Tuesday, December 31, 2019

List of Equipment and their Usage

The are various equipment used while installing a home appliance. Some of these are:

  • Rotary tubing or pipe cutter 
  • Tubing bender 
  • Power drill
Rotary Tubing or Pipe Cutter 
Pipe cutter and rotary tubing, both have a similar design. They have a structure like a C-section clump, one side stationary support and the other side adjustable support mounted at the end of an adjustment screw. These cutters have a roller wheel and a cutting wheel, where one is movable and the other is stationary. They are usually used to cut the tubes/pipe used during installation of a water purifier. 

To use the tube/pipe cutter follow the given steps:
  1. Open the tool.                                             a. Loosen the screw.                                 b.  Retract the cutting wheel or rollers
  2. Slide the tubing or pipe into the tool. 
  3. Turn the adjustment screw to bring the cutting wheel and the roller wheels in contact with it. 
  4. Rotate the tool around the clamped tubing or pipe to begin the cutting process 
  5. Tighten the adjustment screw after one full rotational pass to engage the cutting wheel deeper into the tubing or pipe. 
  6. Debus inner edge of the current, as soon as the tubing or pipe is cut. 
Tubing bender
An equipment used to provide consistent and accurate bends on various tubes, such as steel tubes, copper tubes and aluminum based tubes, is known as a tubing bender. This equipment can be used for bending pipe of any size. They are usually used to bend the tubes/pipe which may need to be connected to large pipes.

This equipment is also used to bend the tubes/pipe which may need to be connected to small pipes during installation of a water purifier.  

Manual tubing requires minimal training. These tubes can be used to bend the pipe up to 180° in a finished form. 

Steps to be followed while using a tubing bender are:
  • Choose an appropriate tubing bender   O Use an appropriate tool for the              particular 
  • Set up the tubing bender:                        O The bending tool consists an adjustment dial that should be set based on the radius that is desired for the tube as well as the overall number of degrees required in the bend. 
  • Mark bend directions and reference points :                                                         O Mark the tide with a reference longitudinal line.                                       O The line should be towards the direction that is opposite to the bend direction desired. 
  • Align and insert the tube into the bender:                                                         O Swing up one bending arm to insert the tube into the bending die, ensuring that the reference marks are visible.                                                          O Lower the second arm using latch mechanism to hold the tubing involved while allowing for minor adjustments. 
  • Start the bending process:                       O Firmly grip the roll support arm while bringing it down until the required degree mark is reached on the bending die.                                         OBe careful for any spring back during the process. 
  • Disengage the tube from the bender:     O Unlatch and disengage the tube from the die by lifting up the roll support arm, now remove the finished tube from the tube bender. 
Power Drill 
The power drill is used for fastening various objects together using fasteners or boring holes into various objects.  "Bits" and "drill bits" can be attached to it to match whatever screw it is to be used for, allowing to drill holes into various things. 

Power drill is generally used for:
  • Screwing jobs, for example in construction activities or during assembly of parts of big mavhineries or appliances such as a water purifier, mixer or a microwave oven. 
  • Drilling holes into various objects such as a wall or another surface to install an appliance, such as a water purifier, at a stationary posution
  • Dentistry, but the power drill is of a different kind. 
To use the power drill, follow the given steps:
  1. Loosen 
  2. Put the bit into the chuck 
  3. Tighten.  Ensure it is properly done. 

Monday, December 30, 2019

Work Standards and Safety for skill India

Maintain working standards
  • Identify safety rules 
Working Standards 
The following figure lists the standards that a technician must follow:

  • Checking all the tools required for installing / repairing are working properly 
  • Organizing all the tools required for installing /repairing appropriately 
  • Operating and checking whether the product is in a safe and stable condition
  • Disposing the waste material appropriately after installing /repairing the appliance 
  • Documenting all the necessary documents /payments
Safety Rules 
The following figure lists the safety rules that should be followed while working with an electrical appliance:


  • Ensure leads are not cut, frayed or worn - out. 
  • Check the wire is not bare at any point. 
  • Pull the plug out before using the appliance
  • Stay away from the appliance's electrical equipment. 
  • Yank the cord for disconnecting the plug. 
  • Overload sockets. 
  • Run extension leads through wet floor. 
  • Poke finger in the sockets. 
  • Touch the appliance when one is wet. 
The following figure shows some of the injuries that can happen while working with an electrical appliance:
  • Electric shock 
  • Cuts
  • Object falling in the eye 
To overcome these injuries,  we must provide first -aid as per the injury:
  • The following figure lists the steps of first -aid in care of an electric shock :
Stop the electricity source. 

Use a non-conducting ,dry object made up of either wood or plastic to move the electric source away from the injured. 

Perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)  ,in case the person shows no sign of body movement or air circulation. 

Keep the injured person worm. 

Cover the burned area with a clean cloth or a sterile gauze, if available. Avoid using a blanket or a towel. 

  • The following figure lists the steps of first -aid in case of cuts:
Put pressure on the wound until bleeding stops. 

Take off rings and bracelets as it may compress the nerves or prevent the blood flow. 

Use warm water and soap to clean the area. 

