Saturday, August 31, 2019


              A recent trend in C2C e-Commerce is the growing popularity of Wed auctions. Wed auctions are similar to traditional auctions except that buyers and sellers seldom, if ever, meet face -to -face. Sellers post descriptions of products at a wed site and buyers submitbbids electronically. Like tradional auctions, sometimes the bidding become highly competitive and enthusiastic. There are two basic types of Wed auction sites.
             Auction house sites sell a wide range of merchandise directly to bidders. The auction house owner presents merchandise that is typically from a company's surplus stock. These sites operate like a traditional auction, and bargain prices are not uncommon. Auction house sites are generally considered safe places to shop.
            Person-to-person auction sites operate more like flea markets. The owner of the site provides a forum for numerous byers and sellers to gather. While the owners of these sites typically facilitate the bidding completing transaction or in verifying the authenticity of the goods sold. As with purchases at a flea market, buyers and sellers.
Employment generation:-Job placement agencies and employers have started to increasingly use the internet as a source of recruitment by advertising on the net to fill up vacancies. Side, people seeking job or better employment opportunities also sue the internet.
Shopping Online :-Some department stores offer their products, both new old to Internet users to payment, which is usually made in advance through a credit card.  While in the case of software,  developers often post the software they have written - a process similar to posting a message.  You can also download and use these programs free of cost and give a feedback to the programmer about its usefulness.
Entertainment :- Internet now gives you unlimited opportunities to watch latest films,  TV programs and listen to music.  You can download your favorite movies and music from different sources.
Educational Opportunities :- Suppose you wish to study in America after passing the Senior Secondary examination.  Just surf the Web and you will find that almost every university in the U. S. maintains a web site.  Each of these sites provides extensive information,  ranging from course available to credit prices,  course fees,  etc.,  details of programs leading to various degrees and career planning services.  Lastly I can say that with the help of computer and Internet, you can see the World on your desktop only.  And that too anytime of the day
Usenet :- Usenet is from of public bulletin board,  where you can post your comments; queries etc and invite public response.  You can participate in user (newsgroup) Group discussion,  as your comments; advices and seek guidance to your own problems.  Usenet which started in small way as a communication channel between Duke University and North Carolina University in 1979 as today grown into a vest internet service.  The Usenet service allows user to distribute news massage automatically among thousands of structured news groups.
Chat :- The logical development to e-mail services,  the chat service allows users to 'talk' with each other using their keyboard.  Internet relay chat (IRC)  was the first of its kind,  but today there are a number or sophisticated chat services available on the internet.
Telnet :- Telnet is the service on the Internet which allows you to connect to computers from remote log-in.  To avail of the service , you must have user Id and password.
Gopher :- Is an Internet search utility name after the University of the Minnesota's Golden Gopher allows you to navigate the net using a menu system.  It can search and retrieve information from Gopher servers on the net.


              The fastest -growing type of e-Commerce is business-to-consumer. It is used by large corporations,  small corporations,  and start-up businesses.  Because extensive investments are not required to create traditional retail outlets and to maintains large marketing and sales staffs, e-Commerce allowes start -up companies to compete with larger established firms.
             The three most widely used B2C applications are for online banking, financial trading, and shopping. Online banking is becoming a standard feature of banking institutions. Costumers are able to go online with a standard browser to perform many banking operations. These online operations include accessing account information, balancing check books, transferring funds, paying bills, and applying for loans. Online stock trading allows investor to research, buy, and sell stocks and bonds over the internet. While e-trading is more convenient than using a traditional full-service broker, the greatest advantage is cost. Online shopping includes the buying and selling of the wide range of consumer goods over the internet there are thousands of e-Commerce applications in this area. Fortunately, there are numerous Wed sites that provide support for consumers looking to compare products and to locate bargains. 

Friday, August 30, 2019


Electronic Commerce :-
                Electronic Commerce, also known as e-commerce,  is the buying and setting of goods over the Internet.  Have you ever brought anything over the Internet?  If you have not,  there is a very good chance that you will within the next year or two.  Shopping on the Internet is growing rapidly and there seems to be no end in sight.
            The underlying reason for the rapid growth in e-Commerce is that it provides incentives for both buyers and sellers.  From the buyer's perspective,  goods and services can be purchased at any time of day or night.  Traditional commerce is typically limited to standard business hours when the seller's location. For example,  busy parents with small children do not need to coordinate their separate schedules or to arrange for a baby sitter whenever they want to visit the mall.  From the seller's perspective,  the costs associated with owning and operating a retail outlet can be eliminated.  For example, a music store can operate entirely on the Web without an actual physical store and without a large sales staff.  Another advantage is reduced inventory.  Traditional stores maintain an inventory of goods in their stares and periodically replenish this inventory and products are shipped directly from warehouse.
            While there are numerous advantages to e-Commerce,  there are disadvantage as well.  Some of these disadvantage include the inability to provide immediate delivery of goods,  the inability to "try on" prospective purchases , and questions relating to the security of online payments.  Although these issues are being addressed,  very few observers suggest that e-Commerce will replace bricks-and-mortar businesses entirely.  It is clear that both will coexist and that e-Commerce will continue to grow.
          Just like any other type of commerce,  electronic commerce involves two parties : businesses and consumers. There are three basic types of electronic commerce:
Business-to-consumer: (B2C)  involves the sale of a product or service to the general public or end users.  Oftentimes this arrangements eliminates the wholesale by allowing manufacturers to sell directly to customers.  Other times,  existing retail stores use B2C e-Commerce to create a presence on the Web as another way to reach customers.
Consumer -to consumer (C2C) involves individuals selling to individuals.  This often takes the from of an electronic version of the classified ads or an auction.
Business-to business (B2B)  involves individuals sale of a product or service from one business to another.  This is typically a manufacturer -supplier relationship.  For example,  a furniture manufacturers requires Raw materials such as wood,  paint and varnish. 


e-Commerce :-
            e-Commerce mean doing business online.  It refers to any manner of conducting business on line by an individual/organization. As part of e-Commerce,  large organizations also send data from the Internet to conduct research and plan their marketing strategies globally.  With credit cards becoming more popular along with computerized banking services,  payment for services through Internet is becoming very easy. Let us Following Details. 


