Sunday, December 13, 2020

Combining Email Marketing with Other Types of Marketing | Technical

Combining Email Marketing with Other Types of Marketing 

Whether you choose to do your marketing online or offline, one thing does not change. This is the concept that no single marketing strategy will be as effective as a combination of two or more marketing strategies. This does not mean it is necessary for you to implement every known marketing strategy to promote your business but rather it implies that it is worthwhile to market from a few different perspectives to help you achieve your business related goals. This article will examine the importance of combining email marketing with other types of marketing to create a successful; multi tiered marketing strategy and will also offer some advice on managing more than one marketing strategy at once. 

As the old saying goes, “Two heads are better than one,” and this is certainly true when it comes to marketing. You may enjoy a great deal of success with email marketing but this does not mean you should not try other types of online marketing such as website creation, participation in industry related message boards, placing banner ads, orchestrating an affiliate marketing campaign and generating inbound links to your website. While it is possible that not all of these strategies will be effective for your business, you are likely to find at least one other option which complements your email marketing and helps you to achieve your business related goals. 

Alternately you may even wish to combine your email marketing campaign with more traditional marketing strategies such as radio ads, television ads and the print media. Just because these types of advertising do not take place online, does not mean they will not be able to help you generate more business. In fact advertising both online and offline can allow you to reach a larger target audience. This is because you will likely reach Internet users around the world but can also reach potential customers who do not utilize the Internet for purchasing or researching products or services similar to the ones you offer. 

Popular marketing strategies to combine with email marketing include banner ads and message board participation. These are all online activities and each one individually is fairly simple. However, in combination these simple activities can create a powerful statement. You may send out emails offering useful information about your products or services, purchase banner ad space on websites which may be of interest to your potential customers and participate in industry related message boards where you can earn the respect and pique the interest of potential customers. Even if your potential customers are not currently in need of the products and services you offer, seeing your business name so often can have a branding effect. Branding is essentially a process in which consumers see a company name so often that they are more likely to select a product from this company when they are in need of an item the company offers. 

If you are planning to combine multiple forms of advertising, you should be aware that this can make it difficult for you to evaluate the effectiveness of each marketing strategy. This is especially true of the marketing strategies are implemented concurrently. When you are only using one type of marketing strategy, you can generally attribute increases in sales or website traffic to changes in the marketing strategy. However, when more than one type of marketing strategy is in effect, determining which strategy is producing the desired effect can be quite difficult. This situation can be handled by not making changes to more than one marketing strategy at a time. This will help to pinpoint which changes produce an increase in sales or website traffic. It can also help you to determine when changes to your marketing strategy have a detrimental effect on your sales and website traffic. However, if you are having difficulty determining which marketing strategy is most effective you can consider asking customers to answer survey questions and provide information such as how they learned about the products or services your business offers.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Advertise, Do not Spam | Technical

Advertise, Do not Spam 

There is a fine line between advertising and spam and unfortunately many business owners do not understand the difference between the two. This is important because while a cleaver, well planted Internet marketing campaign can help to attract new customers and keep existing customers loyal, spam is likely to alienate both new customers and existing customers. This can be extremely damaging to profit margins for the business owners. This article will take a look at a few basic Internet marketing strategies such as banner ads, email campaign and message board posts and describe how each can quickly cross the line from cleaver advertising to spam. 

Banner ads are one of the most popular strategies which accompany an Internet marketing plan. These ads are usually ads which appear at the top of websites and span the width of the website. It is from this appearance that they earned the name banner ads but actually banner ads can refer to ads of a variety of different sizes and shapes which appear in an array of different locations on a website. In many cases the business owner purchases advertising space on these websites but the banner ad may also be placed as part of an exchange or an affiliate marketing campaign. Banner ad exchanges are situations in which one business owner posts a banner ad on his website in exchange for another business owner posting his banner ad on the other website. These agreements may be made individually between business owners with complementary businesses or as part of exchanges facilitated by a third party. In the case of affiliate marketing, an affiliate posts and advertisement for your business in exchange for compensation when the banner ad produces a desired effect such as generating website traffic or generating a sale. The terms of these agreements are determined beforehand and are generally based on a scale of pay per impression, pay per click or pay per sale or lead. 

Now that you understand what banner ads are, it is also important to understand how they can be overused and appear to be spam. Judiciously placing your banner ad on a few websites which are likely to attract an audience similar to your target audience is smart marketing, placing your banner ad on any website which will display the ad regardless of the target audience can be construed as spam. Internet users who feel as though your banner ads are everywhere they turn will not likely take your business seriously and are not likely to purchase products or services from you as a result of your banner ads. 

Email campaigns can also be very useful tools in the industry of Internet marketing. These campaigns may involve sending periodic e-newsletters filled with information as well as advertisements, short, informative email courses or emails offering discounts on products and services. Loyal customers who opt into your email list will likely not view these emails as spam and may purchase additional products and services from your business as a result of this marketing strategy. Additionally, potential customers who have specifically requested additional information on your products and services will also find this type of marketing to be useful. However, email recipients who did not request information are likely to view your emails as spam. Harvesting email addresses in a deceptive manner and using these addresses to send out mass emails will likely always be considered to be spam. 

Finally, message boards provide an excellent opportunity for business owners to obtain some free advertising where it will be noticed by members of the target audience. If the products and services you offer appeal to a specific niche, it is worthwhile to join message boards and online forums related to your industry of choice. Here you will find a large population of Internet users who may have an interest in your products. You might consider including a link to your business in your signature or posting the link when it is applicable to the conversation. However, care should be taken to carefully review the message board guidelines to ensure you are not doing anything inappropriate. This technique is smart marketing. Conversely, replying to every message with a link to your website when it is not relevant to the conversation is likely to be construed as spam by other members. Once they begin to view your posts as spam, they are not likely to visit your website via the links you post.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Unit of Classification - Taxon - Systematics of Living Organisms - Biologi

Unit of Classification :

Species : Species is the principal natural taxonamic unit, ranking below a genus and denoted by latin binomial (considered as the basic) unit of classification that can interbreed under natural candition to produce fertile offspring. It was thought to be an indivisible, stable and static unit. However in the modern taxonomy, sub-division of species such as sub-species, varities and population are seen and give more importance.

Genus : Genus is a taxonomic rank or category larger than species used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms. Genus is a group of species bearing close resemblance to one another in their morphological characters but they do not interbreed, e.g. Tiger, Leoard, Lion all three belong to same genus panthera. They have common characters yet are different from each other because their genus is same but species is different . Another example is genus Solanum. Brinjal and potato both belong to this genus.

Family : It is one of the major hierarchical taxonomic rank. A family represents a group of closely related genera. e.g. genera like Hibiscus, Gossypium, Sida, Bombox are included in same family Malvaceae. Cat also belongs to family of leopards, tigers and lions, family Felidae but dog belongs to different family Canidae.

Cahort / Order : It is taxonomic rank used in the classification of organisms and recognised by nomenclature codes. An order is a group of closely families showing definite affinities. Order this is a step above family in taxonomic hoerarchy. Members belonging to same order but different families may show very few dis similarities. e.g. family - Papavaraceae, Brassicaceae, Capparidance, etc with parietal plancentation are grouped in order Parietales. Families of dogs and cats though are different, they belong to same order Carnivora.

Calss : The calss is the distinct taxonomic rank of biological classification having its own distinctive name. A group of higher taxonomic rank than order. Class is the assemblage of closely allied orders. Orders Carnivora and order Primates belong to class Mammalia. This mankeys, gorillas, gibbons (Primats) and dogs, cats, tigers (Carnivora) belong to same class.

Division / Phylom : The division is a category composed of related classes e.g. division. Angiospermae includes two classes - Dicotyledonae and Monocotyledons (In animal classification division is a sub-unit of Category / Phylum).