Cover the wound by applying an antibiotic ointment and a sterile bandage. 

Elevate the hand and then apply ice to reduce the swelling. 

  • The following figure lists the steps of first -aid in care an object fall in the eye:
Wash hands before touching the eye. 

Blink to allow the tears to wash it out. 

Use a clean cloth or cotton swab to remove it. 

Rinse the eyes using lukewarm water. 

Skill India

Skill India

Skill India

Skill India

Skill India

Skill India

Skilling India in Electronics for Skill India

Skill India for Skilling India in Electronics

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Social Security Schemes

Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana 

  • Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) was launched by Hon'ble Prime Minister on 28th August 2014. 
  • The scheme focuses on coverage of households in rural and urban areas by opening bank account. 
  • A minor about the age of 10 years can open his / her Savings Bank account in any Bank. 
  • RuPay Debit Card provides in-built Accidental Insurance Cover of Rs. 1.00 without any charge to the customer. 
  • To get benefit of Accidental Insurance Cover, RuPay Debit Card must be used at least once every 45 days. 
  • Overdraft facility up to Rs. 5000/- is available to one account holder in a family after 6 months of satisfactory conduct of the account. 
Pradhan Mantri Surksha Bima Yojana 
  • PMSBY, an Accident insurance Scheme provide accidental death and disability cover to account holders on accident upto Rs. 2.00 Lava. 
  • All Saving Bank account holders in the age 18 to 70 years are eligible for scheme with premium of Rs.12/ annum/ member renewable every year. 
Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana 
  • PMJJBY, an Insurance Scheme for life insurance cover of Rs. 2.00 Lava for death to any reason. 
  • Available at Bank branches/ Bank Mitr
  • All saving Bank account holders in age 18 to 50 years are eligible for this. 
  • The Premium is Rs. 330 plus service tax/ annum/ member.. Renewable at yearly intervals

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Important Extension for MS PowerPoint

.bmp -- Windows Paint.
.docx -- Microsoft Word
.xlsx -- Microsoft Excel
.pptx -- Microsoft PowerPoint Point
.mdb -- MS-Access file Extension for.                  2003 version
.accdb -- This extension is used to MS                  Access file for.                                            2007/2010version.
.com -- It is provide to Commercial.                   web site Extension.
.net -- Network Embedded Technology
.txt -- Notepad files Extension.
.jpeg -- It is a Image format. Scanning.               Photograph
.gif -- Graphics Interchange Format
.ico -- Icon file format to display the.               Software specify Icon
.exe -- Executable File.
.avi -- (Audio Video Interleave) Video.             with sound track accessible.                   through
.tif -- (TIFF: Tagged Image file format)            Graphics: A format.                                  popularized by page.                                Maker for moving.                                    graphics between.                                      different types of.                                      software.    and.                                          computers, often used by .                      scanners.
.voc -- (Creative Voice)  Sound:                           Windows Blaster cards record.               sounds in this format.
.wav -- (Waveform)  Sound: Windows.               Preferred format for storing.                 recorded sounds
.mp3 -- Audio Song file Extemsion
.mp4 -- Used to Video file Extension
.mpeg -- A compressed file format for                 movies

Important Logic Unit for MS PowerPoint

EBCDIC   --  external binary coded.                          decimal interchange.                              code 

EDP -- electronic data processing
EDVAC -- electronic discrete variable.                   automatic computer
ERP -- enterprise resource planning
I/O -- input/output
IBN -- international business machine
IC -- integrated circuit
JCL -- job control language
K/B -- key board
LAN -- local scale network
LSI -- large scale integration
MICR -- magnetic ink character .                          recognition
MOS -- metal oxide semi conductors
MS DOS -- micro soft disk operating.                       system
M. B.  -- mother board
MIS -- management information.                      system
RAM -- random access memory
ROM -- ready only memory
UNIVAC -- universal automatic.                                 computer
VLSIC -- very large scale integrated                     circuit
VDU -- visual display unit
WAN -- wide area network
GIAS -- gateway internet access.                         service
VSNL -- codes sanchar digital.                              network
ISDN -- integrated service digital.                        network
IRC -- internet rely chat
HTML -- hyper text mark up language
GIF -- graphics interchange format
JPEG -- joing photographic expert                       group
MPEG -- moving picture expert group
DNS -- domain name system
UPS -- uninterrupted power supply
OLE -- object linking and embedding
SQL -- structured query language
URL -- uniform resource locater
E-Commerce -- electric commerce
E-MAIL -- electronic mail
ISP --il internet service provider
FTP -- file transfer protocol
TCP/IP -- transmission control.                                protocol/internet protocol
HTTP -- hyper text transfer protocol
POP -- post office protocol
WWW -- world wide web
MAN -- metropolitan area network
BIOS -- basic input output system
GUI -- graphical user interface
COBOL -- common business oriented language
FORTRON -- formula translations
BASIC -- beginners all purpose.                             symbolic instruction code
4 GL -- Fourth generation language

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Important Abbreviations for MS PowerPoint

