- Percentage : Percentage is not the standard formula you can calculate it same method used in practical life. Syntax:
=Al *100 / A2
Result is : 60.83
- Minimum : This function calculates the smallest number from the given numbers. Syntax:
=Min(Cell Address)
Example :
The result is 1
- Product :This function calculates the multiplication of the given cell values. Syntax:
=product (cell address)
Example :-
Product (Al:A4)
Result is 70.
- Power : This function calculates the power of the number (Raised) Syntax:
=power (base, index)
=power(i,5J Result is 1024.
- Square Root : This function calculates the square root of the number -Syntax :
Example :
A1 - 121. - sqrt(Al) Result is :11
- Average : This function calculates the average of the given numbers. Syntax:
=average cell address )
Example :
=average (A1 :A4)
Result is 3.75.
- Sum of squares :This function. Calculates the square of the given numbers and then adds them. Syntax;
=sumsq (cell address)
Example :
Result is : 79.
- Modulus : This function is used to calculate the remainder of the division. Syntax :
=mod (number, Divisor)
Example :
Where 365/10
The Result is : 5
- Log : This function call the log of the given number to given base. Syntax :
=log (number, base)
Al=40 A2=5
Result is 2.29203
- Log 10 : This function calculates the log of the given numbers to base 10. Syntax
=log 10 (number)
Example : Al=40
=log 10 (A1)
Result is :1.60206
- Sin: This function calculates the cos of the given angle. Syntax :
=sin (angle)
Example: =sin (10) Result is : 0.745113
- Coosine: This function calculates the the sin of the given angle. Syntax :
=cos (angle)
Example := cos(35)
Result is : 0.964966
- Tan; This function calculates the tan of the given angle. Syntax;
=tan (angle)
Example :tan (50)
Result is :-0.2719
- Pi: The function returns the slandered Pick value Syntax:
Result is :3.141593
- Char: This function reruns the character specified by the code number fromfl to 255) the character set for your computer. Syntax
=char (number between 1to 255)
Example := chat (65)
Result is : A.
- If : This function calculates the result depending on the condition. Syntax :
- If (condition, "TruePart","False Part")
Example : A1 = 6Q
Result is :Pass.
- Nested If :if you want to display the class for various group, use nested if,
=if (Al>=75,"Distinction"if(A1>=-60,"First Class" if(A>=45."Second Class",
if. (Al>35,"Pass Class",Fail))))
Result is :First Class.
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