Sub-kingdom : Different divisions having some similarities from sub-kingdom. e.g. The division Angiospermae and Gymnospermae will the sub-kingdom Phanerogams or Spermatophyta.

Kingdom :  It is the highest taxonomic category composed of different sub- kingdoms. e.g. sub-kingdom Phanerogams and Cryptogams from the Plant kingdom or Plantar which includes all the plants while all animals are included in kindom Animalia.

       The taxonomic Categories we have considered so far are broad categories. Scientists have added sub-categories to these in order to place organisms in more scientific manner. You will observe that as we go higher in taxonomical ladder, number of common characters go on decreasing.

If we are comparing two organisms that are related to each other only at division or phylum level, their classification may become difficult.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Taxonamic Hierarchy - Taxon - Systematics of Living Organisms - Biologi

Taxonamic Hierarchy :

Taxon : A taxon is the taxonomic group of any rank in the system of classification (H.J. Lam 1848) e.g. in plant kingdom each one of the following such as Angiosperms, Dicotyledonae, Polypetalae, Malvaceae represents a taxonomic group i.e. a taxon.

Taxonomic Categories - Systematics of Living Organisms - Biologi

Taxonamic Categories :

Classification is not a single step process but involves hierarchy of steps in which each step represents a rank or category. Since the category is a part of overall taxonomic arrangements 8t is called taxonomic category and all categories together constitute the taxonomic hoerarchy. Kingdom, division, class, order, family, genus, species are the categories in hirarchial sequence. These are compulsory categories. Besides, there are some facultative categories like sub-order, sub-family, etc. to be used as per need.

DNA barcoding - Systematics of Living Organisms - Biologi

DNA barcoding :

DNA barcoding, is a new method for the identification of any species based on its DNA sequence from a tiny tissue sample of the organism under study.

It help to study newly identified species as well as understanding ecological and evolutionary relationships between living beings. The process of DNA barcoding includes two basic steps: (a) collecting DNA barcode data of known species and (b)arching the barcode sequence of the unknown sample against the barcode library for identification. DNA barcoding has many applications. A few to mention are, protection of endangered species, preservation of natural resources, pest control in agriculture, identifying disease vectors, authentication of natural health products and identification of medicinal plants.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Phylogeny - Systematics of Living Organisms - Biologi

Phylogeny :

       It is evolutionary relationship of organism. It is an important tool in classification as it takes into account not merely the morphological status but also the relationship of one group of organism with order groups of life. The system helps to understand the evolution and also focuses on the similarities of their metabolic functioning. Woese's three domain concept as well as Whottaker's five kingdom system are very good examples of phylogenetic relationship.

Cladogram - Systematics of Living Organisms - Biologi

Cladogram : 

       It is a typical bronching pattern. As shown on previous page, a digram of three domains of life is a cladogram. It represents a hypothetical relationship denoting a comparison of organisms and their common ancestors.

Numerical taxonomy - Systematics of Living Organisms - Biologi

Numerical taxonomy :

       The system is besed on quantification of characters and developes an algorithm for classification. The basic aim of this taxonomy was to create a taxonomy using numeric algorithms like cluster analysis rather than using subjective evaluation of their propertise. This system was first proposed by Sokel and Sneath in 1963.

Chemotaxonomy - Systematics of Living Organisms - Biologi

Chemotaxonomy :

       It is method of biological classification based on similarities and differences in structure of certain compounds present among the organisms being classified. In short, it is the classification based on chemical constituents of organisms. e.g. Archaea cell wall is without peptidoglycan and that of Prokarya is with peptidoglycan. Among Eukarya, fungi have chitinous cell wall while plants have cellulosic cell wall.

Three domains of life - Systematics of Living Organisms - Biologi

Three domains of life : 

       It is believed that life originated on earth in its very simple form. Constant struggle of the early living beings gave rise to more and progress is evolution which led to formation of diverse life forms . Carl Worse in 1990 proposed three domains of life to classify life forms. They are Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya. Domain is an unit larger than Kingdom in the system of classification.
       Bacteria and Archaea both have prokaryotic cells where as Eukarya heve eukaryotic cell. All the three domains have very unique ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Archaea are known for their survival in very extreme conditions like high temperature, salinity, acidic conditions, etc. Bateria , thought are prokaryotes differ from Archaea in structure of cell wall.

Classification - Systematics of Living Organisms - Biologi

Classification : 

       It is the arrangement of organisms or groups of organisms in distinct categories in accordance with a particular and we'll established plan . This classification is based on similarities and dissimilarities among the organisms.

Artificial :
       It is the classification that is based on few easily observable and non-evolutionary featurs such as habit, colour, form, etc., often irrespective of their affinity (relationship) with other organisms. e.g. Linnaeus system of classification.

Natural : 

       It is the classification which is based on objectively significant rather than being selected for convenience like artificial system of classification e.g. Bentham and Hooker's system of classification.

Phylogenetic : 

       It is the classification based on common evolutionary descent. e.g. Engler and prantles classification.
       In the system of classification the terms like ‘taxa' and ‘categories' are often used. Each category is referred to as a unit of classification. In fact, it represents a rank and is commonly termed as taxon.

Systematic - Systematics of Living Organisms - Biologi

Systematic :
       "Systematics is the study of kinds and diversity of organisms and their comparative and evolutionary relationship" (G. Simpson, 1961)

Taxonomy :

       Taxonomy means classification following certain rules or principles. Word Taxonomy comes from two Greek words, taxis - meaning arragement and nomous meaning law or rule. The term taxonomy was first introduced by A.P. de Candolle (Swiss Botanist) [1778-1841].

Systematics of Living Organisms - Biologi

There is great diversity of oraganisms around us. Since time immemorial, we humans have been exploiting this wealth for our own benefit. During this process man tried to differentiate between and identify the organisms. Eventually this evolved into a branch of biology known as systematic or classification. The methods of classification dates back to ancient time when Indian, Greek and Roman philosophers have contributed their might to systematised science.

Key - Living World Biology

Key :

       Key is taxonomical aid used for classification of plants and animals. The keys are based on contrasting characters. One of the contrasting characters gets accepted and other rejected. The statement in key is called a lead. Normally keys are analytical in nature . Let us study about classification of living organisms in next chapter.

Biodiversity parks- Living World Biology

Biodiversity parks :

       It is an ecological assemblage of species that form self-sustaining communities on degraded / barren landscape e.g. Late  Uttamrao Patil biodiversity parks Gureghar Mahabaleshwar. This park is the best model for conservation of natural heritage in urban landscape.
       Systematic classification of living organisms is helpful in understanding the interrelations. In order to understand interrelations between organisms and maintain harmony on planet earth, study of biodiversity is a must.

Friday, November 6, 2020

ZOOLOGICAL PARKS - Living World Biology

Zoological Parks :

       Zoological Park generally known as zoo, is a place of interest for common man. In a zoo, wild animals are kept in captivity. They are protected and care is taken to provide conditions similar to their natural habitat. (ex - situ) In a zoo, a naturalist can study food habits and behavior of animals.
       Flora, manuals, Monographs and Catalogue are some other tools of maintaining biodiversity records. Flora is the plant life occurring in a particular any one selected biological group where as manual provides information, keys about identification of species found in a particular area.

MUSEUM - Living World Biology

Museum :

       Museums are the places where, collections of preserved plant and animal specimens are kept. Plant and animal specimens may be preserved in formalin (10% to 40% formaldehyd) in transperent jars. Jars are labelled. Larger animals like birds and mammals are usually stuffed and preserved. This science is known as taxidermy. Specimens in dried form are also kept in museum.
       We can even find systematic collections of shells, skeletons of animals, insect boxes in museums.
       Thus, biological museums in educational institutes are reference hubs of biodiversity studies.