ALU.           Arithmetic Logic Unit 

ANSI -- American National Standard Institute
ASCII -- American Standard Code for Information Interchange
BCD -- Computer Code Decimal
CAD -- Computer Aided Design
CAM -- Computer Aided Manufacture
CMOS -- Complementary Metal Oxide Semi Conductors
CPC -- Central Processing Unit
CRT -- Cathode Ray Tube
DMS -- Data Management System
DBMS -- database management system
DOS -- disk operating system 

Assignment for MS PowerPoint

  • Create a photo album with attractive effect (Take attractive images on Internet) 
  • Create a presentation giving information about your favorite topic and add sound & movies to it.  (Use the installed Template of the power point) 

Drag to draw the path on the slide. Here are some hints for MS PowerPoint

  • Line : Drag from the start pointing to the end point. The start point will have 3 green arrow,  and the end point will have a red. 
  • Curve : Click at the beginning of the line,  and then move the mouse and click again to anchor the next point.  Keep creating points until you have completely defined the curve. 
  • Freeform: click for each anchor point that you want;  straight lines will appear between the anchor points. You can click and drag to create non-straight lines too.  Double -click when you are finished. 
  • Scribble: The pointer changes to a pencil.  Draw on the slide with the mouse button held down. Double -click when you are finished. 

Use present PowerPoint Motion paths for MS PowerPoint

  • On the slide,  click the object to which you want to assign the motion path. 
  • The Animation pane should contain an More Motion paths from the submenu. 
  • If you choos3 More Motion Paths,  the Add Motion Path dialog box appears. 
  • Click the path that you want and click OK button.  The motion path appears on the slide,  next to the object. 
  • A green arrow shows where the object will begin,  a dotted line shows the path that it will take, and a red arrow shows where the path ends. 
  • To change the starting point for the lotion path,  frag the green arrow.  To change the ending point, drag the red arrow. 
  • The Path :drop-down lost have the following options:
  • Unlocked/Lovked: If the path is unlocked and you move the animated object if the path is locked,  then it stays in the same place,  even when you move the object on the slide. 
  • Edit Points : This option enables you to change the motion path. 
  • Reverse path Protection;  this option makes the animation run in the opposite direction.  
  • You can resize OT reshape the motion path by dragging it's selection handles (the circles around it frame);  just like realizing any other object. 
  • To move the motion path,  just click and drag the lotion path to other place, just like moving other object. 
  • You also can rotate the motion path by dragging the green circle at the top of the path; like rotating any other object. 

Assign a sound with animations for MS PowerPoint

Assign a sound with animations :From the Animation Pane,  click the animation that you want to work with,  A down arrow appears to the right of the animation. 

  • Click the down arrow and choose Effect Options.  A dialog box appears with the name of the animation. 
  • Click the Effect tab.  Under the Enhance section,  open the Sound drop-down list and choose a sound. 
  • You can choose Other Sound from the drop-down list to select a 1 sound file from another location, 
  • To make a previously playing sound stop when this animation occurs, choose Stop Previous Sound from the Sound drop-down list. 
  • Open the After animation: drop-down list and choos3 one of the following options:
  • A scheme color: You can choow3 one of the colored squares,  which represent each of the current scheme colors. 
  • More Colors: Click here to choose a specific color. 
  • Don't Dim: Specifies that PowerPoint do nothing to the object after animation. 
  • Hide After Animation: The object disappears immediately after the animation has completed. 
  • Hide on next Mouse Click : The object disappears when you click the mouse after the animation has completed. 
  • If the object contains text,  open the animated text : drop -down list choose one of the options. 
  • If you chose By Letter or By Word,  you can type a % delay between letter or words.  The higher His percentage,  the more time between words or letters. 
  • Click OK button. 

Monday, December 23, 2019

Set timing for a custom PowerPoint animation effects for MS PowerPoint

  • From the Animation Pane.  Click the animation that you want with . A down arrow appears to the right for the animation. 
  • Click the down arrow choose Timing.  A dialog box appears with the Timing /tab displayed. 
  • Do necessary setting to control the animation timing :
  • Click OK button. 

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Remove PowerPoint animation Effect for MS PowerPoint

Remove PowerPoint animation Effect 

  • Display the Animation pane. 
  • If the object is part of a group,  such as a billeted lists or text box, then expand or collapse the list, depending on the effect that you want to remove. 
  • Select the animation effects from the pane,  and then click the Remove button OR Right-click the animation effect and choose Remove. 

Apply a more animation effects Select a slide that currently has no animation. For MS PowerPoint

  • On the Animations tab, in the Animations group,  click More Entrance Effect to open the Animation pane 
  • Click the object that you want to animate. 
  • In the Animation pane, click Add Effect button A menu appears,  containing four categories of effects;  Entrance,  Emphasis,  Exit,  or Motion ' Paths, This example uses an Exit effect. 
  • A summary appears,  select one effects for that category (such as Blinds). 
  • You also can click the More Effects to open the Add Effect dialog box. 
  • Make a selection and click OK button. 
  • If you check the Preview Effect check box in the dialog box,  the effect appear on the slide behind the dialog box. 
  • In the Animation pane ,open the start :drop-down list and choose when you want the animation to start. 
On click : Run the animation immediately after the previous animation the is on the sidelines.  If there is no previous animation, PowerPoint treats the appearance of the slide as the previous event and runs the animation immediately after the slide appears. 
Note: You will see a number appear next to the objects on the slide that represents the animations and not the objects themselves. 

