prevalent problem with spam, many Internet users are quite receptive to email marketing. This is especially true in situations where they specifically requested to receive more information from the business owner regarding his products and services. Potential clients are particularly receptive to email marketing which provides something of value to the recipient of the email. Emails which contain in depth articles, useful tips or product reviews may be appreciated by consumers. 

Additionally, items such as e-newsletters and correspondence courses offered via email can be of particular interest to potential customers. E-newsletters are typically longer documents than traditional email marketing pieces and can provide a great deal of additional information to the email recipient. Email correspondence courses may be offered in short segments and typically amount to a significant amount of information which is likely to be greatly appreciated by the email recipients. 

One final way to prevent email recipients from viewing your email marketing efforts as spam is to only send the emails to recipients who register with your website and specifically request for you to send them additional information and promotional materials. This opt in formula is ideal because it ensures you are not wasting your email marketing efforts on recipients who are not interested in your products or services. It also ensures the recipients of the email marketing campaign do not view the informative and promotional materials they are receiving as spam. This technique for compiling an email distribution list is quite effective but it is important to remember you should always include information on how recipients can opt out of receiving future emails, is a great service to help with this. This is important because the email recipients may have once been interested in receiving marketing emails but over time this may change. If they are no longer interested in these emails, they may begin to view the emails as spam if they are not given the option of being removed from the distribution list.

When to End Your Email Marketing Campaign | TECHNICAL

When to End Your Email Marketing Campaign 

Deciding when to end an email marketing campaign is one subject which many business owners may struggle with on a regular basis. This decision can be difficult both in situations in which the email marketing campaign is enjoying a great deal of success and in situations in which the email marketing campaign is failing. In general business owners will have to evaluate a number of different criteria to make this decision and there is no one specific formula which will work for all business owners. In this article we will examine three different scenarios including a successful email marketing campaign which is approaching a logical conclusion, an email marketing campaign which is failing and a successful email marketing campaign which may be able to run indefinitely. 

First we will examine the case of a successful email marketing campaign which is approaching a logical conclusion. In some cases it may be logical for a business owner to conclude his email marketing efforts. The most obvious example is an email marketing campaign which is focused on achieving a specific goal and not selling products or services. For example an email marketing campaign which is political in nature may start off slowly, peak during a time when voters are most interested in obtaining information about the issues and then begin to wane as the voting process begins and the majority of voters have already made their decision. Similarly an email marketing campaign which is focused on collecting donations for a specific charity will logically end as the goal is reached. These email marketing campaigns may be highly successful but there is simply no reason to continue them beyond when the goals is reached. 

Next we will consider the case of an email marketing campaign which is not achieving its goal. Deciding when to end an email marketing campaign of this nature can be difficult because it will involve a number of different factors. For example if the business owner is investing a great deal of time and money into email marketing and not generating results despite an honest effort it may be time to end this marketing campaign. However, if the business owner has not invested a great deal in the email marketing campaign and has a few remaining ideas for turning the campaign into a success, it might be worthwhile to continue the email campaign for a little longer to see if the desired goals can be met. 

Finally, it is important to note that email marketing campaigns do not always have to come to an end. Consider a niche topic such as search engine optimization (SEO). A business owner who has been producing and distributing monthly e-newsletters on this subject and receiving a positive response to these email marketing tools, there is not reason for him to discontinue the email marketing as long as he is still capable of producing the e-newsletters. Similarly to the way many magazines have been in publication for years and years it is possible for an e-newsletter to remain active for as long s there is a need and an interest in the information being provided. In our example of a business owner publishing an SEO newsletter, the need for this product remains because SEO is continually evolving and recipients of the e-newsletter may anticipate receiving the e-newsletter each month to get more information on current trends in the industry.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

When Email Marketing Is Not Enough | TECHNICAL

When Email Marketing Is Not Enough 

If you have already entered the world of email marketing you likely already realize the potential this type of marketing has to offer. However, you also likely realize it is not reasonable to expect your business to thrive if email marketing is the only marketing strategy you choose to utilize. This is not unusual as most businesses do not typically have a great deal of success unless they make the decision to incorporate more than one type of marketing into their overall marketing strategy. This article will examine a few other types of Internet marketing which may be used in conjunction with email marketing. 