BOTANICAL GARDENS - Living World Biology

Batanical Gardens :

       Botanical gardes are the places where plants of different varieties collected from different parts of the world, are grown in a scientific and systematic in a in vivo manner. Plants are labeled. The label-board shows scientific as well as common name of the plant.

Thursday, November 5, 2020


Herbarium : 

       The word herbarium (plural-herbaria) was coined by Pitton de Tournefort in the book `Elemens'. The art of herbarium was initiated by an Italian taxonomist Luca Ghini (1490-1556). Herbaria are effective tools in taxonomic studies. A herbarium is essentially a dried plant specimen that is pressed, treated and mounted on standard size sheet in order to preserve it.

      Data, place of collection along with detailed classification and highlighting with its ecological peculiarities, characters of the plant are name of the collector may be added. This information is given at lower right corner of sheet and is called `label'.

Basic principles of life - Living World for Biologi

Basic principles of life:
A. The living beings once produced / born has to servive. For survival, it needs energy and many chemical molecules. For energy, it has to perform metabolism. Metabolism is breaking of molecules (catabolism) and making of new molecules (anabolism).

B. From birth onwards, organisms show tendency of growth and development. This growth is a well-orchestrated process. You might have observed sand mounds, boulders grow, etc. This growth is not from within and hence these are not living beings.

C. Growth and development are not the processes which have unlimited time span. At certain point of time, the molecules, organs, systems begin to loose their effective working and become old . This is ageing process of the body.

D. Life has to continue hence the organism tries to produce a young one like itself. It is possible due to repraduction (asexual or sexual). This ensures continuity of race. Mules, sterile worker bees do not reproduce; yet are living. Can we call reproduction as inclusive characteristic of life?

E. As the body looses it's capacity to perform metabolism, the organism dies.

F. Any living being responds to thermal, chemical or biological changes in the surrounding or biological changes in the surrounding. This is unique property of living beings.

        There are immense diversity in living organisms. Since time immemorial, variety of organisms are Living together on earth. In order to understand the interrelations between living and non-living as well as between living beings or groups, systematic study of these is essential. This data is also important for various industries and agriculture. Intensive laboratory and organisms from strong basis for meaningful use of the collected data. If we need to study this diversity, certain aids called taxonomical aids can be used. These includes herbaria, botanical gardens, museums, biodiversity parks, etc.

Living World - Importants note for Biologi

       Planet earth is made up of abiotic and biotic components. The biotic compo6are obviously the living beings present around us. The question is why do we call them living and how do they differ from non-living?

Friday, October 16, 2020

Circular Motion | Centrifugal Force

Centrifugal Force :-

Ex :- 
(1) When a car take turns toward left, the passengers in a car is push in a outward direction, this is due to centrifugal force acting on passengers.

(11) When a bucket of water whirled in a vertical circle the water in a backet does not fall, the is due to centrifugal force balances by weight.

(111) The children's sitting in the many go raund experience centrifugal force.

(Iv) Incase of weshing machine centrifugal force ads.

The centrifugal force is imaginary force and this force is also called as pseudo force.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Circular Motion | Frequency of Revolution

Frequency of Revolution :-
       The number of Revolution completed in 1 second is called as frequency of revolution.

It is denoted by = (n)
                 Unit = (Hz)
      Diamension = [M°L°T-1]

Circular Motion | Period of Revolution

Period of Revolution :- 
       The time taken by the particle to complete one revolution is called as period of Revolution.

Unit = Second 
Diamension = [M°L°T°]

v = circumference

v = 2πr

but, y = r.w

r.w =

w =

w = 2π 

w = 2πn

Circular Motion | Uniform circular motion (UCM)

Uniform circular Motion (UCM) :-

          The motion of a particle along the circumference of a circle with costant speed is called as UCM.

circular Motion | Relationship between linear velocity (v) & angular Velocity (w)

Relationship between linear velocity (v) & angular velocity (w) :-

Consider particle of mass 'm' performing circular motion in anticlockwise direction along the circumference of a circle 


A = initial position of particle 
B = position of particle 
   = Angular displacement
   = Radius vector 
   = Arc length
   = time 

Then instantaneous velocity of a particle is given by,

v = lim     displacement
     -o               time 

  =  lim            8.s  
      -o.              t 


Angular displacement = Arc length 

Arc length = Angular displacement ✖️ radius ---(1)

This is the relationship between linear velocity and angular velocity.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Circular Motion | Angular acceleration

Angular Acceleration :-
       The rate of change of angular velocity w.r.t time is called as angular acceleration.

It is denoted by.
              ➰ = Change of angular velocity

              ➰ =      or   w2 - w1
                        t                 t

              Unit = rad 1s

                     = rad

Diamension = [M°L°T°] 

Circular Motion | Angular Velocity (w)

Angular Velocity (w) :- 
       The rate of change of angular displacement w.r.t. time is called as angular velocity.

       It is defined as the ratio of angular displacement to time.

       It is denoted by w.    w =

Angular velocity = Angular displacement
                          Unit  = rod
      diamension = w = [M° L° T°]
                              = [M° L° T°]

                           w =

                              = 2π.   

                           w = 2πn

Circular Motion | Angular Displacement

Angular Displacement :-

The angle trace by radius vector at the centre of circle is called as angular displacement.

It is depoted by .

Consider, a particle perform circular motion in antivlockwise direction along the circumference of a circle.


A - starting position of particle
B - End position of particle 
O - Angular displacement
8S - Arc Length 
8T - Time 
r - radius vector 

Then angular displacement is given by.

Angular displacement = Arc length 
                                   =    AB

Angular displacement  =  8S

Unit :- Radian (Rad)
Diamension :- [  M° L° T° ]

Circular Motion

Circular Motion :- 
       The motion of a particle along the circumference of a circle is called as circular motion.

Ex :- 
1) Motion of teep of minute bond, second hand, hoor hand.
2) Motion of earth.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Gender of Nouns (नामांचे लिंग)

1) Masculine gender (पुल्लिंग) 

2) Feminine gender (स्त्रीलिंग) 

3) Neuter gender (नपुंसलिंग)

4) Common gender (सामान्य लिंग किंवा उभयलिंग)

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Kinds of Noun (नामांचे प्रकार)

1) Common noun (सामान्य नाम)

2) Material noun  (पदार्थवाचक नाम)

3) Collective noun (समूहवाचक नाम)

4) Proper- noun (विशेष नाम)

5) Abstract noun (भाववाचक नाम)

Monday, September 21, 2020

Parts of speech (शब्दांच्या जाती)

      वाक्यातील शब्दांच्या विभित्र कार्यावरून त्यांच्या आठ जाती कल्पिल्या आहेत. शब्दांच्या जातींना इंग्रजीत Parts of Speech असे म्हणतात.

1. Noun नाम
2. Pronoun सर्वनाम
3. Adjective विशेषण
4. Verb क्रियापद
5. Adverd क्रियाविशेषण अव्यव
6. Preposition शब्दयोगीअव्यव
7. Conjunction उभयान्वयी अव्यव
8. Interjection केवलप्रयोगी अव्यव

Thursday, September 10, 2020

इंग्रजीत मराठी बाराखड्या (Marathi Alphabet in English)

१) स्वरांची इंग्रजीत बाराखडी

अ  A

आ  A,AA

इ  I

ई  EE

उ  U

ऊ  OO

ए  E

ऐ  AI

ओ  O

औ  AU

अं  AM

अः  AHA

२) मराठी मूळाक्षरे इंग्रजीत

क  Ka

ख  Kha

ग  Ga

घ  Gha

च  Cha

छ  Chha

ज  Ja

झ  Jha,Za

ट  Ta

ठ  Tha

ड  Da

ढ  Dha

ण  Na

त  Ta

थ  Tha

द  Da

ध  Dha

न  Na

प  Pa

फ  Pha

ब  Ba

भ  Bha

म  Ma

य  Ya

र  Ra

ल  La

व  Va,Wa

श  Sha

ष  Sha

स  Sa

ह  Ha

ळ  La

क्ष  Ksha

ज्ञ  Dnya

नियम - कोणत्याही व्यंजनात स्वर मिळविला म्हणजे व्यंजनाचा संपूर्ण उच्चार होत असतो.