Apply the PowerPoint 2010 for MS PowerPoint

Animations preset 

  • Select the object in a slide I. e text box,  chart,  clipart, etc that you wish to apply the animation present. 
  • On the Animations tab in the Animations group,  open the Animate drop-down list and select a preset. 

Creating and Using PowerPoint Animation Effects for MS PowerPoint

         For example,  billeted lists can fly from the above,  one word at a time, or hear the sound of applause when a picture is uncovered.  You can animate any number of objects on slide,  and you can ever animation elements of a chart.  PowerPoint 2010 has 3 (very few compared to earlier versions) animations presents : Fade,  Wipe, and Fly In,  Each preset has two options :few the text to enter the slide all at once or by paragraphs.  However,  you also can apply custom animations.  Custom animation gives you full control over how the objects on your slides are animated. 

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Add transition to a slide for MS PowerPoint

Add transition to a slide

  • Select and display the slide or slides that you want to apply transition, 
  • On the Transition tab,  turn the Transition to This Slide group,  click the one that you want,  or click No Transitions to turn off any existing transition effects. 
  • You also can click on the More button to see gallery of effects. You can click the Transition Sound: drip-down list and select a transition sound,  No Sound :Does not assign a sound to the transition, 
  • Stop Previous Sound : Stops any sound that is already playing.  This usually applies where the previous sound was very long and was not finished when you moved on to the next slide. 
  • Other Sound : Opens a dialog box from which you can select another sound file stored on your system. 
  • Loop Until Next Sound : An on/off toggle that sets wherever sound you select to loop continuously either until another sound is triggered or until a slide appears that has Stop Previous Sound set for it's transition,  Open the Transition Speed: drop-dowb list and select a transition speed.  Click Apply to All to make the same transition apply to all slides in the presentation,  and not just the selected slides. 

Assign an automatic transitions to a slide for MS PowerPoint

  • View or select the slide in Normal or Slide view. 
  • On the transition tab,  in the Transition to This Slide group,  check the After : check box, 
  • In the Automatically After: text box,  type a transition time,  in seconds, to replace the default time 
  • To apply this setting to all slides in the presentation,  click Apply to All icon. 
Note : You can leave the On Mouse Click check box selected even if you choose automatic transitions because there may be times when you want to manually advance to the next slide before the automatic transitions time has elapsed. 

Apply the PowerPoint slide Transitions for MS PowerPoint

Apply the PowerPoint slide Transitions 
               Normally, the presenter much click the mouse to move to the next slide.  However, if you are preparing a self - running presentation,  automatic transitions are necessity. 

Play movie on mouse click or mouse over for MS PowerPoint

  • Click the movie clip icon on the slide. 
  • On the insert tab,  in the Links group,  click Action icon. 
  • From the Action Setting dialog box displayed,  choose either Mouse Click or Mouse Over tab. 
  • Under the Action on clock section,  choose the None option if you want no action,  or choose the Object Action option if you want it to play in either case. 
  • Click OK. 

Inserting Movies / Videos in your PowerPoint Presentation :

  • PowerPoint can accept videos with the following file formats:
  • Motion Picture Experts Group (,mpg,  .mpeg,  .miv,  ,mp2,  .mpa) 
  • Microsoft streaming format (.asf and, add) 
  • Microsoft Windows Media Video (.wmv) 
  • Audio Video Interleave (.avi) 
  • QuickTime (.mov or. WTF)  versions 1 and 2.x
            There are 2 ways you can place or add video in PowerPoint 2010. Of course we put the movie files on a slide either : by selecting a movie from the Clip Organizer,  or from 3 file on your computer. 

1. Insert a movie from the Clip Organizer 
  • Display the slide on which you want to place the movie. 
  • On the Insert tab,  in the Media group,  click the down arrow,  and choos3 Clip Art Video. 
  • The Clip Organizer task pane appears,  showing the available movie clips. To get more clips,  connect to the Internet. 
  • If you want to preview the clip,  Click the Video icon,  it is automatically added on the slide. 
2. Add video in PowerPoint from a file 
  • Display the slide on which you want to place the movie. 
  • On the insert tab,  in the Media Clips group,  click the Video icon. 
  • From the Insert Video dialog box display,  browse to the drive and folder that contain the movie/video that you want.  If you do not know which location to use,  try /Windows /Media folder on the hard disk
  • Click the video file that you want to use and then click OK. 
  • A dialog box appears,  asking how want the file to play in the slide show. 