Modems :-
      The word modem is short for "modulator -demodulator". Modulation is the name of the process of converting from digital analog.  Demodulation is process of converting from analog to digital.  The modem enables digital microcomputers to communicate across analog telephone lines.  Both voice communications and data communications can be carried over the same telephone line.
       The speed with which modems transmit data varies.  Communications speed is typical measured in bits per second (bps).  The speed,  the faster you can send and receive information.  For example transferring an image like might take 75 second with a 33.6 kbps modem and only 45 seconds with modem.

There are four basic types of modems :

>The external modem stands apart from the computer and typically is connected by a cable to the computer serial port.  Another cable connects the modem to the telephone wall jack. >The Internal Modem consists of a plug-in-circuit board inside the system unit.  A telephone cable connects-the modem to the telephone wall jack.
>The PC Card modem is a credit card-size expansion board that is inserted into portable computers. A telephone cable connects the modem to the telephone wall jack.
>The wireless modem is very similar to the external modem.  Typically it connects to the computers serial port.  Unlike an external modem,  it does not connect with a cable.  Rather wireless modems send and receive through the air. 

Resources available to you via FTP / Internet and Networking

Resources available to you via FTP 
Freeware :-
             When you download freeware are author continues to carry the copyright to the software but permits /you to use the program free.  You can share freeware with others,  as long as you don't sell it.

Public Domain :- 
      When you download public domain software , you can use it freely.  The creator carries no copyright,  and has released it for anyone to use.  There are no limits on distribution or sale--and anyone can modify the program.


Important services available on internet / Internet & Networking

Important services available on internet 

World wide web (www)  :- Created in 1992 is,  set of interconnect pages that represent specific websites around the world.  These web pages are rich in illustration,  graphics and multimedia contents

E-mail :- One of the most prominent internet service,  e-mail has made communications practically instantaneous.  Not only can you send text,  but also various types of data files as attachments.

Http :- Hyper text transfer protocol,  Http is the preferred means of the transferring hyper text documents (web pages)  over the internet.

FTP :- File transfer protocol,  FTP enables files to be downloaded from various computers , file servers and archives.  Many computer,  hardware and software manufacturers, educational organizetions and institutions have set up FTP sites from which you can download software. Instructions materials,  notes updates etc.

Anonymous FTP :- Some sites have public file archives that you can access by using FTP with the account name 'anonymous ' and your e-Mail address as the password.  This type of access is called anonymous. 

Internet & Networking

               Internet is connection of two word interconnection and network.  A network is simply a group of computer connected together for sharing information's and resources.  Several such types of network joined together across world called as Internet.  It is network of network Internet comprises thousand of computer connected together by different means.  There are organizations that help and manage different parts6of the network.

History :-
                 In 1969 (Advanced Research Project Agency)  ARPA  created ARPANET to help the researchers communication with each other.  The aim of this agency was to develop geographically dispersed,  reliable communication network for military use that would not be disrupted in case of nuclear attack.  They did all this by splitting data being transmitted into small packets , which could take different route to their destination.  In 1986 the (national science foundation)  created NSFNET,  a network with five supercomputer to help establish effective communication amongst universities.  In 1990 ARPANET was dismantle and other network came as substitute.  To provide services to internet user,  and to standardize working of Internet,  NSF created an organization called InterNIC in 1993.  The internet was developed for research purposes but now changed its used mainly for commercial purposed.
              The internet as the name itself indicates (Inter + net),  is essentially a world - wide network of computer networks.  It is an open interconnect of networks networks or users that comprise a set of standardized protocols which allow for the sharing of resources among different kinds of computers that communicate with each other on the network.  These standards,  sometimes referred to as the Internet Protocol unite,  are the ruler developer adhere to when creating new function for the Internet.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Connecting to a Network Printer :-

Connecting to a Network Printer :-
           Net everyone has the desk space to have their own printer.  Therefore,  may homes and offices capacity a central printer that can be connected to a network of in one of three ways. Most large capacity laser and inkjet printers have a network port and be plugged directly into a router,  switch,  or hub.  Many w large capacity printers also come with the ability to run on a wireless network.
The third method (and the most cost - effective for small applications) is to simply share a printer that is connected to one computer.  The only catch is that the computer attached to the printer must remain on at all times so other users have access.

            To add a network printer,  go to the Control Panel and click Hardware and Sound * Add a printer.  When the Add Printer dialog box appears,  click "Add a network,  wireless,  or Bluetooth printer:"

            Your computer will search all locations and computer in your network workgroup,  which will take a minute or two.  In order for a network printer to be shared, both your computer and the printer must be members of the same domain (or workgroup). We will cover the steps needed to connect to a domain in the next portion of this lesson.
Any available recognized printing services will be displayed in a list.  Select the printer you want to use and click Next :

When you install a network printer driver to communicate properly.  A printer drive can be added to your computer in a number of ways:

If the printer is attached to someone's computer,  the drive will be downloaded and installed from the host computer.

If the printer came with a driver disc,  you can install the drive on your computer and then install the network printer.
Windows included a large drive database for many printers.  If the local database does not contain the drive,  you can connect to Windows Update and search for a drive that way.  You can download the printer drive from the manufacturer's Web site and install it as if you were using a drive installed successfully,  you will see the following dialog.  You can give the printer another name (such as "3rd floor printer " or "Accounting ") and click Next:

Finally,  you can set this printer to be your default printer and printer a lest page to make sure everything is working correctly :

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Removing a User Account

Removing a User Account 
               Click any of the accounts in the list to view it's properties and then click "Delete the account. " When you click this link,  you can choose to keep all files associated with the account :

When you click this link,  you can choose to keep all files associated with that profile on your desktop or delete all files associated with the account :

If you delete the account,  you will be asked to confirm your choice; click Delete Account. 
Using the Networking and Sharing Center :- Some networking options,  such as the ability to connect to a high -speed internet connection,  are automatic,  However,  other networking options require you to perform some setup operations.  To help make this process easier,  Windows includes yh3 Networking and Sharing Center in the Control Panel 

Click Start -- Control Panel -- Network and Internet --Network and Sharing Center :

          Now that you are familiar with some of the network terms and have a connection established,  we will explore some of the options you can use with your network.  In this lesson we will cover how to view all parts of your network,  shar3 resources with others on your network,  and trcblesgoot some common problems. 