जसे ख् + अ = Kha = खा अशाप्रकारे वरील व्यंजनांना किना वेलांटी इत्यादी जोडतांना स्वरांचा वापर करावा लागतो. विशेषनामांचें स्पेलिंग बनवितांना पुढीलप्रमिणे उपयोग होतो. उदा.

राम  Ram

राजा  Raja

राजू  Raju

हेमा  Hema

हरी  Hari

रेणू  Renu

रूपा  Rupa

पुणे  Pune

वाई  Wai

पांडे  Pande

शर्मा  Sharma

माने  Mane

गोरे  Gore

घिरा  Dhira

दीपा  Deepa

लीला  Leela

राणे  Rane 

स्मिता  Smita

गंगा  Ganga

उज्वल  Ujwal

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Alaphabet (इंग्रजी मुळाक्षरे)

इंग्रजी भाषेत २६ मुळाक्षरे आहेत त्यांना Alphabet असे म्हणतात. प्रत्येक अक्षर मोठे(Capital) तसेच लयहान (small) अशा दोन प्रकारे खालीलप्रमाणे लिहीले जाते.

A a a  ए

B b b  बी

C c c  सी

D d d  डी

E e e  इ

F f f   एफ

G g g  जी

H h h  एच

I i i  आय

J i i  जे

K k k  के

L l l  एल

M m m  एम

N n n  एन

O o o  ओ

P p p  पी

Q q q  क्यु

R r r  आर

S s s  एस

T t t  टी

U u u  यू

V v v  व्ही

W w w  डब्ल्यू

X x x  एक्स

Y y y  वाय

Z z z  झेड

   वरील एकूण २६ अक्षरांपैकी  A,E,I,O,U  हे पाच स्वर  (Vowels व्हाँवल्सअसून बाकी २१ अक्षरे ही व्यंजने (Consonants -  काँन्सनण्टस्आहेत.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Lathe Parts

Principal parts of centre lathe. 
1. Bed 
2. Tailstock 
3. Headstock 
4. Carriage 
5. Feed mechanism 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Purpose of foundation, Vibrations causes, safety from vibrations, precautions in foundations. 


Friction and lubrication, purpose of lubrication, Types of lubricants, methods of engine lubrication, failure of lubrication. 
Bearing : Sliding and rotting contact, their relative advantages and disadvantages, failure of bearing. 

Mechanical Drives

Study of belt, rope, chain, gear, drives, their relative advantages and disadvantages. Study of coupling : muff, flange, Bush pin, Oldham, universal coupling, care of coupling. Study of clutches : Dog clutch, single lpate-multu plate-cone clutches, care of clutches. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Material Handling Devices

Lifting tackle, Jacks,  Pulleys,  Blocks-chain-which crab, description, use and case, General rules for safety material handling. 


Types of pipes, pipe material, study and uses of different types of pipe fitting, Tools required for plumbing. 

Air Compressors

Uses of compressed air, classifications of air compressors, working of reciprocating air compressor. 


Types of pump : Centrifugal, Reciprocating, their classifications, their parts and working, Erection of pumps. 

Monday, July 27, 2020


Importance of maintenance, types of maintenance, Functions of preventive maintenance, advantages of preventive maintenance. 

Testing of Machines

Importance of testing of machine tool, test equipments, alignment tests in lathe and drilling machines. Elementary knowledge of Electrical wiring to understand the safety precautions in electrical connections of machines, safety measures. 

Shaping, Planning, Spotting and Milling Machines

Classifications, principle of working, principle parts, specifications, accessories, operations, maintenance. 

Grinding Machines

Classifications of grinding machines, grinding wheels abrasive material, Bonding, selection of grinding wheel, glazing, loading and dressing of grinding wheel. 

Drilling Machines

Classifications of drilling machines, specifications, Types of drill accessories, drilling machine operations such as drilling, Remington, tapping etc. 

The Lathe

Type of lathe, principle of work8ng, specifications, lathe parts, Large accessories, large operations, cutting fluids. 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Market Study /The 4 Ps of Marketing / Importance of an IDEA: Understanding Market Research

Market research is the process of gathering, analysing and interpreting market information on a product or service that is being sold in that market. It also includes information on:
  • Past, present and prospective customers
  • Customer characteristics and spending habits
  • The location and needs of the target market 
  • The overall industry 
  • Relevant competitors
Market research involves two types of data:
  • Primary information. This is research collected by yourself or by someone hired by you. 
  • Secondary information. This is research that already exists and is out there for you to find and use. 
Primary research 
Primary research can be of two types:
  • Exploratory: This is open-ended and usually involves detailed, unstructured interviews. 
  • Specific: This is precise and involves structured, formal interviews. Conducting specific 
Secondary research

Secondary research uses outside information. Some common secondary sources are:
  • Public sources: These are usually free and have a lot of good information. Examples are government departments, business departments of public libraries etc. 
  • Commercial sources: These offer valuable information but usually require a fee to be paid. Examples are research and trade associations, banks and other financial institutions etc. 
  • Educational institutions: These offer a wealth of information. Examples are colleges, universities, technical institutes etc. 

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Success & Failures: Understanding Successes and Failures in Entrepreurship

Shaun is a famous entrepreneur, known for his success story. But what most people don't know, is that Shyam failed nervous times before his enterprise become a success. Read his interview to get an idea of what entrepreurship is really about, straight from an entrepreneur who has both, failed and succeeded. 

Interviewer: Shyam, I have heard6that entrepreneurs are great risk-takers who are never afraid of failing. Is this true? 

Shyam: Ha ha, no of course it's not true!  Most people believe that entrepreneurs need to be fearlessly enthusiastic. But the truth is, fear is a very normal and valid human reaction, especially when you are planning to star your own business! In fact, my biggest fear was the fear of failing. The reality is, entrepreneurs fail as much as they succeed. The trick is to not allow the fear of failing to step you from going ahead with your plans. Remember, failures are lessons for future success! 

Interviwer: What, according to you, is the reason that entrepreneurs fail? 

Shyam: Well, there is no one single reason why entrepreneurs fail. An entrepreneur can fail due to nervous reason. You could fail because you have allowed your fear of failure to defeat you.  You could fail becaus4 you are unwilling to delegate (distribute) work. As the saying goes, "You can do anything, but not everything!" You could fail because you have up too easily - maybe you were not persistent enough.  You could fail be cause you were focusing your enemy on small, insinificant tasks and ignoring the tasks that were most important. Other reason for failing are partnering with the wrong people, not being able to sell your product to the right customers at the right time at the right price...  and many more reasons!

Intreviewer: As an entrepreneur, how do you feel failure should be looked at? 

Shyam : I believe we should all look at failure as an asset, rather a than assembler something negative. The way I see it, if you have an idea, you should try to make it work, even if there is a chance that you will fail. That's because not trying is failure right there, anyway! And failure is not the worst thing that can happen. I think having regrets because of not trying, and wondering "what if" is far worse than trying and actually failing. 

Interviewer: How did you feel when you failed for the first time? 

