Saturday, January 11, 2020

Maintenance of RO Water Purifiers

To ensure that the water purifier provides the same quality water, it is essential to do periodic maintenance of the system. The following figure lists the components of the maintenance of an RO system:

Maintenance of an RO system 

  • Check TDS of water 
  • Check valves 
  • Clean and sanitize RO system
  • Change filters and membrane 
Check TDS of water 
Water is often called the universal solvent because it picks up impurities easily. The impurities can be minerals, salts, metals or ions and are also known as 'Dissolved solids'. 
These dissolved solids increase the electrical conductivity of water. 
TDS is used as a measure to determine the purity of water and the quality of water purification system. 

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are the total amount of dissolved solids present in water. It is the sum of positively charged ions (cations)  and negatively charged ions (anions)  in the water. It is measured in units of Mg per unit volume of water (mg/L) and is also referred to as parts per million (ppm).
The maximum contamination level advised for TDS is 500 Mg/L and a high level of TDS indicate the possibility of toxic ions such as lead,  arsenic, cadmium and others dissolved in water. The following figure shows the various levels of TDS in water:
Level of TDS in water

It is important to monitor the TDS regularly to ensure that the water purification system is effective in removing unwanted particles from water. 
The following figure lists the reasons for testing water for high TDS:

  • Results in undesirable taste of water 
  • Indicates the presence of toxic minerals 
  • Causes adverse effects on health 
  • Indicates hardness of water 
  • Indicates that the filters /membrane needs to be changed
TDS Meter 
TDS of water or any solution is measured with the help of TDS meter. It is a small hand held device that measures the electrical conductivity of water and estimates the TDS from that reading. The following figure shows a commonly used TDS meter:
TDS meter 

Taking TDS Measurements 
A TDS meter is very easy and simple to use. The following figure lists the steps of taking TDS measurements using a TDS meter:

Step 1: Collect water in a clean glass
Step 2: Remove the cap and turn the                 TDS meter on
Step 3: Insert the meter into the water
Step 4: Lightly stir the water to                           displace any air bubbles 
Step 5: Wait for the display to stabilize
Step 6: Press the HOLD button toview               the reding
Step 7: Remove the meter and shake                 off excess water 
Step 8: Replace the cap 

Check valves 
An RO system has two types of valve - Auto-shut-off valve (ASV)  and check valve (CV). If either of the two is defective then the RO system will not shut-off and the water will be running constantly. 

The following figure lists the steps involved in checking auto-shut-off valve and check valve:
  • Ensure that the tank is not empty 
  • Remove the drain line from the drain saddle 
  • Turn off the water supply line 
  • Turn-on the tank valve
  • Check if drain water is running 
  • If water is running then ASV or CV is defective 
  • Replace the CV and check water drainage 
  • If water stops, stop testing 
  • If water continues to drain, replace ASV 
Clean and Sanitize RO System 
An RO system should be cleaned and sanitized at least once every year. The steps to sanitize an RO system are listed in the figure:
Turn off the water supply line and open the faucet 

Place a towel/tray under the unit for water spills 

Empty the tank and shut the faucet off

Remove all filters and membrane 
Replace the filter housings 
Add the sanitizer
Turn on the water supply line
Fill the system with sanitizing solution
Flush out the system until clear water starts flowing 
Wait for few minutes and flush again
Re-install all filters and membrane 
Fill and flush the system once more 

Changing Filters and Membrane 
It is recommended to change the filters /membrane of an RO system as per the following schedule:

Sediment filter 
Change every 6-12 months 

Carbon filter 
Change every 6-12 months 

Carbon post filter 
Change every 12 months 

Reverse Osmosis membrane 
Change every 24 months 

When changing filters or membrane of the system, it is vital to follow appropriate sanitation and service procedures as outlined in the following figure:

Ensure correct cartridges are used for replacement 
Remove the cartridge from packaging only after service is complete 
Ensure the area around system is free from dust 
Be sure to wash hands before starting work 
Be careful not to run hot water through the unit 

Changing filter
The following figure lists the steps involved in changing the filter:
  • Turn off the watersupply line and open the faucet 
  • Place a tower /tray under the unit for water spills 
  • Unscrew the filter housing cap and remove the cartridge 
  • Wipe the O-ring clean and replace if damaged 
  • Rinse the inside of filter housing and insert new filter
  • Lightly lubricate the O-ring and place it back 
  • Carefully screw back the housing cap 
  • Turn on the water supply and check for leaks 
  • Turn on the faucet and allow water to flow 
Changing Membrane 
The following figure explains the steps involved in changing the membrane :
  • Turn off the water supply line and open the faucet 
  • Place a towel /tray under the unit for water spills 
  • Disconnect the tubing from the membrane housing 
  • Free the membrane fom the clips 
  • Wipe the O-ring clean and replace if damaged 
  • Unscrew the membrane housing cap and remove the membrane 
  • Rinse the inside of membranes housing and insert new membranes 
  • Lightly lubricate the O-ring and place it back 
  • Replace and tighten membranes housing cap 
  • Turn on the water supply and check for leaks
  • Turn on the faucet and allow water to flow 

Inform the Customer about the DOS and Don'ts of Maintenance 
Inform the customers that an RO water purifier lasts for many years if it is maintained properly. The following figure shows the various Dos and Don'ts that should be followed :

Do not place heavy or sharp objects on the purifier 
Drain the water form the tank if it has not been used for over 2 days
Do not apply force on the water dispensing lever 
Use only genuine spare parts 
Change the filters and membranes regularly 

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