Friday, December 20, 2019

Adding Audios and Videos Files

2 Ways to Insert Sound Files to Your PowerPoint Slides:
              Discover the power of PowerPoint sound effects by adding the sound files your PowerPoint presentation,
Insert a sound file.  The sound plays during the presentation whenever anyone points to OR clicks that to or clicks (such as graphic).
Associate a sound with an animation effect. The sound plays when the animation effect occurs.
Associate a sound with a slide transition.  The sound plays when move the presentation from one slide to the next.
Insert a sound that plays automatically in the background.  The sound plays when you start the presentation until the end-:
Inserting PowerPoint Audio Effects File .
                 The most common way to add a sound file in a presentation is to place the sound clip directly on a slide as an object.  An icon appears on the slide,  and you can click the icon during the presentation to play the sound  .
                   There are 2 ways you can place a sound file on a slide :by selecting a sound from the clip Organizer,  or front a file on your computer.

1: Choose a sound from the clip Organizer

  • In the Insert tab, in the Media group,  click the down arrow beneath the Audio icon,  and click clip art Organizer appear with icon for the available dips. Choose one of these options. An icon for the sound appears in the center of the slide. 
  • Exposition and resize the icon if necessary. 
  • If you are finished,  close the clip Organizer by clicking it's Close (X)  button, 
Note : It's better for you to establish an Internet connection so that you can have a much wider variety of clips available. 

2. Choose a sound from a file 
  • On the Insert tab,  in the Media group,  click the down arrow beneath the Audio icon,  and click Audio from file. 
  • From the Insert Audio dialog box displayed,  browse to the drive and folder that contain the sound that you want. If you do not know which location to use,  try the Windows /Media folder on the hard disk. 
  • Click the sound file that you want to use and then click OK. 

Apply a shadow to a table

  • Select the table's outer frame,  and then right-click the frame and choose Format Shape. 
  • From the Format Shape dialog box displayed, click Shadow,  and then choose a Present and a Color. 
  • If needed,  drag any of the sliders to fine-tune the shadow. 
  • Click Close to close the Format Shape dialog box. 

Fill a picture to a table for MS PowerPoint

Fill a picture to a table :

  • Select the cells in the table to be fill by the picture. 
  • Right-click and from the menu pop-up choose format Shape.
  • From the Format Shape dialog box displayed,  click Fill,  and then click picture or texture fill. 
  • Click the File button,  select a picture file to insert;  and click insert button, 
  • Mark the Tile picture as texture check box. Click Close. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Add text to a PowerPoint table for MS PowerPoint

Add text to a PowerPoint table 

  • When the table first appears on the slide, the insertion point is place in the first cell of the table. 
  • Type text into the first cell.  The text wraps when it reaches the cell and starts a new line in the cell. 
  • To move between cells,  you can use the mouse to click the particular cell or Use the following keystrokes:
Tab -  Move to the next cell. 
Shift +Tab -   Move to the previous cell. 
Down Arrow-  Move to the next row. 
Up Arrow -  Move to the previous row. 

Apply custom formatted (symbol) bullets for MS PowerPoint

Apply custom formatted (symbol) bullets

  • Select the paragraph (s)  text you wish to add PowerPoint bullets. 
  • On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click on down arrow to the right of the Bullets icon and click on the Bullets and Numbering button, 
  • From the Bullets and Numbering dialog box displayed, the Billeted tab should be displayed, if not, select it. 
  • Click the desired character. Notice the scroll bar to the right of the characters; there are more characters than can be displayed at once. 
  • Click OK.  The new symbol of appears on the Billeted tab. 
  • Click OK to apply the new symbol to the selected to Create the PowerPoint Table Easily Creating and Formatting Tables,  Three Methods to Create the PowerPoint Table Easily PowerPoint table consists of several rows and columns and is a great way to organize little bits of data into a meaningful picture.  For example,  you might use a table to show sales results for several salespeople. 
In PowerPoint 2010,  a table can be part of a content placeholder, or it can be a separate item.  There are three ways to insert a table,  and each method has its purpose.  The following sections explain each of the table creation methods. 
  1. Use insert Table dialog box 
  2. Use Table icon 
  3. Draw the table

  1. Create a table with Insert Table dialog box
  • Open 3 new presentations 
  • In a content placeholder,  click the Table icon to display the Insert Tab dialog box.  OR On the Insert tab,  in the Tables group,  click on the Table icon and choose Insert Table. 
  • From the insert Table dialog box displayed,  in the Number of columns: box,  enter a figure to determine the number of columns in the table. 
  • In the Number of raws: box,  enter a figure to determine the number of rows in the table. 
  • Click OK. 
2. Insert a table from the Table icon. 
  • Insert a new blank slide to the presentation. 
  • On the Insert tab,  in the Tables group, click on the Table icon and across the grid until you select the desired number of rows and columns (maximum 10 * 8)
  • The table appears immediately on the slide as you drag. 
3. Draw a table :
  • On the Insert tab, in the Tables group,  click on the Table icon and choose Draw Table. mouse pointer turns into & pencil. 
  • Drag to draw a rectangle representing the outer frame of the table.  Then release the mouse button to create the outer frame and to display the Table Tools Ensign tab. 
  • On the Table Tools Design tab,  in the Draw Borders group,  click the Draw Table icon. 
  • The mouse pointer remains;  drag to draw the rows and columns you want. 
  • To erase a line,  click the Eraser icon (beside Draw Table icon) and then dick the line to erase drawing mode off. 