Email marketing in itself can be multi faceted. It may include sending out mass emails, distributing e-newsletters and even offering correspondence courses via email. Implementing only one of these email marketing strategies may resulting a small increase in either website traffic or sales but implementing more than one strategy at a time can create a more pronounced effect. 

Similarly it is definitely worthwhile to incorporate other types of Internet marketing into promoting your business online if you are not already doing so. This can help you to enjoy a greater degree of success if you apply the strategies correctly. Some of the other types of marketing strategies you may wish to employ include placing banner ads, participating in industry related message boards and starting an affiliate program. 

Of the other types of Internet marketing available, placing banner ads may be the most expensive option. In many cases your business will have to pay another website for the privilege of placing your banner ad on their website. Choosing a website which sells products which complement, without competing, for your business is worthwhile. However, there are some free options for banner ads including exchanges. However, you may be required to place more than one banner ad on your website for each time your banner ad appears on another lineup. Additionally, with this type of agreement you may not be able to control the type of website which displays your banner ad. For this reason it is worthwhile to pay for ad space so you can have more control over where your banner ads are displayed. 

Participating in industry related forums can be another way to promote your business online. Message boards are online meeting places where individuals who share an interest can get together to discuss their interests as well as pertinent issues. They can also ask and answer questions. Most message boards allow users to place a link to their website in their signature line. If you regularly participate on an industry related message board and include a signature line with a link to your website you can reach a high concentration of members of your target audience. When using message boards to promote your business it is important to follow all message board guidelines and to avoid techniques which may be deemed as spam such as posting your link when it is not appropriate. 

Affiliate marketing programs are another type of online marketing which can be used in conjunction with email marketing. Affiliate marketing involves allowing website owners to place advertisements for your business on their website. These website owners are known as affiliates. Each time one of their advertisements causes an Internet user to click through the advertisement or purchase an item the affiliate is compensated. This compensation schedule makes affiliate marketing incredibly cost effective. Essentially you do not pay your affiliates unless the advertising generates a specific reaction form Internet users such as making a purchase or generating website traffic. The amount of compensation should be determined beforehand and may be based on a flat fee or a percentage of the sale. Business owners have to embed code into the affiliate ads to determine which ads are generating profit or traffic so they know which affiliates to compensate but this information is also useful for determining which advertisements are most effective. This information can be used to fine tune the marketing effort.

When Email Marketing Does Not Work | TECHNICAL

When Email Marketing Does Not Work 

Whether you are already involved in an email marketing campaign or are simply considering the possibility of launching an email marketing campaign it is important to note that email marketing does not always work. This means that sometimes despite your best efforts, or sometimes in spite of your best efforts, you email marketing campaign will either not generate the degree of success you anticipated or may not generate any success at all. This failure to generate success may be do to a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons may be a lack of interest on behalf of your target audience, failure to properly execute your email marketing strategy or poor planning in your strategy. This article will take a look at some situations in which email marketing is not effective and will offer some advice for dealing with these situations. 

First we will consider why a lack of interest from target audience members can result in a failed email marketing campaign. Before investing time, energy and money into an email marketing campaign, it is worthwhile to hire a consultant to conduct market research. This research should provide valuable feedback such as demographics for the target audience and information on the probability these target audience members will be responsive to email marketing. This last piece of information in particular should help the business owner to determine whether or not to pursue email marketing as an advertising option. If market research indicates the members of your target audience are not likely to purchase the products or services you offer online or even use the Internet to research these products or services; investing in an email marketing campaign is not worthwhile. You may enjoy a small degree of success from this marketing effort but it is not likely to significant enough to warrant the time and effort required to achieve this small degree of success. 