Viewing your Network Map 
               Your network map is a showing all locations on your network and the connection that bind all locations and devices together.  When you first open the Network and Sharing Center in the Control Panel,  you will see a basic network map.  However,  if you want to view an entire map with all nodes,  click "See full map:"

Depending on your network configuration,  you may not see much of a change in diagrams.  However,  the full map does provide you with more specific information :

To view special information about an object in the map,  or other objects that are somehow a part of the network,  click the link at the bottom of the network map:

This will open a list of all network devices.  Double - click an object to view and modify properties,  provided you have the correct access to that device:

Customizing User Accounts / Windows 7 / Computer

Customizing User Accounts
It is commonplace now to have at least one personal has access to their own!  However,  if you share a computer at home or at work,  you can use accounts . This enables everyone to sign in,  use programs , store their own data,  and customize the interface to their liking.
This lesson will show you are a computer administration, how to create,  modify,  and remove user accounts.

Opening User Accounts 
When you first turn on your computer,  you computer,  you have log in by cli6your user name and entering a password.  In the Control Panel,  click User Accounts and Family Safety *User Accounts . If you are a computer administrator, you will see your account details :

Click "Click "Manage another account " to view all user accounts on your computer.
If you are the only user,  you will actually see two accounts: your,  and a guest account :

Click the "Create a new account " link near the bottom of the window . Give the new account a name and then choose the account type :

Select any of the options in the list to perform that action on the account.  Any new accounts that have been created by you are not immediately equipped with a password,  so you have option to create the password for the account.  If the user has forgotten a password, they must contact an administrator in order to have it reset. 

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Common customization tasks / windows 7

Now that you have been introduced to the main categories of the control panel, you will modify some of the settings that give your profile a personal touch. In this lesson we will cover how to change color and sound schemes, change the date and time, and how to change the resolution of your screen. 

Personalizing your computer :-
Modern graphics cards and graphics choosers have the ability to display millions of colors and vibrant visual effects. Windows 7 tasks advantage of this technological capability and allows you to create a bright and colorful interface to suit your liking. 

Click start-control panel-Appearance and personalization -Personalization to view how you can customize windows 7. (You can also access these options by right -clicking the desktop and clicking personalize.)

This window Lets you change all desktop settings at once. You can scroll through the themes that come with windows 7 here and click any theme to apply it; it's as simple as that. If you would rather pick and choose your settings, use the four commands at the bottom of the window.

Background :-at the top of the desktop background feature, you can use the combo box to choose the source for your wallpaper. You can also click browse to select any other folder that contains images. 

Next ,you can  select one or more images to use as your wallpaper. To select multiple images, hover your mouse over the picture and then click the checkbox in the upper-left corner. Repeat this unit you have selected all the images you want: Now you 

Now you can adjust how the image will be displaed on your screen. These options will force the image to comform in different ways relative to your screen resolution:

You can control how often windows switches between images:
Finally, if you have selected more than one image to use as a background.

Whenever you have finished choosing your options,click save changes. 
Windows color :-here you can select a color, disable or enable windows border transparency, and select the color intensity. If you don't like any of the current colors,click "show color mixer" to define your own:

When you have finished, click "save changes.".
Sounds :-pick form a number of sound schemes in this window using the sound scheme combo box:
Changing the date and time 
If you are moving to a different region of the world, or have suffered a power loss which can throw off the clock time, you can change the date and time in the control panel. 
Click clock, language, and region and then click "set the time and date " under the date and time heading :

Now click the "Change date and time" button :

Use the < and > buttons on either side of the month to change the month,  and then click a day to change the data.  Click the hour,  minute,  to second time and type the proper time.  When you are satisfied with all adjustments,  click OK. 

You can also click the clock in the Taskbar and then click "Change data and time settings :"

Now you see following options and description

System and security :
               This section deals with the overall operation and 
stability/security of windows 7. 
Here, you can open the action center, check system settings, manage windows update settings and power consumption options, and access other administrative tools. 
1)Action center 2)windows firewall 3)system 4)windows update 5)power option 6)backup and restore7) bit locker drive encryption 8)administrative tools
Network and internet :-use this option to modify how your computer will interact with others it you are on a network. Manage network settings, set up and use the home group network to interact with other windows 7 computers and modify internet explorer 8 settings. 
1)Network and sharing center. 
3)internet options
Hardware and sound:-This option allows you to modify settings for all hardware connected to your computer. This can include printers and scanners, mice, keyboard, speakers,digital cameras and audio devices, game controllers,and scanners, and modems. You can also modify autoplay option for removable media, adjust sound and power usage options, and change display settings.
1)Devices and printers
4)Power options

Programs:-Install or uninstall third-party programs,  set which programs will be associated with which file type, and manage gadgets.
1)Programs and features
2)Default programs
3)Desktop gadgets

User accounts and family safety appearance:- Manage users on your computer. These options are useful if the computer is to be used at home or in an office setting where many people will share the same compter. Use windows card space and the credentials manager to manage personal data.
1)User account
2)parental controls
4)Credential manager adjust

Appearance and personalization:
Adjust the look and and feel of your computer here. Manage how the start menu looks, adjust a number of visual elements, customize how a folder display it's contens,and view fonts that are installed on your computer.
3)Desktop gadgets
4)Taskbar and start menu
5)Ease of access center
6)Folder options

Clock, Language, Region :- Use this option to change the data and time,  change the language pack that is installed on your computer,  or change other regional options such as currency and number formats.
1) Data and Time
2) Region and Language

Navigation Basics 
When you open the Control Panel,  all of the primary categories of options are listed in green,  with the most commonly used category options in blue. For example,  consider the Hardware and Sound option:

When you click a category,  a navigation pane will appear on the left side of the window.  This pane shows you where you are in relation to the other categories.  Notice that the address verification now shows the category name as well:

Clicking 5he actual Hardware and Sound link will open all category options,  as shown in the diagram below.  If you clicked the blue "Add a device " link,  you would be taken directly to the sub option in the red box: 
Sometimes when you have clicked a link to view the details of a category or clicked a sub option,  you will see some related Control Panel options :

Beside the address bar at the top of the window are Back and Forward navigation buttons.  You can also return to the home screen of the Control Panel by clicking Control Panel Home :

This will list all commands that do a specific thing with your computer.  (You may more or fewer icons on your computer.) 