Shyam: I was completely heartbroken! It was a very painful experience. But the good news is, you do recover from the failure. And with every subsequent failure, the recovery process gets a lot easier. That's becous3 you start to see each failure more as a lesson that will eventually help you succeed, rather than as an obstacle that you cannot overcome. You will start to realize that failure has many benefits. 

Interviewer: Can you tell us about some of the benefits of failing? 

Shyam: One of the benefits that I have experienced personally from failing is that the failure made me see things in a new light. It gave me answers that I didn't have before. Failure can make you a pot stronger. It also helps keep your ego in control. 

Interviewer: What advice would you give entrepreneurs who are about to start their own enterprises? 

Shyam: I would tell them to do their research and ensure that their product is something that is actually wanted by customers. I'd tell them that it's very important to be aggressive - push and marked your product as aggressively as possible. I would warn them that starting an enterprise is very expensive and that they should be prepared for a situation where they run out of money. I would tell them to create long term goals and put a plan in action to achieve that goal. I would tell them to build a product that is truly unique. By very careful and ensure that you are not copying another start-up. Lastly, I'd tell them it's very important that they find the right investors. 

Interviewer: That's some really helpful advice, Shyam! I'm sure this will help all entrepreneurs to be more prepared before they begin their journey! Thank you for all your insight! 

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Risk Appetite & Resilience: Entrepreneurship and Risk

Entrepreneurs are inherently risk takers.  They are path-makers not path-takers. Unlike a normal, cautious person, an entrepreneur would not think twice about quitting his job (his sole income)  and taking a risk on himself and his idea. 
An entrepreneur is aware that while pursuing his dreams, assumption can be proven wrong and unforeseen events may arise. He known that after dealing with numerous problems, success is still not guaranteed. Entrepreneurship is synonymous with the ability to take risks. This ability, called risk-appetite, is an entrepreurial trait that is partly genetic and partly acquired. 

What is Risk Appetite? 

Risk appetite is defined as the extent to which a company is equipped to take risk, in order to achieve it's objective. Essentially, it refers to the balance, struck by the company, between possible profits and the hazards caused by charges in the environment (economic ecosystem, policies, etc.). Taking on more risk may lead to higher rewards but hav3 a high probability of on good opportunities to grow and reach their objectives. The levels of risk appetite can be broadly categorized as "low","medium" and "high." The company's entrepreneur(s) have to evaluate all potential alternatives and select the option most likely to succeed. Dinosaurs have varying levels of risk appetite for different objectives.  

The levels depend on:
  • The type of industry
  • Market pressures
  • Company objectives
For example, a start-up with a revolutionary concept will have a very high risk appetite. The start-up can afford short term failures before it achieves longer term success.  This type of appetite will not remain constant and will be adjusted DTP account for the present circumstances of the company. 

Risk Appetite Statement 

Companies have to define and articulate their risk appetite in sync with decisions made about their objectives and opportunities. The point of having a risk appetite statement is to have a framework that clearly states the acceptance and management of risk in business. It sets risk taking limits within the company. The risk appetite statement should convey the following:
  • The nature of risk the business faces. 
  • Which risks the company is comfortable taking on and which risks are unacceptable. 
  • The nature of risks of risks the business faces. 
  • Which risks the company is comfortable taking on and which risks are unacceptable. 
  • How much risk to accept in all risk and reward. 
  • Measures of risk and methods of examining and regulating risk exposures. 
Entrepreneurship and Resilience 

Entrepreneurs are characterized by a set of qualities known as resilience. These qualities play  an especially large rile in the early stages of developing an enterprise. Risk resilience is an extremely valuable characteristic as it is believed to protect enterpreneus against the threat of challenges and changes in the business environment. 

What is Entrepreneurial Resilience? 

Resilience is used to describe individuals who have the ability to overcome setbacks related to their life and career aspirations. A resilient person is someone who is capable of easily and quickly recovering from setbacks. For the entrepreneur, resilience is a critical trait. 
  • By developing a professional network of coaches and mentors
  • By accepting that change is a part of life 
  • By viewing obstacles as something that can be overcome 
Characteristics of a Resilient Entrepreneur 

The characteristics required to make an make an entrepreneur resilient enough to go the whole way on their business enterprise are:
  • A strong internal sense of control
  • Skill to learn from setbacks
  • Ability to diversify and expand 
  • Cash-flow conscious habitw
  • Strong social connections 
  • Ability to look at the bigger picture 
  • Survivor attitude 
  • Attention to detail 

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Entrepreurship Support Eco-System : Who is an Entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is a person who:
  • Does not work for an employee 
  • Runs a small enterprise 
  • Assumes all the risks and rewards of the enterprise, idea, good or service 
Types of Entrepreneurs 
There are four main types of entrepreneurs:

  1. The Traditional Entrepreneur: This type of entrepreneur usually has some kind of skills around for numerous years like restaurants, shops and carpenters. Typically, they gain plenty of experience in a particular industry before they begin their own business in a similar field. 
  2. The Growth Potential Entrepreneur: The desire of this type of entrepreneur is to start an enterprise that will grow, win many customers and make lots of money. Their ultimate aim is to eventually sell their enterprise for a nice profit. Such entrepreneurs usually have a science or Tecnical background. 
  3. The Project-Oriented Entrepreneur: This type of entrepreneur generally has a background in the Arts or psychology. Their of enterprises tend to be focus on something that they are very passionate about. 
  4. The Lifestyle Entrepreneur: This type of entrepreneur has usually worked as a teacher or a secretary. They are more interested in selling something that people will enjoy, rather than making lots of money. 
Characteristics of an Entrepreneur 

Successful entrepreneurs have the following characteristics:
  • They are highly motivated 
  • They are creative and persuasive 
  • They are mentally prepared to handle each and every task
  • They have excellent business skills - they know how to evaluate their cash flow, sales and revenue 
  • They are willing to take great risks 
  • They are very proactive - this means they are willing to do the work themselves, rather than wait for someone else to do it 
  • They have a vision - they are able to see the big picture 
  • They are flexible and open - minded 
  • They are good at making decisions
Entrepreneur Success Stories 

Dhirubhai Bhai Ambani 

Dhirubhai Ambani began his entrepreneurial career by selling "bhajias" to pilgrims in Mount Girnar on weekends. At 16, he moved to Yemen where he worked as a gas -station attendant, and as a clerk in an oil company. He returned to India with Rs. 50,000 and started a textile trading company. Reliance went on to become the India company to raise money in global markets and the first Indian company to feature in Forbes 500 list. 

Dr.  Karsanbhai Patel 

Karsanbhai Patel made detergent powder in the backyard of his house. He sold his product door-to-door and offered a money back guarantee with every pack that was sold. He charged Rs. 3 per kg when the cheapest detergent at that time was Rs.  13 per kg. Dr.  Patel eventually started Nirma which become a whole new segment in the India domestic detergent market. 

The Entrepreneurial Process 

Let's take a look at the stages of the entrepreneurial process.

Stage 1: Idea Generation. The entrepreneurial process begins with an idea that has been through of by the entrepreneur. The idea is a problem that has the potential to be solved. 

Stage 2: Germination or Recognition. In this stage a possible solution to the identified problem is through of. 

Stage 3: Preparation or Rationalization. The problem is studied further and research is done to find out how others have tried to solve the same problem. 

Stage 4: Incubation or Fantasizing. This stage involves creative thinking for the purpose of coming up with more ideas. Less thought is given to the problem areas. 

Stage 5: Feasibility Study: The next step is the creation of a feasibility study to determine if the idea will make a profit and if it should be seen through. 

Stage 6: lllumination or Realization. This is when all uncertain areas suddenly become clear. 

Stage 7: Verification or Validation. In this final stage, the idea is verified to see if it works and if it is useful. 

Take a look at the diagram below to get a better idea of this process. 