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Change the font used by selected text for MS PowerPoint

Change the font used selected text:

  • Select the text to be change. 
  • On the Home tab,  in the Font group,  click the Font drop down menu and select the desire font. 
As per the above finger to change the flowing option. 
To change font size
To format text as bold
To format text as italic
To format text with strikethrough 
To format text with shadow 
To format text with different character spacing 
To format text with a color 
Format text with different case 
  • Select the text to be change. 
  • On the Home tab,  in the Font group,  click the Change Case drop down menu and select one of the options below:

Insert Header and footer information the slides for MS PowerPoint

Insert Header and footer information the slides :

  • From the Insert tab,  in the Text group,  click the Header & Footer icon. 
  • From the Header and Footer dialog box displayed,  click the Slide or Notes and Handouts tab. 
  • To insert the data and time,  check the Data and time check box. You can decide that his is entered as a fixed data or one that updates each time you print the presentation. 
  • To insert the slide number,  check the Slide number check box. 
  • To insert the footer,  check the Footer option and enter the required text. 
  • To disable the display of information on the title slide,  check the Don't show on title slide check box. 
  • Click Apply button to apply your selections to the current slide (if available),  or click Apply to All button to apply the selections to all slides. 
Note: You can make the necessary changes to the header and footer like any other text box. You can move or resize them or change their text attributes using the Edit Master tab-formatting become an easy task,  such as fort (typeface),  size, color, italic, bold, etc. You can change text attributes before,  during or after you have typed the text.  You may wish to enhance your text farther bullets.  You also can rearrange the text in your presentation by changing the alignment,  indents,  line and paragraph spacing. 
              Remember,  select the text that you want to adjust then apply the formatting.  Mote that it is possible to select either single or multiple objects. 

PowerPoint Header and Footer for MS PowerPoint

PowerPoint Header and Footer:
              The information you enter in the headers and footers appear on every slide.  They often include information such as the presentation title,  slide number,  data, and name of the presenter. Use the slide master to place header and footer information on your slides,  handouts, or notes pages. 

View the Slide Master for MS PowerPoint

View the slide Master 

  • On the view tab,  in the Master View group,  click the Slide Master icon. 
  • The slide master appears in the left pane.  Click the slide master or slide layout to display it in the slide master view. 
  • To close, click the Close Master View icon. 
Note : To view the notes master or handout master,  click the Notes Master or Handout Master icon respectively on the View tab. 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

PowerPoint Slide Masters to save your Time for MS PowerPoint

PowerPoint Slide Masters to save your Time:
               Slide Masters are basically templates that are used to create a new presentations.  It contains all of the properties of your PowerPoint presentation slide layouts,  themes,  effects,  animation,  backgrounds, text fort style and color,  data and time,  and graphic placement.  When you want to make a change to the look of your slides,  you don't have to change slide individually,  Just make the change once on the slide master,  and PowerPoint automatically updates the existing slides and appears the changes to any new slide you add.  So,  your presentation looks more consistent.
              PowerPoint presentation contains three masters: slide,  notes, and handout master you open depends on what part of your presentation you want to change.  The slide master controls all the presentation slides,  while the notes master and handout master controls the appearance of all the speaker note page,  and handout pages,  respectively. 

Use a different color theme for MS PowerPoint

  • On the Design tab, in the Themes group, click Colors button. A gallery of color themes opens Create a Custom color theme :
  • On the Design tab,  in the Themes group,  click the down arrow right to the Colors button to open the colors list.
  • Click Create New Theme Colors.
  • Type a name for the new color theme in the Name:box.
  • To change color,  just click on color placeholder will open it's menu. 
  • Select a color. 
  • Alternatively,  you can click More Colors,  select a color from the Colors dialog box,  and click OK 
  • Redefine any other colors as needed. 
  • Click Save button.  The color scheme is saved,  and appears at the top of the Colors gallery,  in the Custom area. 

Friday, December 13, 2019

Changing the Color Themes for MS PowerPoint

Changing the color Themes 
PowerPoint also provides many built-in color themes that you can apply separately from your choice of overall theme.  For example,  you apply a theme that contains a background design you like,  and then change the colors and fonts for it. 

Apply a PowerPoint theme step for MS PowerPoint

Apply a PowerPoint theme step :

  • Select the slide (s)  that you wish to apply the theme. 
  • On the Design tab,  in the Themes group,  if the theme you want appears,  click it,  and skip the rest of these steps. 
  • If the theme you want does not appear,  you will need to open the gallery by clicking on the More button (left to the Effects icon) in the Theme group. 
  • The Themes gallery opens as shows below.  The gallery is divided into sections with the current presentation appear at the top;  custom themes you have added appear next and Built-in themes appear at the bottom. 
  • Click the theme you want to apply and it will show in the slide. 

Apply a Theme to Change the Slides Outlook For MS PowerPoint

         PowerPoint Theme is a way of applying different designs to the presentation.  A theme (or design themes) includes a slide background graphic,  color and font choices,  and graphic effect setting.  Some themes are built into PowerPoint so that they are always available; other themes are available only when you use certain templates, or when you specifically apply them from an external file. 