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Exploring the desktop of windows 7

Lesson 1.1:meet the control panel 
               Welcome to CSULB's windows 7 advanced coursewarel.In this manual we will expand on the functionality of your computer, it's networking and communication abilities, and cover more advanced topics relating to your computer and the workings of an operating system.
               To begin, we will explore the control panel. You can modify many aspects of windows here and intermediate users will hav^ access to all the options they need to control their computer. Master the workings of the control panel and you can consider yourself a seasoned windows 7 user!
Opening the Control Panel 
The Control panel is opened by clicking Start * Control Panel : Microsoft Windows 7 Advanced 3
Control Panel Overview 
The Control Panel contains an address bar search box like many other folders. The different commands are categories into eight groups. 

> Click Start --»Control Panel 
> Provide commands to modify the customize almost everything Windows does. 

As we progress through this manual,  we will cover most of there options in detail.  For now,  let's go over the different sections:

Windows 7 / Introduction

            Windows 7 is The new version of ever popular operating systems called Windows 7.  It is an enhancement of the different released till now,  I,  e.,  Windows 95,  Windows 98,  Windows NT,  Windows 2000.  Windows ME and Windows XP. 
             The following terms are widely under working under Windows.  It is a good point to remember them.  For your convenience,  l am listing them alphabeticcally ,

Click : It is the option to clicking the icon or anywhere on the desktop with the left button of the mouse. 

Close : It is the open to close the running dialog box of the program or the program itself.

Desktop : It is the playing field of the Windows. This is where all the activity is performed. It can be also called the opening screen of the windows.
Double -ckick: It means that you press the left button of the mouse, twice in succession.
Icons:These are nothing but the graphical representation of the documents, program, drives, etc.
Maximize:You can choose to see the maximum screen of the running a program.
Minimize:It allows you to minimize the program which is running, so that you can have another program on the screen.
Pointers:The icon which represents the mouse is. Know as pointer.
Right-click:It is widely used in windows vista. It means that you click the right button of the mouse to get a small menu and then choose the option you want.
Shut down:It means that you are shutting down the computer and do not intend to work now. You may start the computer later. For this click at shut down.
Start button:It is on the bottom left hand corner of your windows screen. It allows you to select the programs you want to run or documents you want to open.
Taskbar:this is what you see at the bottom of the windows screen. It shows date,time,running programming, scheduled programming, etc. 

Friday, August 23, 2019

Multimedia Software/ Introduction to computers

Desktop Publishing :- Desktop publishing Programs or page layout programs allow you to mix text and graphics to create publications of professional quality. While word processors focus on creating text and have the ability to combine text and graphics,  desktop publishers creating text and have the ability to combine text and graphics,  desktop publishers focus on page design and layout and provide greater flexibility.
         Desktop publishing programs are widely used by graphic artists to create broaches,  newsletters, newspapers and textbook.  Popular desktop publishing programs include print shop Deluxe,  Adobe in Design,  Adobe Premiere Marker and QuarkXpress.
Paint Programs :- A paint program allows you to use tools that simulate painting on a digital image.  Paint programs produce bitmap or images made up of thousands of dota or pixels.  You can use a paint programs that changes the colour in a bitmap or use tools that simulate paint brush strokes.  Bitmapped graphics files are very common and are slightly more difficult to manipulate than other types of graphic images.  Paintbrush for Windows and Painter by MetaCrations are the most common paint programs.  Advanced Paint Programs are called images editors. 

Wireless Connections / Introduction to computers

Wireless connections do not use a solid substance to connect sending and receiving devices.  Rather,  they use the air itself.  Primary technologies used for wireless connections are infrared,  radio frequency,  microwave,  and satellite.
Infrared uses infrared light waves to communicate over short distances.  It is can only travel in a straight line.  This requires that sending and receiving devices must be in clear view another without any indication blocking that view.  One of the most common applications is to transfer data and information from a portable device such as a notebook computer or PDA to a desktop computer.
Radio frequency (RF)  uses radio signals to communicate between wireless devices.  For example,  cellular telephone and many Internet-enable devices use RT to Place telephone calls and /or to connect to the Internet . Some end users connect their notebook or handheld computers to a cellular telephone to access the Web from remote location. Most home or business wireless network are based on a standard called wi-fi (wireless fidelity).
Bluetooth is a short-range radio communication standard that transmits data over short distances of up to approximately 33 feet.  Bluetooth is widely used for wireless headsets,  printer connections,  and handheld device.
Microwave communication uses high - frequency radio waves.  Like infrared,  microwave communication provides line-of-sight communication because microwaves travel in a straight line.  Because the waves bend with the curvature of the earth,  they can be transmitted only over relatively short distances.  Thus,  microwave is a good medium for sending data between buildings in a city or on a large college campus.  For longer distances,  the microwave dishes or antennas.  These stations. Any of these are offered by Intelsat,  the International Telecommunications Satellite. Consortium, which is owned by 114.  Government and form a worldwide communication system.  Satellite rotate at a precise point and speed above the earth.  They can amplify and relay microwave signals from one transmitter on the ground to another.  Satellite can be used to send and receive large volumes of data.  Uplink is a term relating to sending data to a satellite.  Download refers to receiving data from a satellite.  The major drawback to satellite communication is that bad weat weather can sometimes interrupt the flow of data
           One of the most interesting application of satellite communication is for global positioning.  A network of 24 satellites owned is and managed by the Defense Department continuously sends location information to earth.  Global positioning system (GPS) device us3 that information to uniquely determine the geographical location of the device.  Available in many automobile to provide navigational support,  these systems are often mounted into the data with a monitor to display maps and speakers to provide spoken directions . Many of today's cell phones , including the Apple iPhone,  use GPS technology for handheld cell phones,  including the Apple iPhone,  use GPS technology for handheld navigation

Advantage of Multimedia :
        The use a Multimedia offers many advantages
1)     Enhancement of text only messages: Multimedia enhances text only presentation by adding interesting sound and compelling visuals .
2)     Improves oven Traditional Audio- Vidio  presentations: Audiences are more attentive to multimedia messages than than traditional presentation done with slides or overhead transparencies.
3)     Gains and Holds attention : People are more interested in multimedia message which combine the elements of test,  audio,  graphics and video because it offers greater understanding and retention of information.
4)      Good for 'Computer -Phobic :- Those who are intimidated by computer keyboard and complex instructions are more comfortable with pressing buttons with a mouse or so a screen.
5)      Multimedia is entertaining as well as educational .

