Saturday, May 2, 2020

Personal finance-why to save? Importance of saving

We all know that the future is unpredictable. You never know what will happen tomorrow, next week or next year. That's why saving money steadily through the year so important. Saving money will help improve your financial situation over time. But more importantly, knowing that you have money stashed away for an emergency will give you peace of mind. Saving money also opens the door to many more options and possibilities.

Benefits of saving

Inculcating the habit of the saving leads to a vast number of benefits. Saving helps you :

  • Become financially independant:when you have enough money saved up to feel secure you can start making your choice, from taking a vacation whenever you want, to switching careers or starting your own business. 
  • Invest in yourself through education:through saving, you can earn enough to pay up for courses that will add to your professional experience and ultimately results in higher paying jobs. 
  • Get out of debt:once you have saved enough as a reserve fund, you can use your savings to pay off debts like loans or bills that have accumulated over time. 
  • Be prepared for surprise expences:Having money saved enables you to pay for unforeseen expenses like sudden car or house repairs ,without feeling financially stressed. 
  • Pay for emergencies: saving helps you dial with emergencies like sudden heaths issues or emergency trips without feeling financially burdened. 
  • Afford large purchases and achieve major goals:saving diligently makes it possible to place down payments towards major purchases and goals, like buying a home or a car. 
  • Retire:the money you have saved over the years will keep you comfortable when you on longer have the income you would get from your job. 

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