Different layout of Slide for MS PowerPoint

Different layout of Slide :

  • Select the slide (s) to affect. 
  • On the Home tab,  in the Slides group,  click the Layout icon.  A menu of layouts appears.
  • Click the desired layout.
  • Some of the layouts such as Titles and Content,  Two Content,  Comparison etc.  Have icons on it that allows you to insert objects such as table and graphics. 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Changing a Slide Layout for MS PowerPoint

Changing a Slide Layout:
               The placeholders on PowerPoint 2010 slide layout are much more accommodation to different types of content. When you change the layout you change the type and/or positioning of the placeholders on it .If the previous placeholders had content in them,  that content shifts to a new location on the slide to reflect the different positioning for that placeholders type.  If the new layout does not contain a placeholder appropriate for that content,  the content remains on the slide but becomes orphaned. 

Insert a new slide with different layouts for MS PowerPoint

Insert a new slide with different layouts :
On the Home tab,  in the Slides group,  click the lower portion of the New slide button.  This will displayed several layouts : Click on the intended layouts will insert the slide to your presentation.
Slide Layout and Themes :

Insert a new slide for MS PowerPoint

  • On the Home tab,  in the Slides group,  Click the upper portion of the New Slide button point in it. 
  • Start adding text to the new slide. 
  • Press Enter and type in the information making up the next bullet point. 
  • Continue until you have typed in all your bullet point information (suggest a maximum of 6 per slide). 

Home for MS PowerPoint


Enter title and subtitle

  • Click on "Click to add title"section of the slide and enter the slide title. 
  • Click on "Click to add subtitle"section of the slide and enter the text. 

Save a presentation (first time) for MS PowerPoint

Save a presentation (first time) 

  • From File Tab,  click Save OR Click the save button on the Quick Access Toolbar. 
  • From the Save As dialog box displayed,  ensure that you browse to the foldet/disk drive that you would like to save the file. 
  • Enter the file name in the File name: text box.  The file name can be up to 255 characters in length. 
  • Click on the Save button. Slide is the foundation of a presentation. To create a presentation,  you need to add new slide to your presentation.  You can use different methods to insert a new slide to a presentation. 

File Tab for MS PowerPoint

File Tab :

Create a new prescription 

  • Open PowerPoint 2010.
  • From the File Tab,  click New. 
  • Select Blank Presentation. 
  • Click Create button. 

Smart PowerPoint for MS PowerPoint

Smart PowerPoint 

  • Click on the Start button,  point to all Programs then Microsoft Office and click on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010.
  • The first screen that you will see a new blank presentation begins automatically with one slide. 
  • File Tab: Opens the Office menu,  from which you can open,  save,  print and start new presentations, 
  • Quick Access Toolbar : A small toolbar next to the File Tab contains shortcuts for some of the most common commands 
  • Title bar: Identifies the PowerPoint program running and the name of the active presentation 
  • Minimize button : Shrinks the application window to a bar on the Taskbar; you click it's button the Taskbar to reopen it. 
  • Maximize /Restore button: If the window is maximized (full screen),  click will changes windowed (not full screen)  and vice versa. 
  • Close button : closes the application. 
  • Ribbon: Function as a combination of menu bar and toolbar,  offering tabbed "pages" of buttons,  lists,  and commands. 
  • Presentation window: Where active PowerPoint slide(s) appear where you work on the slide. 
  • Status bar : Reports information about the presentation and provides shortcuts for changing the view and the zoom. 

MS PowerPoint Introduction

             The primary purpose of PowerPoint is to help you design, create, and edit presentations and printed handouts. A presentation is a set of screens (called slides) that you present to people in a group.  Because PowerPoint provides a waitress variety of predefined templates, you don't have to be a graphics design specialist to create good-looking presentations.
             A PowerPoint presentation is made up of a series of slides that can contain charts,  diagrams,  picture,  Smart Art diagrams,  billeted lists,  eye-catching text,  multimedia video and sound clips,  and more.  PowerPoint 2007 provides a variety of professionally designed templates, themes, and style galleries to help you create great-looking presentations.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Use Data Validations for MS Excel

This option is used to restrict the valid value for the row or column. Following are the Steps:

  1. Select the column or the valid value for the row or cloning.  Following are the steps :
  2. Click on Data Tab. 
  3. Click on Data Validation option in Data Tools Group.  Box.  Which will open the following window? 
  4. Then click on "Setting'tab.
  5. Click on Allow drop down and select category of number.  (whole number, decimal etc.) 
  6. After the click on Data drop down and select the setting (between,  equal to,  less than etc.) and fill the range value as per the requirement (Minimum & Maximum). 
  7. Then Click on 'Input Message's tab and type the required message. 
  8. Finally click on 'Error Alert'tab and type the message. 
  9. Select the style (stop,  warning, Information) 

Filtering for MS Excel

This option is used to get the desired value from the table. ,

  1. Select the table where you want to apply filter. 
  2. Click on Data Tab. 
  3. Click on Filter option in sort & filter Group Box. 
  4. Then drop down will appear on each cell of the first row of table. 
  5. Use drop down for you data-
  6. After select which you want to filter the data. 
  7. Suppose you select the 67.50 percentage.  Then click on.  The OK button. 
  8. Finally see the resulting the following 