Thursday, August 22, 2019

PHYSICAL CONNECTIONS / Introduction to computers

         Physical connections use a solid medium to connect sending and receiving devices.  These connections include telephone lines (twisted pair), coaxial cable, and fiber-optic cable.

  • Twisted -pair cable consists of pairs of copper wire that are twisted together.  Both standard telephone lines and Ethernet cable use twisted -pair.  Ethernet cable are commonly used in networks and to connect a variety of components to the system unit. 
  • Coaxial cable, a high - frequency transmission cable , replaces the multiple wires of telephone lines with a single solid-copper core.  In terms of the number of telephone connections, a coaxial cable has over 80 times the transmission capacity of twisted pair.  Coaxial cable is used to deliver television signals as well as to connect computers in a network. 
  • Fiber-optic cable transmits data as pulses of light through tiny tubes of glass 
  •  In terms of the number of telephone connection,  fiber-optic cable has over 26,000 times the transmission capacity of twisted-pair cable Compared to coaxial cable,  they are lighter and more reliable at transmitting data.  They transmit information using beams of light at light speeds instead of pulses of electricity,  making far faster than copper cable.  Fiber-optic cable is rapidly replacing twisted-pair cable telephone lines. 

Communication Channels / Introduction to computers

           Communication channel are an essential elements of every communication system.  These channels actually carry the data from one computer to another.  There are two categories of communication channels. One category connects sending and receiving devices by providing a physical connection,  such as a wire or cable.  The other category is wireless. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

System software / Introduction to computers

System software -hardles technical details,  works with user,  hardware and application software.
Operation system -coordinates computer resources,  provide in interface between users and computer & run application.
GUI - Graphical User Interface - OS users elements like icons and Windows.
Multitasking - ability to switch between different application stored in memory.
Booting - starting or restarting a computer.
Warm boot- Restart computer without turning off the power.
Cold boot- starting a computer that has been turned off Three basic categories of O.S .
       1)  Embedded operating system -used for handheld computers & PDA operating System programs are stored on Rom (Read only memory)  chips.  He.  Windows Cr. Net , Palm O. S.
       2) Network operating system (NOS)  - used to control & co-ordinate computers that are networked or linked No 's hard disk he.  UNIX,  windows XP Server,  Windows NT server.
       3) Stand alone operating system - desktop operation system control a single desktop or notebook computer when.  Windows,  Mac O. S.,  Some versions of UNIX.
proprietary O. S. - owned & licensed by a corporation.
       1) windows - Popular Operating System occupies 90% market Designed to run with Inter Compatible microprocessor.
New User Interface - Luna.
Latest version - Windows Vista released in 2007 with improvements
  • Security against malicious files and programs 
  • Three-dimensional worldpress to display transparent cascading windows 
  • Filtering capability. 
2) Mac OS - Macintosh introduced in 1984.
     Aqua user interface providing photo - quality icons and easy to use menus. 
     Sherlock is search tool on the web. 
     Latest version - Mac OS X.  also known as Tiger. 
     Spotlight - advanced search tool.
     Dashboard Widgets - constantly update and display information. 
3) Unix & Linux - Unix Originally designed for mini computer.  Now used in micro computers are server on web e. g.  Windows,  Mac OS,  UNIX Proprietary O. S.  Linux Free - open Source Operating System 
Utilities - service programs 
Troubleshooting/ diagnostic - recognize & correct problems. 
Antivirus - Protect guard computer against viruses. 
Uninstall - safety and completely remove unneeded programs 
Backup - make copies of files to be used in case the originals are lost or damaged 
File compression - programs that reduce the size of file. 
Windows Utilities - improves system performance. 
Disk Cleanup - trouble shooting utility that identifies and eliminates nonessential files. 
Fragmented - the file has to be broken up into small parts that are stored wherever space is available. 
Disk Defragmenter - eliminates unnecessary fragments and rearranges files and unused disk space to optimize operations.  
Utility suites - combine several programs into one change eg.  Microsoft Office,  Norton System works & v communication. 
1) Norton Antivirus - protect system over 21000 viruses system suite. 
2) Norton Clean Sweep - removing programs & files you no need. 
3) Web cleanup - removing temporary internet files,  history,  cookies. 
4) Connection keep Alive - Prevents dial -up internet connections from online user during periods of inactivity. 
5) Go back personal edition - will restore system configuration help to locate lost files and repair damaged files. 
Device Drivers - works with the operating system to arrow communication between Input Output devices. 
Languages Translators - conv

Network interface controller / Introduction to computers

Network interface controller 
             A network interface controller ( also known as a network interface card , network adapter,  lan adapter and by similar terms)  is a computer hardware components that connects a computer to a computer network.
        Early network interface controller were commonly implemented on expansion cards that plugged into a computer bus;  the low cost and ubiquity of the Ethernet standard means that most newer computers have a network interface built into the motherboard. 

Network Card / Introduction to computers

Network Card
            A netw6card is an expansion card that allows computers to communicate over a computer network.  It allows users to connect to each other by using cables or wirelessly. Although Other network technologies exist,  Ethernet has achieved near -ubiquity for a while now.  Every Ethernet network card has a unique 48-bit serial number called a MAC address,  which is stored in ROM carried on the card.  You can learn more about networking in the introduction to networking lesson. 