Another aspect of email marketing which can cause your marketing campaign to result in failure is the inability to properly execute your marketing plan. This is important because even the most well formulated marketing strategy can flounder if you are not able to properly execute these steps. For example, you may plan to use e-newsletters as a critical component of your email marketing campaign but if these e-newsletters do not appear to be professionally designed and written, frequently arrive late and do not offer valuable information, readers are not likely to invest in your products or services based on these e-newsletters. In each aspect of your email marketing campaign, you should strive to ensure the information you provide to your email recipients is informative, accurate and interesting. This type of copy is more likely to pique the interest of the readers. 

Finally, poor planning can cause an email marketing campaign to falter. For example, if you were to issue a component of your email marketing campaign hoping to generate a huge interest in your products and receive a great deal of interest, you should be prepared to be able to sell your products. Not having enough stock on hand after you undergo a marketing effort can be a critical mistake because potential customers may lose interest if they have to wait for the products. 
This is just one example of poor planning causing problems but poor planning can cause a host of different problems including potential customers losing interesting, the creation of confusion regarding your products and services and even potential customers being angered by your email marketing.

Using Advertising in Email Marketing | TECHNICAL

Using Advertising in Email Marketing 

The subject of whether or not it is acceptable to use advertising in email market is hotly debated with some Internet marketers being strongly in favor of placing advertisements in email marketing while others are strongly against the use of advertisements in email marketing. Still others take a more neutral stance and are not either firmly for or against the use of advertising in email marketing. This article will take a look at both sides of the argument and allow the reader to formulate his own opinions on whether or not this subject is worthwhile. 

There are some Internet marketers who are strongly in favor of the use of advertisements in emails distributed for marketing purposes. Those who favor the use of advertisements view the sale of advertising space on email marketing materials such as emails or e-newsletters as a way to generate profit from the email marketing itself. They also believe this tactic puts less pressure on the Internet marketer to meet the expectations of the members of the email distribution list because the emails are already generating a profit even if they do not entice the email recipients to make a purchase. 

Those who are firmly against the use of advertising in email marketing feel as though this makes the advertisements seem more like spam and less like marketing materials or useful information. Those on this side of the fence feel as though any advertisement in an email marketing campaign should be subtle advertising for the products and services offered by the distributor of the email and not advertisements for businesses who have paid for an advertising spot on the email. They believe the original emails are acceptable but additions to them are spam. 

Still others are someone in between on the debate regarding whether or not advertising in email marketing is acceptable. In most cases these individuals believe it is acceptable for there to be advertising as long as it does not overshadow the original intent of the email. This middle of the road concept implies the Internet marketers are not firmly for or against the concept of placing advertisements on emails distributed fro marketing purposes. 

The information in this article is rather vague by intention because it leaves more of an opportunity for the reader to form his own opinion. This is important because the subject is largely a matter of personal preference. Each reader must decide for himself whether or not he agrees with one side or the other or chooses to take a middle of the road stance. The opinions of readers of this article may be influenced by whether or not they are considered to be marketers or consumers. This is significant because it can impact the preferences. For example consumers may be less likely to appreciate advertisements in emails intended for marketing purposes because they feel it distracts from the original products. However, marketers may be more apt to be accepting of advertising because they can understand the financial gain which is possible. When evaluating opinions about the use of advertising, it is important to note whether or not the individual offering the opinion is involved in advertising. It might be more worthwhile to seek out opinions from consumers only as they are more likely to share the beliefs of your potential customers.

Understanding Email Marketing | TECHNICAL

Understanding Email Marketing 

Do you understand email marketing? If you do not, you do not have to worry just yet. This is because the concept of email marketing is relatively new and many business owners have not started to take advantage of this wonderful marketing tool yet. However, there are some savvy business owners who are already employing email marketing techniques to create additional business for themselves and to gain an advantage over the competition. While not having a great deal of knowledge about email marketing is not an immediate threat to your business, you should start learning about this concept to ensure it does not become a problem for you later as more and more business owners in your niche begin to take advantage of the concept of email marketing. This article will provide information on email marketing which should be useful to business owners who do not have experience with the subject matter. 

