Friday, September 20, 2019

What is c? / Computer programming

What is c? 

  • C is the high level and structural programming language that all programming Dennis Ritchie in 1972 developed a UNIX at bell labs 
  • Interaction and C consict of turn data very classy sent to Algebraic contraction sultans English key word such as if,  else,  dus while,  etc. 
  • C contain sultans additional fichars that a lot is to use as level activities as a Ritchie it is machine language and high level language it a small inctraction see don't include extencial lyricist function with a mark basic inctraction C as no beam a vaidly use profectional language for very reason. 
  1. Easy language 
  2. Structured language 
  3. It can also handle low level Activity 

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