Sound Card / Introduction to computers

          A sound card is an expansion card that facilitates the input output of audio signals to/from a computer under control of computer programs . Typical uses for sound cards include providing the audio component for multimedia applications such as music composition,  editing video or audio,  presentation /education,  and entertainment. Many computers have sound capabilities built in while other require additional expansion cards to provide for audio capability. 
Close-up of a sound card PCB,  showing electrolytic capacitors,  SMT capacitors and resistors,  and a YAC512 two -channel 16-bit DAC

Graphics Card / Video Card Introduction to computers

            A video card (also known as graphics card)  is an expansion card whose function is to generate and output images to a disp7.  Some video cards offer added functions,  such as video capture,  TV tuner adapter to connect multiple monitors,  and others.  Most video cards all share similar components. They include a graphics processing unit (GPU)  which is a dedicated microprocessor optimized for 3D rendering.  It also includes a video BIOS that contains the basic program that governs the video card's operating and provides the instructions that allow the computer and software to interface with the card.  If the video card is integrated in the motherboard, it may use the computer RAM memory.  If it is not it will have it's own video memory called Video RAM.  This kind of memory can range from 128MB to 2GB.  A video card also has a RAMDAC (Random Access Memory Digital-to-Analog Converter)  which takes responsibility for turning the digital signals produced by the computer processor into an analog signal which can be understood by the computer display.  Lastly, they all have outputs such as an rfD-15 connector [standard monitor cable ], DVI connector,  S-Video , composite video or components video. 

Video Card / Graphics card /Introduction to computers

           A video card (also known as graphics card)  is an expansion card whose function is to generate and output images to a disp7.  Some video cards offer added functions,  such as video capture,  TV tuner adapter to connect multiple monitors,  and others.  Most video cards all share similar components. They include a graphics processing unit (GPU)  which is a dedicated microprocessor optimized for 3D rendering.  It also includes a video BIOS that contains the basic program that governs the video card's operating and provides the instructions that allow the computer and software to interface with the card.  If the video card is integrated in the motherboard, it may use the computer RAM memory.  If it is not it will have it's own video memory called Video RAM.  This kind of memory can range from 128MB to 2GB.  A video card also has a RAMDAC (Random Access Memory Digital-to-Analog Converter)  which takes responsibility for turning the digital signals produced by the computer processor into an analog signal which can be understood by the computer display.  Lastly, they all have outputs such as an rfD-15 connector [standard monitor cable ], DVI connector,  S-Video , composite video or components video. 

Monday, August 19, 2019

Power Supply Unit (Switched -mode power supply) / Introduction to computers

     The power supply unit in a computer converts the power from the wall outlet to the type of power needed by the computer.  It sends power through the cables to the motherboard and other components.
      If you decide to open the computer case and take a look make sure to unplug the computer first. Before touching the inside of the computer,  you should touch a grounded metal object (or a metal part of the computer casing)  to discharge any static buildup.  Static electricity can be transmitted through the computer circuits and ruin them. 

Motherboard / Introduction to computers

           The motherboard is the computer 's main circuit board.  It's a thin plate that holds the CPU,  memory,  connectors for the hard drive and optical drives,  expansion cards to control the vidio and audio,  as well as connections to your computer's ports (such as the USB ports) -The motherboard connects directly or indirectly to every part of the computer,  the main circuit board of the computer that allows all parts of the computer to receive power and communication with each other.  The motherboard,  or main board,  is the backbone of the computer. All the individual pieces connect to the motherboard in some way.  The motherboard is home the processor chip,  pci slots,  and memory. 

Drivers / Introduction to computers

           A drive is a small piece of software that tells the operating system and other software how to communicate with a piece of hardware.  For example, all printers come accompanied with drivers to install that tell the operating system exactly how to print information on the page.  Sound card drivers tell your software exactly how to translate data into audio signals that the card can output to a set of speakers.  The same applies to video cards,  keyboards , monitors,  etc.
         A driver is software that allows your computer to can communicate with hardware or devices.  Without driver, the hardware you connect to your computer --of example,  a video card or a webcam --will not work properly.
        In most cases,  drivers come with Windows or can be found by going to Windows Update in Control Panel and and checking for updates.  If Windows doesn't have the driver you need,  you can find it on the disc that came with the hardware or device you want to use , or on the manufacturer 's website.  A driver is a small software program that allows a hardware device to communicate with a computer 

What is BIOS? / Introduction to computers

What is BIOS ?
              The basic input output system, usually referred to as BIOS, is software stored on a small memory chip on the motherboard. Located on all motherboard that contain instructions and setup for how your system should boot and how it operates. In the picture to the right, is an example of what a BIOS chip may look like on your computer motherboard. In this example, this is a picture of an AMIBIOS, a type of BIOS manufactured by the AMI another good example of a BIOS manufacturer is phoenix.
              The BIOS includes instruction on how to lead basic computer hardware and includes a test referred to as a POST (Power on self test) that helps verify the computer meets requirements to boot up properly.  If the computer does not pass the POST,  -you will receive a combination of beeps indicating what is malfunctioning within the computer.  In most PCs,  the BIOS has 4 main functions as mentioned below.
1) POST - Test the computer hardware and make no errors exist before loading the operating system.  Additional information on the POST can be found on our POST and Beep Codes page.
2) Bootstrap Loader - Locate the operating system.  If a capable operating system is located,  the BIOS will pass control to it.
3) BIOS drivers - Low level drivers that give the computer basic operational control over your computer's hardware.
4. BIOS or CMOS Setup - Configuration program that allows you to configure hardware settings including system settings such as computer passwords,  time, and data.

Application Software / Introduction to computers

Application Software :
Application Software is those programs which are built to fulfill the needs of the computer user.  won processing Software,  Database Software,  Database management Software,  Spreadsheet Software and Accounting Software are called Application Software or Applications,
          An application package consists of set of related application programs,  which will run on a particular type of computer and particular type of operating system.  It set of one or more programs designed to carry out operations for a specified application for example.  Every month a payroll package produce the pay-slip for the workers of a company.  Traditionally,  application package are limited to general purpose functions,  Since there is great demand for general-purpose software there is even increasing development of this software.  Special purpose package have also are developed for such as banking,  hospital etc. 

