Electromechanical components convert electric energy to mechanical energy (mechanical movement) or vice versa for carrying out electric operations. The following figure lists various Electromechanical Components :
A motor is an electrical components which is used to transform electrical energy into mechanical energy to produce linear or rotary force. Unlike magnetic solenoids, they generate usable mechanical powers.
In a normal motoring mode, force is generated inside the motor through the interaction between it's winding current and magnetic field. Appliances such as water purifier and mixer/juicer/grinder have this component. The following image shows the motor used in a mixer grinder :
Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
A PCB acts as a base for the components that are mounted on its surface and interconnection with wires, conductive tracks and so on. The components are generally soldered on the circuit board according to the specified design. Appliances such as microwave oven, water purifier and mixer/juicer/grinder have this component. The following image shows a PCB :
A connector is a device which is used to join two circuits together. The connector may be a port, a plug, a cable connector and so on. All appliances have.this either in the form of a cable connector or a plug, as shown in the following image :
A switch is a component used to make or break connections in an electrical circuit. A switch is used to divert the current form one conductor to another one. It can be operated manually to control a circuit such as a light switch or can be operated by a moving object. It is made to control a wide range of currents and voltages
A relay is a switch that controls an electrical by opening and closing contacts in another circuits, Electromechanically or electronically . In Electromechanical relays, the switching is electronic as three are no contact. Appliances such as microwave oven and water purifier have this component. The Electromechanical relays are operated by an electromagnet which is a coil of wire wrapped round an a iron core. The following image shows both the relays :
Circuit Breaker
A circuit breaker is a requisite component of an electrical power system required for it's control and protection. It is a switching device which can be operated manually as well as automatically such as microwave oven and mixer/juicer/grinder have this component. The following image shows a circuit breaker :
A starter is a device that is used to start, stop, reverse and protect a motor. It controls the supply of electric power to the motor. It has important parts, contactors and overload protection. Appliances such as microwave oven and mixer/juicer/grinder have this component. The following image shows a starter:
A time, also known as a time switch, is a special type of clock that measures time intervals . It operates a switch that is controlled using a timing device. A timer may be built into a power circuits such as a water heater timer. It may also be built into the equipment such as a timer that turns off cooking in microwave oven after a set period. The following image shows an appliance that has it :
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