Introduction to the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem 

The entrepreneurship support ecosystem signifies the collective and complete nature of entrepreneurship. New companies emerge and flourish not only because of the courageous, visionary entrepreneurs who launch them, but they thrive as they are set in an environment or 'ecosystem' made of private and public participants. These players nurture and sustain the new ventures, facilitating the entrepreneuts'efforts. An entrepreneurship ecosystem comprises of the the following six domains:

  1. Favourable Culture: This includes elements such as tolerance of risk and errors, valuable networking and positive social standing of the entrepreneur. 
  2. Facilitating Policies & Leadership: This includes regulatory framework incentives and existence of public research institutes. 
  3. Financing Options: Angel financing, venture capitalists and micro loans would be good examples of this. 
  4. Human Capital: This refers to trained and untrained labour, entrepreneurs 
  5. and entrepreneurship training programmes, etc. 
  6. Conducive Markets for Products & Services: This refers to an existence or scope of existence of a market for the product/service.
  7. Institutional & Infrastructural Support: This includes legal and financing advisers, telecommunications, digital and transportation infrastructure, and entrepreurship networking programmers.
There domains indicate whether there is a strong entrepreurship support ecosystem and what actions should the government put in place to further encourage this ecosystem. 

Every entrepreneurship support ecosystem is unique and all the element of the ecosystem are interdependent. Although every region's entrepreneurship ecosystem can be broadly described by the above features, each ecosystem is the result of the hundred elements interacting in highly complex and particular ways. 

Entrepreneurship ecosystem eventually become (largely)  self-sustaining. When the six domains are resilient enough, they are mutually beneficial. At this point, government involvement can and should be significantly minimized. Public leaders do not need to invest lot to sustain the ecosystem. It is imperative that the entrepreurship ecosystem incentives are formulated to be self-liquidating, hence focussing on sustain ability of the environment. 

Make in India Campaign 

Every entrepreneur has certain needs. Some of their important needs are:
  • To easily get loans 
  • To easily investors 
  • To get tax exemption s 
  • To easily access resources and good infrastructure
  • To enjoy a procedure that is free of hassles and is quick 
  • To be able to easily partner with other firms 
The Make in India campaign, launched by Prime Minister Modify aims to satisfy all these needs of young,aepiring entrepreneurs. It's objective is to:
  • Make investment easy 
  • Support new ideas 
  • Enhance skill development 
  • Safeguard the ideas of entrepreneurs 
  • Create state-of-the-art facilities for manufacturing goods
Key Schemes to Promote Entrepreneurs 

The government offers many schemes to support entrepreneurs. These schemes are run by various Ministries/Departments of Government of India to support First Generation Entrepreneurs. Take a look at a few key schemes to promote entrepreneurship:

Sleep.  Name of the scheme
  1. Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana - Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency (MUDRA), 
  3. Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) 
  4. International Cooperation 
  5. Performance and Credit Rating 
  6. Marketing Assistance Scheme
  7. Reimbursement of Registration Fee Bar Coding 
  8. Enable Participation of MSMEs in State/District level Trade Fair and Provide Funding Support 
  9. Capital Subsidy Support on Credit for Technology up gradation 
  10. Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro and Small Enterprise (CGFMSE) 
  11. Reimbursement of Certification Fees for Acquiring ISO Standards 
  12. Agricultural Marketing 
  13. Small Agricultural Marketing 
  14. Mega Food Park 
  15. Avocado Mahila Sashktikaran Yojana
1. Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana, - Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency (MUDRA), 


Under the aegis support of Pradhan Mantra MUDRA Yojana, MUDRA has already created it's initial products/schemes. The interventions have been named 'Shisha','Kishore'and ' Taren' to signify the stage of growth/development and funding needs of the beneficiary micro unit/entrepreneur and also provide a reference point for the next phase of graduation/growth to look forward to:

a.  Shisha: Covering loans up to Rs.                 50,000/-
b.  Kishor: Covering loans above                      Rs. 50,000/- and up to Rs. 5 lakh 
c.  Tarun: Covering loans above Rs. 5              lakh to Rs.  10 lakh 

Who can apply?

Any India citizen who has a business plan for a non-farm sector income generating activity such as manufacturing, processing, trading pr service sector and whose credit need is less than Rs. 10 lakh can approach either a Bank, MFI, or NBFC for availing of MUDRA loans under Red-handed Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMKVY). 

2. Stand Up India


The objective of the Standup India scheme is to facilities bank loans between Rs. 10 lakh and Rs.  1 corresponding to at least one Schedule Caste (SC)  or Scheduled Tribe (ST)  borrower and at least one woman borrower per bank branch for setting up a Greenfield enterprise. This enterprise may be inanufacturing ,services or the trading sector. In case of non-Individual enterprises at least 51% of the shareholding and controlling stake should be held be either an SC/ST or Women Entrepreneur. 

Who can apply?

ST, SC & Women 

3. Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) Description
The Scheme is implemented by Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), as the nodal agency at the National level. At the State level,  the Scheme is implemented through State KVIC Directorates, State Khadi and Village Industries Boards (KVIBs)  and District Industries Centres (DICs)  and banks.  The Government subsidy under the Scheme is routed by KVIC through identified bank's for eventual distribution to the beneficiaties/entrepreneurs in their bank accounts. 

Nature of assistance 

The maximum cost of the project/unit admissible under manufacturing sector is Rs. 25 lakh and under business/service sector is Rs. 10 lakh. Levels of funding under PMEGP 

The balance amount of the total project cost will be provided by Banks as terms loan as well as working capital. 

Who can apply? 

Any individual, above 18 years of age.  At least VIII standard pass for projects coating above Rs. 10 lakh in the manufacturing sector and above Rs. 5 lakh in the business/service sector. Only new projects are considered for sanction under PMEGP. Self Help Groups (including those beloginig to BPL provided that they have not availed benefits under any other Scheme),  Institutions registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860; Production Co-operation Societies, and Charitable Trusts are also eligible. Existing Units (under PMRY, REGP or any other scheme of Government of India or State Government) and the units that have already availed Government Subsidy under any other scheme of Government of India or State Government are NOT eligible. 

4. International Cooperation Description 

The Scheme would cover the following activities:
  • Deputation of MSME business delegations to other countries forever exploring new areas of technology infusion/upgaradation, facilitating joint ventures, improving market of MSMEs products, foreign collaborations, etc. 
  • Participation by Indian MSMEs in international exhibitions, trade fairs and buyer-seller meets in foreign countries as well as in India, in which there is international participation. 
  • Holding international conferences and seminars on topics and themes of interest to the MSME. 
Nature of assistance 

IC Scheme provides financial assistance towards the airfare and space rent of entrepreneurs. Assistance is provided on the basis of size and the type of the enterprise. 

Who can apply? 

  • State/Central Government Organisations; 
  • Industry/Entreprise Associations; and 
  • Registered Societies/Trusts and Organisations associated with the promotion and development of MSMEs 
5. Performance and Credit Rating for Micro Small Enterprises 


The objective of the Scheme is to create awareness amongst micro & small enterprises about the strengths and weaknesses of their operations and also their credit worthiness. 

Nature of assistance 

Who can apply? 
Any enterprise registered in India as a microwave or small enterprise is eligible to apply. 

6. Marketing Assistance Scheme 


The assistance is provided for the following activities:
  • Organizing exhibitions abroad and participation in international exhibitions/trade fairs 
  • Co-sponsoring of exhibitions organized by other organisations/industry associations/agencies 
  • Organizing buyer-seller meets, intensive campaigns and marketing promotion events 
Nature of assistance 

Financial assistance of up to 95% of the airfare and space rent of entrepreneurs. Assistance in provided on the basis of size and the type of the enterprise. Financial assistance for co-sponsoring would be limited to 40% of the net expenditure, subject to maximum amount of Rs. 5 lakh. 