Types of Application Software :
Basic application software 
1) Word-processing :- A word-processing which used for process text.  It allow to user to enter,  view,  formats the text and to print and save it for example Mw-Word,  WordStar etc. 
2) Electronic spreadsheet package :-Electronic spreadsheet package is software tool for data analysis.  It allow to to user quickly create manipulate and analyze data organized in column and row.  For example Ms-Excel,  Lotus etc
3) Graphic package :-It is a well-known fact that information present in the graphical and pictorial from is very easy and effective.  It has facilitated the preparation of graphs,  pictures,  designing etc.  It pictures, Coral draw,  Ms-PowerPoint are the examples of this type of graphical packages. 
4) Database management packages :- Data arranged in certain order and form which is useful to us, is called as information. This package can be sort, put in the useful manner for example foxpro, oracle. 

Special purpose application software :
This software mostly used to design purpose. In this software we can create different creativities.
Photoshop :- Photoshop is the leading digital image editing application for the internet, print, and other new media disciplines. It; is embraced by millions of headaches artists print designers, visual communicators,and regular people like you. It's likely that nearly every picture you've seen (such as posters, book covers, magazine pictures, and brochures) has either been created or edited by Photoshop. 
The newest version of Photoshop (CS6) includes features such as:
1)Layer searching.
2)Group clipping masks.
3)More information displayed in the user interface.
4)More hotkeys.
5)Crop tool changes.
6)And more. 

3D Max:- Autodesk 3ds max, formerly 3D studio max, is 3D computer graphics software for making 3D animations, models, and images. It was developed and produced by autodesk media and entertainment. 
Auto CAD:- AutoCAD is a software application for computer -aided design (CAD) and drafting. The software supports both 2D and 3D formats. The software is developed and sold by autodesk. 

Maya:- Maya is an animation and modeling program used to create Three-dimensional ( 3-D ), full-motion effects. Maya incorporates the natural laws of physics to control the behavior of virtual objects in computer animation.
Flash:- Flash is a vector animation (read about vector animation software)  software,  originally designed to create animations for display on web pages.  Vector graphics are ideal for the because they are so lightweight,

2) Language Base Software :
               This type of software used to create a Application.  Computer programming (often shortened to programming,  scripting,  or coding)  is the process of designing,  writing,  testing,  debugging,  and maintaining the source Code of computer programs. This source code is written in one or more programming language (such as C++, C#, Java,  Python,  Small talk, etc.). The purpose of programming is to create a set of instructions that computers use to perform specific operations or to exhibit desired behaviors.

C And C++ Language :- C is a powerful system programming language,  and C++is an excellent general purpose programming language with modern bells and whistles.

Jave,  Dinner,  COBOL :-This type of Programming Language software that supports system development at a high Level Of Abstraction, thereby freeing the developer from keeping in his head lots of details that are irrelevant to the problem at hand.

Web Base Software :
              A web application is an application that is a accessed by users by over a network such as the Internet or an intranet.  The term may also mean a computer software application that is coded in a browser -supported programming language (such as JavaScript, combined with a browser rendered markup language like HTML)  and replant on & common web browser to render the application executable.  Note; MS-Office it is a package software.  It is use to very huge in the word.

Database Software :-
               Database is a collection of data.  Database software allows the users to store and retrieve data from databases, Oracle,  MS Access,  etc.  The purpose of this software is to organize and manage data.  The advantage of this software is that you change way data is stored and displayed,  MS access,  dBase,  FoxPro,  Paradox,  and Oracle are some of the examples of database software.  This software is representing the any organization data in a rows and column format.

                The Oracle Database Appliances is a new way to take advantage of the world 's most popular database Oracle Database 11g in a single,  easy -to-deploy and manage system.  It's a complete package of software,  server,  storage,  and networking that's engineered for simplicity ; saving time and money by simplifying deployment,  maintenance,  and support of database workload.

SQL Server and MySQL 
              MySQL and SQL server is a open source Relational Database Management System. MySQL and SQL Server is very fast reliable and flexible Database Management System.  It provides a very high performance and it is multi-threaded and multi user Relational  Database management system

Operating system / Introduction to computers

Operating system :-
2. Software -
"Anything abstract/intangible about a computer system (i.e.which exists, but cannot be touched or seen) is a part of the software of the system ",It is a combination of data (information) and program (instruction) to give the desired result this makes computer to work. A set instruction, stored digitally within the computer's memory, which tells the computer system what to do.

Types of software :
Basically there are two types of software:
1)  System software
2)  Application software

Operating system :
An operating system is a set of programs which organizes and controls the computer system. MS DOS UNIX, windows are popular operating systems.
An operating system or OS is a software program that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software. Without a computer operating system, a computer and software 'programs would be useless.
The operating system is the most important program that runs on a computer. Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs. Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.
Operating systems can be classified as follows :
1) Multi -user : All two or more users to run programs at the same time.  Some operating systems permit hundreds or even thousands of concurrent users.
2) Multiprocessing : Supports running a program on more than one CPU.
3) Multitasking : Allows more than one program to run concurrently,
4) Multithreading : Allows different parts of a single program to run concurrently.
5) Real time : Responds to input instantly. General -purpose Operating systems,  such as DOS and UNIX,  are not real-time.
Examples of computer operating system. 
Apple MacOS : Apple computer operating system.  The only Apple computer operating system.
Ubuntu Linux : A popular variant of Linux used with PC and IBM compatible computers .
Google Android : operating system used with Android compatible phones.
IOS : Operating system used with the Apple iPhone.
Operating systems provide a software platform on top of which other programs,  called application programs , can run.  The application programs must be written to run on top of a particular operating system,  Your choice of operating system,  therefore,  determines to a great extent the applications you can run.  For pcs,  the most popular operating systems are DOS,  OS/2 , and Windows,  but others are available,  such as Linux.