Data Tab for MS Excel

Sorting :- this option used to arrange the table in increasing or decreasing order.  Following are the step :

  1. Select the table which you want to sort.  
  2. Click on Data Tab. 
  3. Click on Sort option in sort & filter Group Box.  This will open the following window. 
  4. Select the Column on which you want to sort. 
  5. Select Sort on (values). 
  6. Select the ascending (A To Z)  or descending (Z to A)  in order option. 
  7. Then click on OK button, 

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Some Common Function for MS Excel

  • Percentage : Percentage is not the standard formula you can calculate it same method used in practical life. Syntax:
           Total * 100 /out of Example :Al=365 A2=60G
            =Al *100 / A2
            Result is : 60.83

  • Minimum : This function calculates the smallest number from the given numbers. Syntax:
             =Min(Cell Address) 
             Example :
             The result is 1
  • Product :This function calculates the multiplication of the given cell values. Syntax:
              =product (cell address) 
              Example :-
              Product (Al:A4)
              Result is 70.
  • Power : This function calculates the power of the number (Raised)  Syntax:
              =power (base,  index) 
              =power(i,5J Result is 1024.
  • Square Root : This function calculates the square root of the number -Syntax :
              Example :
              A1 - 121. - sqrt(Al) Result is :11
  • Average : This function calculates the average of the given numbers. Syntax:
              =average cell address )
              Example :
              =average (A1 :A4) 
              Result is 3.75.
  • Sum of squares :This function. Calculates the square of the given numbers and then adds them. Syntax; 
              =sumsq (cell address) 
              Example :
              Result is : 79. 
  • Modulus : This function is used to calculate the remainder of the division. Syntax :
              =mod (number,  Divisor) 
              Example :
              Where 365/10
              The Result is : 5
  • Log : This function call the log of the given number to given base. Syntax :
              =log (number,  base) 
              Al=40 A2=5
              Result is 2.29203
  • Log 10 : This function calculates the log of the given numbers to base 10. Syntax 
               =log 10 (number) 
               Example : Al=40
               =log 10 (A1) 
               Result is :1.60206
  • Sin: This function calculates the cos of the given angle. Syntax :
               =sin (angle) 
               Example: =sin (10)                                     Result is : 0.745113
  • Coosine: This function calculates the the sin of the given angle. Syntax :
                =cos (angle) 
                Example := cos(35)
                Result is : 0.964966
  • Tan;  This function calculates the tan of the given angle. Syntax; 
                =tan (angle) 
                Example :tan (50)
                Result is :-0.2719
  • Pi: The function returns the slandered Pick value Syntax:
                Result is :3.141593
  • Char: This function reruns the character specified by the code number fromfl to 255) the character set for your computer. Syntax 
                =char (number between 1to 255)
                Example := chat (65)
                Result is : A. 
  • If : This function calculates the result depending on the condition.  Syntax :
  • If (condition, "TruePart","False Part")
                Example : A1 = 6Q
                Result is :Pass. 
  • Nested If :if you want to display the class for various group,  use nested if, 
                =if (Al>=75,"Distinction"if(A1>=-60,"First Class" if(A>=45."Second Class",
                if. (Al>35,"Pass Class",Fail)))) 
                Result is :First Class. 

Friday, December 6, 2019

Use the MAX Function for MS Excel

Use the MAX Function :
  • Enter the following data into Excel spreadsheet. 
  • Click on cell C8 or any other cells where the results will be displayed. 
  • From the Formulas tab,  in the Function Library group, click the MAX in the list to bring up the function's dialog box. 
  • From the Max Function Arguments dialog box displayed; type C1:C6 or you can drag the mouse from cell C1 to C6. 
  • Click OK.  The result will display on the cell C8. 
  • If you choose the different ranges,  the following result will display. 
                 =Max(C1,C2) would return 632.
                   =Max (C3:C5,896) would return 896. 
                   =Max (C2:C6) would return 808.


Enter functions directly into the worksheet cell for MS DOS Select the cell into which the formula will be entered.

  • Insert an equal (=) Sign to begin the formula.  The formula toolbar will appear. 
  • Enter the name of the function [e.g.SUM], followed by an opening parenthesis [(] , any arguments required for the function [e.g. E2:E5], and closing parenthesis [)]
  • Press Enter. Big there are no errors in the formula,  the result of the function will be entered in the cell.  If you activate the cell again,  the function will be displayed in the formula bar. 
  • Using Excel Now Function in to the following ways :
  • The syntax for the NOW function is :
=NOW () -
The NOW function takes no arguments,
  • Click on cell C5 - the location where the results will be displayed, 
  • Click on the Formulas tab. 
  • In the Function Library group, click the Data & Time icon to open the function drop down list. 
  • Click on NOW in the list to bring up the Foundation Arguments dialog box.  You will see the =NOW () displayed in the cell C5 as well as in the formula bar. 
  • Click OK. 
  • The current time and data should appear in cell C5. When you click on cell C5 the complete function =NOW () appears in the formula bar. 

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