Who can apply? 

MSMEs, Industry Associations and other organizations related to MSME sector. 

7. Reimbursement of Registration Fee for Bar Coding 


The financial assistance is provided towards 75% reimbursement of only one-time registration fee and 75% of annual recurring fee for first three years paid by MSEs to GS1 India for using bar coding. 

Nature of assistance 

Funding support for reimbursement of 75% of one time and recurring bar code registration fees. 

Who can apply? 

All MSMEs with EM registration. 

8. Enabling Participation of MSMEs in State/District Level Trade Fairs and Provide Funding Support 


Provide marketing platform to manufacturing MEMEs by enabling their participation in state/district level exhibitions being organized by state/district authorities/associations.

Nature of assistance 

1. Free registration for participating in trade fairs 
Note: The selection of participants would be done by the MSME-DIs post the submission of applications. 

2. Reimbursement of 50% of to and fro actual fare by shortest distance/direct train (limited to AC llama tier class)  from the nearest railway station/bus fare to the place of exhibition and 50% space rental charges for MSMEs (General category entrepreneurs). 

3. For Woman/SC/ST entrepreneurs & entrepreneurs from North Eastern Region Govt. of India will reimburse 80% of items above in Point (2).

Note: The total reimbursement will be max. Rs. 30,000/- per unit for the SC/ST/Women/Physically Handicapped entrepreneurs, while for the other units the max. limit will be Rs. 20,000/- per person per MSME unit. 

Note: The participation is required to submit follow-up proofs post attending the event to claim reimbursement. The proofs can be submitted after logging in online under the section "My Application " or directly vibrating a DI office. 

Who can apply? 

All MSMEs with EM registration. 

9. Capital Subsidy Support on Credit for Technology Information 


MSMEs can get a capital subsidy (~15%) on credit availed for technology upgradation. 

Nature of assistance 

Financial assistance for availing credit and loan. 

Who can apply? 

1. Banks and financial institutions can apply to DC-MSME for availing support. 
2. MSMEs need to directly contact the respective banks for getting credit and capital subsidy. 

How to apply? 

If you are a financial institution, click on the "Apply Now" button or else you can also directly contact the Office of DC-MSME.  You can view the contact details of Office of DC-MSME.  If you are an MSME,  directly contact the respective banks/financial institutions as listed in the scheme guidelines. 

10. Provision of collateral Free Credit for MSMEs 


Banks and financial institutions are provided funding assistance under this scheme so that they can in turn lend collateral free credit to MSMEs. 

Nature of assistance 

Funding support to banks and financial institutions for lending collateral-free credit to MSMEs. 

Who can apply? 

Banks and financial institutions can apply to office of DC-MSME/MSME-DIs for availing support. MSMEs need to directly contact the respective banks for getting credit. 

11. Reimbursement of certification fees for acquiring ISO standards 

ISO 9000/ISO 14001 Certification Reimbursement. 


The Gol assistance will be provided for one-time reimbursement of expenditure to such MSME manufacturing units which acquire ISO 18000/ISO 22000/ISO 27000 certification. 

Nature of assistance 

Reimbursement of experience incurred on acquiring ISO standards. 

Who can apply? 

MSMEs with EM registration. 

12. Agricultural Marketing 


A capital investment subsidy for contruction/renovation of rural godowns. Creation of scientific storage capacity and prevention of distress sale. 

Nature of assistance 

Subsidy @ 25% to farmers,  15% of project cost to companies. 

Who can apply? 
NGOs, SHGs, companies, co-operatives. 

13. Small Agricultural Marketing 


Business development description provides venture capital assistance in the form of equity and arranges training and visits of agri-preneurs. 

Farmers' Agricultural Business Consortium 

Business development description provides venture capital assistance in the form of equity,  and arranges training and visits of agri-preneurs. 

Nature of assistance 

Financial assistance with a ceiling of Rs. 5 lakh.

Who can apply? 

Individuals, farmers, produces groups, partnership/propriety firms, SGHs, agri-preneurs, etc. 

14. Mega Food park 


Mechanism to link agricultural production and market to maximize value addition, enhance farmer's income, create rural employment. 

Nature of assistance 

One-time capital grant of 50% of project cost with a limit of  Rs.50 crore. 

Who can apply? 

Farmers, farmer groups, SHGs. 

15. Adivasi Mahila Sashaktikaran Yojana 


Confessional scheme for the economic development of ST women. 

Nature of assistance 

Term loan at confessional rate up to 90% of cost of scheme. 

Who can apply? 

Scheduled Tribes Women. 

Monday, May 18, 2020

Business Opportunities Identification: Entrepreneurs and Opportunities

"The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it and exploits it as an opportunity. "
Peter Drucker 
The ability to identify business opportunities is an essential characteristic of an entrepreneur. 

What is an Opportunity?
The word opportunity suggests a good chance or a favourable situation to do something offered by circumstances.

Common Questions Faced by Entrepreneurs 
A critical question that all entrepreneurs face is how to go about finding the business opportunity that is right for them. 
  • Some common questions that entrepreneurs constantly think about are:
  • Should the new enterprise introduce a new product or service based on an unmet need? 
  • Should the new enterprise reflect and existing product or service from one market and offer it in another where it may not be available?
  • Should the enterprise be based on  triad and tested formula that has worked elsewhere? 
It is therefore extremely important that entrepreneurs must learn how to identify new and existing business opportunities and evaluate their chances of success. 

When is an Identity and Opportunity?

An idea is an opportunity when:
  • It creates or adds value to a customer 
  • It solves a significant problem, removes a pain point or meets a demand 
  • Has a robust merely and profit margin 
  • Is a good fit with the founder and management team at the right time and place 
Factors to Consider When Looking for Opportunities

Consider the following when looking for business opportunities:
  • Economic trends 
  • Marked trends 
  • Changes in funding 
  • Changes in political support 
  • Changing relationships between vendors, partners and suppliers 
  • Shift in target audience 
Ways to Identify New Business Opportunities 

1. Identify Market Inefficiencies
When looking at a market, consider what inefficiencies are present in the market. Thick about ways to correct these inefficiencies. 

2. Remove Key Hassles
Rather than create a new product or service, you can innovatively improve a product, service or process. 

3. Create Something New
Thick about how you can create a new experience for customers, based on existing business models.

4. Pick a Growing Sector/Industry 
Research and find out which sectors or industries are growing and think about what opportunities you can tap in the same. 

5. Think About Product Differentiation
If you already have a product in mind, think about to set it apart from the existing ones. 

Ways to Identify Business Opportunities within Your Business 

1. SWOT Analysis 

An excellent way to identify opportunities inside your business is by creating a SWOT analysis. The acronym SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. SWOT analysis frameworks:

Consider the following when looking for business opportunities:
By looking at yourself and your competitors using the SWOT framework, you can uncover opportunities that you can exploit, as well as manage and eliminate threats that could derail your success. 

2. Establishing Your USP
Establish your USP and position yourself as different from your competitors.  Identify why customers should buy from you and promote that reason. 

Opportunity Analysis 
Once you have identified an opportunity, you need to analyse it. 
To analyse an opportunity, you must:
  • Remember, opportunities are situational. 
  • Avoid the latest craze. 
  • Look for a proven track record. 
  • Live your idea. 

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Interview Preparation: How to Prepare for an Interview?