Business owners should first understand the options available to them in terms of email marketing. The most common options include sending out mass emails with promotional materials, publishing and distributing e-newsletters and offering correspondence courses via email. The advantage to all of these marketing strategies is the ability to reach a worldwide audience. Unlike traditional methods of marketing such as television and radio ads or print media ads which only reach an audience in a limited area anyone with access to the Internet can benefit from your email marketing techniques. 

Mass emails are the most popular form of email marketing. This includes emails which are sent to hundreds, thousands or even millions of recipients at once. The problem with this type of marketing is the potential for having your emails viewed as spam. This is likely to occur if you send your emails to recipients who have no interest in your products or services and have not expressed interest in receiving emails from you. 

E-newsletters are also becoming increasingly popular as a form of email marketing. E-newsletters can be a simple or as complex as you prefer and may include text, graphics, advertisements, links or any combination of these elements. One of the first decisions you will have to make is whether you wish to make your e-newsletter strictly text or include graphics in the e-newsletter. If you are on a tight budget, it may be worthwhile to only include text to avoid the need to hire a graphic artist. You may be able to incorporate graphics yourself but they won’t look nearly as professional as the graphics provided by a professional. Likewise you can certainly write your own copy for your e-newsletter but you will likely create a much better impression if you hire a qualified professional writer to create the content for you instead. 

Hiring a professional graphic artist and a professional writer may seem like an extraneous expense but it is actually quite important. Your e-newsletter may be the first impression many potential customers get of you and your work so it is important to make sure everything is of the highest quality. 

Correspondence courses offered via email is the final email marketing strategy we will discuss. These courses may be either offered for a fee and turn into a source of income themselves or they may be made available for free. The theory behind offering these courses for free is they often contain subtle advertising urging visitors to invest in the products and services offered by your business. Whether you charge for your email correspondences courses or offer them for free, care should be taken to ensure the information contained in these courses is completely accurate. This is critical because potential customers who receive these email courses will be judging your business based on the quality and accuracy of these email courses. If they are filled with errors the potential customer may doubt the quality of your work and seek out the products and services offered by others including your direct competitors.

The Right Content for Your Email Marketing | TECHNICAL

The Right Content for Your Email Marketing 

Email marketing may include sending email advertisements to a large distribution list, publishing and distributing an e-newsletter and sending informative emails with a soft sell approach to encourage recipients to make a purchase or visit your website. Whether you opt to utilize one or all of these email marketing techniques, you will be faced with one specific dilemma and that is writing the content which will appear in these emails. This is critical because these emails may be the first impression potential customers are receiving for your products and services. Superior content will give the potential customers a good first impression which may make them more likely to purchase your products or services. This article will discuss some proven techniques for ensuring the content you use in your email marketing campaign will reap the maximum benefits. 

The importance of hiring a professional writer to assist you in your email marketing campaign cannot be stressed enough. It is one of the most critical elements to the success of your campaign. You may be a decent writer or you may have a staff member who you think can do a good job creating the content for your email marketing but unless you or your staff member is a professional writer by trade, the quality of the work will likely not be of the same quality as a professional can produce. This can be very damaging especially if your competitors are hiring writers to create their content. Your emails will likely not be viewed as favorably as the emails written by professionals. 

The content you decide to include in your email marketing efforts is largely a matter of personal preference but there are some methods which have traditionally been more successful than others. The type of content which may be effective often includes informative articles, short useful tips, links to relevant websites, advertising for complementary products and even some subtle forms of advertising which are meant to persuade the recipients of the email to either make a purchase or visit your website. 

Full length insightful articles which are likely to be of interest to the members of your email distribution list are an excellent idea for your email marketing campaign. These articles are a good idea because they will likely contain information which the recipients of your email will appreciate. Additionally, these articles give you the opportunity to include information about your products or services in the copy of the email. 
This can be a subtle form of advertising when it encourages the recipients to purchase a product or service or visit the website without actually asking the recipient to do so. 