The success of your getting the job that want depends largely on how well your interview for that job goes.  Therefore, before you go in for your interview, it is important that you prepare for it with a fair a amount of research and planning. Take a look at the steps to follow in order to be well prepared for an interview:

1. Research the organization that you are having the interview with. 
  • Studying the company beforehand will help you be more prepared at the time of the interview. Your knowledge of the organization will help you answer questions at the time of the interview, and will leave you looking and feeling more confident. This is sure to make you stand out from other, not as well informed, candidates. 
  • Look for background information on the company. Ty and find an overview of the company and it's industry profile.
  • Visit the company website to get a good idea of what the company does.  A company website offers a wealth of important information. Read and understand the company's mission statement. Pay attention to the company's products/services and client lost. Read through any press releases to get an idea of the company's projected growth and stability. 
  • Note down any questions that you have after your research has been completed. 
2. Think about whether your skills and qualifications match the job requirements. 
  • Carefully read through and analyse the job description. 
  • Make a note of the knowledge, skills and abilities required to fulfil the job requirements. 
  • Take a look at the organization hierarchy. Figure out where the position you are applying for fits into this hierarchy. 
3. Go through the most typical interview questions asked, and prepare your responses. 
  • Remember, in most interview a mix of resume - based, behavioural and case study questions are asked. 
  • Think about the kind of answers you would like to provide to typical questions asked in these three areas. 
  • Practice these answers until you can express them confidently and clearly. 
4. Plan your attire for the interview. 
  • It is always safest to opt for formal business attire, unless expressly informed to dress in business casual (in which case you should use your bluest judgement)
  • Ensure that your clothes are clean and well-ironed. Pick neutral colours - nothing too bright or flashy. 
  • The shoes you wear should match your clothes, and should be clean and suitable for an interview. 
  • Remember, your aim is to leave everyone you meet with the impression that you are a professional and highly efficient person. 
5. Ensure that you have packed everything that you may require during the interview. 
  • Carry a few copies of your resume. Use a good quality paper for your resume print outs. 
  • Always take along a notepad and a pen. 
  • Take along any information you may need to refer to, in order to fill out an application form. 
  • Carry a few samples of your work, if relevant 
6. Remember the importance of non-verbal communication. 
  • Practice projecting confidence. Remind yourself to smile and make eye contact. Practice giving a firm handshake. 
  • Keep in mind the importance of posture. Practice setting up straight. Train yourse6to stop nervous gestures like fidgeting and foot -tapping. 
  • Practice keeping your reactions in check. Remember, your facial expressions provide a good insight into your true feelings. Practice projecting a positive image. 
7. Make a list of questions to end the interview with. 
  • Most interviews will end with the interviewer(s) asking if you have any questions. This is your chance to show that you have done your research and are interested in learning more about the company. 
  • If the interviewer does not ask you this question, you can inform him/her that you have some queries that you would like to discuss. This is the time for you to refer to the notes you made while studying the company. 
  • Some good questions to ask at this point are. 
➡️What do you consider the most important criteria for success in this job? 
➡️How will my performance be evaluated?
➡️What are the opportunities for advancement?
➡️What are the next steps in the hiring process? 
  • Remember, never ask for information that is easily available on the company website. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Problem Solving & Negotiation Skills: What is a Problem?

As per The Concise Oxford Dictionary (1995), a problem is, "A doubtful or difficult matter requiring a solution"

All problems contain two elements:
  1. Goals 
  2. Obstacles 
The aim of problem solving is to recognize the obstacles and remove them in order to achieve the goals. 

How to Solve Problems? 

Solving a problem requires a level of rational thinking. Here are some logical step to follow when faced with an issue:

Step 1: Identify the problem 
Step 2:Study the problem in detail
Step 3: List all possible solutions
Step 4: Select the best solution
Step 5: Implement the chosen solution 
Step 6: Check that the problem has really been solved 

Important Trait for Problem Solving

Highly developed problem-aolving skills are critical for both, business owners and their employees. The following personality traits play a big role in how effectively problems are solved:

Being open minded

Asking the right questions 

Not panicking 

Having a positive attitude 

Being proactive 

Focusing on the right problem

How to Assess for Problem Solving Skills? 

As an entrepreneur, it would be a good idea to assess the level of problem solving skills of potential candidates before hiring them.  Some ways to assess this skill are through:
  1. Application forms: Ask for proof of the candidate's problem solving skills in the application form. 
  2. Psychometric tests: Give potential candidates logical reasoning and critical thinking tests and see how they fare. 
  3. Interview: Create hypothetical problematic situations or raise ethical questions and see how the candidates respond. 
  4. Technical questions: Give candidates examples of real life problems and evaluate their thought process. 
What is Negotiate?

Negotiation is a method used to settle differences. The aim of negotiation is to resolve differences through a compromise or agreement while avoiding disputes. Without negotiation, conflicts are likely to lead to resentment between people. Good negotiation sk8lls help satisfy both parties and go a long way towards developing strong relationship. 

Why Negotiate? 

Starting a business requires many, many negotiations. Some negotiations are small while others are critical enough to make or break a start -up.  Negotiation also plays a big role inside the workplace. As an entrepreneur, you need to know not only know how to negotiate yourself, but also how to turn employees in the art of negotiation. 

How to Negotiate? 

Take a look at some steps to help you negotiate:

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Communication Skills: Listening & Speaking the Importance of Listening Effectively

Listening is the ability to correctly receive and understand messages during the process of communication. Listening is critical for effective communication. Without effective listening skills, messages can easily be misunderstood. This results in a communication breakdown and can lead to the sender and the receiver of the message becoming frustrated or irritated. It's very important to note that listening is not the same as hearing. Hearing just refers to sounds that only hear. Listening is a whole lot more than that. To listen, one requires focus. It means not only paying attention to the story, but also focusing on how the story is related, the way language and voice is used, and even how the speaker uses their body language. The ability to listen depends on how effectively one can perceive and understand both, verbal and non-varbal cues. 

How to Listen Effectively? 
To listen effectively you should:
  • Stop talking 
  • Pay attention to the tone that is being used
  • Stop interrupting 
  • Pay attention to the speaker's gestures, facial expressions and eye movements
  • Focus completely on what is being said 
  • Not try and rush the person
  • Nod and use encouraging words and gestures 
  • Not let the speaker's mannerisms or habits irritate or distract you 
  • Be open-minded 
  • Think about the speaker's perspective 
  • Be very, very patient 
The Importance of Speaking Effectively 
How successfully a message gets conveyed depends entirely on how effectively you are able to get through. An effective speaker is one who enunciated properly, pronounces words correctly, chooses the right words and speaks at a pace that is easily understandable. Besides this, the words spoken out loud need to match the gestures, tone and body language used. What you say, and the tone in which you say it, results in numerous low self-esteem or lacking in knowledge of the discussed topic. Those with a quiet voice may very well be labelled as shy. And those who speak in commanding tones with high levels of clarity, are usually considered to be extremely confident. This makes speaking a very critical communication skill. 

How to Speak Effectively?

To speak effectively you should:
  • Incorporate body language in your speech like eye contact, smiling, nodding, gesturing etc. 
  • Build a draft of your speech before actually making speech. 
  • Ensure that all your emotions and feeling are under control. 
  • Pronounce your words distinctly with the correct pitch and intensity. Your speech should be crystal clear at all times. Use a pleasant and natural tone when speaking. Your audience should not feel like you are putting on an accent or being unnatural in any way. 
  • Use precise and specific words to drive your message home.  Ambiguity should be avoided at all costs. 
  • Ensure that your speech has logical flow. 
  • Be brief.  Don't add any unnecessary information. 
  • Make a conscious effort to avoid irritating mannerisms like fidgeting, twitching etc. 
  • Choose your word carefully and use simple words that the majority of the audience will have no difficilulty understanding.
  • Use visual aids like slides or a whiteboard. 
  • Speak slowly so that your audience can easily understand what you're saying. However, be careful not to speak too slowly because this can come across as stiff, unprepared or even condescending. 
Remember to pause at the right moments. 

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