Short product reviews can also be very useful and helpful when you include them in your email marketing campaign. These reviews can help to attract a great deal of attention especially when the reviews focus on the products you offer and provide favorable reviews for these products. This type of information can either be subjective in nature or can remain objective by simply specifying the features of the products and offering other concrete pieces of information as opposed to opinions of the products. 

Advertising is often a quite important part of an email marketing campaign. This advertising may either be direct or indirect in nature. Direct advertising may include banner ads or other graphical advertisements which encourage website visitors to click through the link to reach either your website or a sponsor’s website. Indirect advertising may apply to content in the copy of featured articles which subtly encourage visitors to make a purchase or visit your website. The indirect marketing in an email marketing campaign is usually supporting the products or services you offer while direct marketing will likely promote products and services offered by sponsors who paid to receive advertising space on the email. Email recipients are usually well aware these graphics are part of an advertisement and will choose to click on these links when they have an interest in the products or services being offered.

The Reaction to Your Email Marketing | TECHNICAL

The Reaction to Your Email Marketing 

Email marketing can actually be much more effective than most people think. Many business owners do not invest a great deal of time, energy or money into orchestrating an email marketing campaign because they mistakenly believe all email marketing is viewed as spam. However, this is simply not true. Business owners who have discovered how to market via email successfully, enjoy a great deal of success with this type of marketing. This article will discuss how email marketing can be successful and will provide insight into how to determine how your email marketing is being received. 

Before we can discuss how to determine the reaction to your email marketing campaign, it is important for business owners to understand how to plan and execute an email marketing campaign which is successful. Perhaps one of the most important elements of type of campaign is to ensure your marketing efforts are not viewed by the recipients as being spam. One way to do this is to carefully develop your email distribution list. Although you can reach a tremendous audience by sending out your email marketing materials to a large email list, this is not effective when you do not know much about whether or not the members of this email list will even be interested in your products or services. It is important to note that reaching a huge audience is not more important than reaching a highly targeted audience. 

Focusing your email marketing efforts on millions of recipients who do not have a specific interest in your products or services is not nearly as effective focusing your email marketing efforts on only hundreds of email recipients who are likely to be very interested in your products or services. This is because you are much more likely to generate sales from a small, target group than you are from a large group without a specific focus. 

Now that you know a little bit about email marketing and how it can be effective, you might wonder how you can determine just how effective your email marketing efforts are in the long run. This is important because it is not worthwhile to invest a great deal of time, energy and money into an email marketing campaign if your efforts are not generating results. Likewise, if your email marketing campaign is widely successful, you might want to consider organizing additional marketing efforts to further your success. We reccomend if you do not already have an autoresponder service. 

Customer surveys are one of the easiest ways to evaluate the reaction to your email marketing campaign. Asking customer to fill out simple surveys when they make a purchase can provide a great deal of insight depending on the questions you ask. Questions such as where the customer learned about your products and services may seem rather innocuous but this information can actually be rather useful to the business owner. Learning where a customer learned about the products and services you offer, provides excellent feedback for which of your marketing efforts are generating the most interest. If you receive a great deal of responses stating customers learned about your products or services through emails, this is a good indication that your email marketing campaign is effective. 

Another very popular way to evaluate the reaction to your email marketing efforts is to closely monitor your rate of sales as well as your website traffic immediately after you issue a new email to members of your distribution list. This can be helpful because an increase in sales or website traffic after an email was issued is a strong indication that the email was well received and encouraged recipients to visit the website and make purchases. However, there is one caveat to this method of evaluation. It can be quite difficult to determine whether or not the emails caused the increase in website traffic and sales if more than one marketing effort was made at the same time. For example if you issue an email at the same time as you launch a banner ad, you cannot determine which one is more effective and is driving the increase in sales and traffic.

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