System software are classified as 
Operating systems :- Already discuss
Assemblers :- A program,  which translates an assembly language program into machine language program , is called a self - assembler.  An lesser powerful and cheaper computer may not have enough software and hardware facilities for program development and convenient assembly.  In such a situation a faster and powerful computer can be used for program development.
Compiler :- A program,  which translates a high -level language program into machine language program,  is called a compiler.  A computer is more intelligent than assembler.  It checks all kinds of limits,  ranges,  error etc.  Burt it's program execution time is more and occupies large part of the memory.  It has low speed and low efficiency of memory utilization.
Interpreters :- An  interpreter is a program,  which translates on stetament of high -level language program into machine code and executes it.  In this way it proceeds futher till at the statements of the program are translates and executes,  on the other hand a compiler goes through the entire high level languages program once and then translates the entire program into Low Level language.  A compiler is faster than interpreter . An interpreter is small program as compared to the compiler.  It occupied less memory space.  It may be used in smaller system that has limited memory space.
Emulators :- These are hardware and software designed to cause one device such as computer to behave as it was another.  Emulators are used in computer that is under development or for which software is being developed.

Utility Programs, :
Utility programs help manage,  maintain and control computer resources.  These programs are available to help you with the day-to-day chores associated with personal computing and to keep your system running at peak performance.  Some examples of utility programs include:
>             Virus scanning software : Virus Scanning Software are utility programs designed to protect your computer from computer viruses.  Virus scanning software is critical to uses,  due to the number of computer viruses (small computer programs created to disrupt and destroy computer files and/or operating system software).

Anti-Virus Software :-
                  There are many anti-virus software packages available in the market.  Some anti-virus programmes are able to check the status of files and disks very easily.  It makes sense to use these programmes regularly and so establish a safe computing routine that can pay big dividends.  There are two types of anti-virus software's. You can chose a software that is made resident and continuously monitors your system. It immediately notifies the attack of a virus and in some cases can even prevent the entry of a virus. There are other kides of software's that you can use to scan the hard disk or a floppy disk. If a virus is found on a disk, you can remove it with this software. An anti-virus software which claims the ability to repair virus damage, and retrieve lost files can be dangerous tham.
The characteristics of good anti-virus software can be listed as follows.

1. The anti-virus software should be able to detect and remove a large number and types of viruses . It is better if it has provision to protect against new viruses.
2. It is very important for Anti-virus programmes to be self-checking. Examing them each time they execute, to ensure that no changes have been made since these were complied.
3. A programme scanning, disinfection and memory resident portion should be fairly swift and easy to understand. It should also genred heldful and accurate messages during operation.
5. The data of the partition table and the boot sector is very peculiar. Therefore checking it for viruses in not enough. Anti-Virus software should be able to prevent viruses from writing to the boot sector and partition table.
6. The programmes chosen should be easy to install configure and use.

Backup software;  Backup software is software that assists you in backing up your files and even the entire computer hard drive.  It is Important for you to back up your files regularly (see the File Management Tutorial for more information).
Scandisk :- Scandisk is a utility provided with Windows computers . Scandisk scans your disks to see if there are any potential problems on the disk,  such as bad disk areas.  Since disks are magnetic media,  all disk,  including your hard drive can be corrupted,

Thursday, August 15, 2019

System clock /Introduction to computers

System clock -
Like a bass drum. Clock speed is measured in gigahertz (GHz) or billions of bits per second open architecture allow expanding their systems by providing expansion slots.
Closed Architecture -users can not add new device.
Expansion cards are also called plug -in boards, controller cards, adaptor cards and interface cards.
Video cards- Graphics cards -conver electronic signals into video signals.
Sound cards- convert electronic signals into audio signals and vice versa.
Modem cards- Convert digital into analog and analog into digital signals.
Network interface cards (NIC) / network adapter card - use to connect computer with other computer.
T. V tuner cards-also known as television boards, video recorder card and video computer cards. Convert TV signals into digital signals.
Plug and play is a set of hardware and software automatically configure the device and ready to run.
Bus lines- simply known as a bus- connect the part of the CPU to each other. The number of bits that can travel simultaneously down a bus is known as the bus width.

Name- ISA -industry standard architecture
Speed- 8 to 16 bits
Use- personal computer

Name - PCI- peripheral component interconnect
Speed- 32 to 64 bits
Use - Graphic interface

AGP-Accelerated graphic port

USB-Universal serial bus

HPSB-High performance

 20times faster.      Graphic Interface Than ISA.                 Graphics and
Twice fast.               3 D animation
Than PCL.                To connect several
Twice fast.               external devices
Than AGP.                Digital camcorders & Serial bus / FireWire buses Equal to USB vidio editing software

Ports -ports are connecting sockets on the system unit.
Serial ports-send data one bit at a one time and good for sending data over a long distance. Use to connect mouse, keyboard, modem etc.
Parallel ports-send eight bit of data simultaneously across eight parallel wire. This port is used to connect printers.
Universal serial bus (USB) ports-faster port used to connect several devices.
Fire wire ports- also known as high performance serial bus (HPSB) - faster port used to connect camcorder.
PCI express ( PCLe) and serial ATA (SATA) - typically used to connect magnetic and optical disc drives to the system board with greater speed and other buses.
Specialized ports
MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) - use to connecting musical instruments like and electronic keyboard.
IrDA (infrared data association) - provide a wireless mechanism for transferring data between devices.
Power supply :-
Computer requires direct connect (DC) supply. Desktop computers used power supply unit to convert alternating current (AC) to DC. Notebook and handheld computers use ACadapters and batteries.
Types of booting :-
Cold booting :- when the computer is off, and make it on then this booing is called a cold booting in this system it displaythe type of Proccesor, memory of the computer etc.
Warm booting :- when the computer is on but because of some problem the computer is stopped. To make switch off and make it again on, this type is called as warm booting in this case memory and other information is not tested.

Operating system :-

2. Software -
"Anything abstract/intangible about a computer system (i.e.which exists, but cannot be touched or seen) is a part of the software of the system ",It is a combination of data (information) and program (instruction) to give the desired result this makes computer to work. A set instruction, stored digitally within the computer's memory, which tells the computer system what to do.
Types of software :
Basically there are two types of software:
1)  System software
2)  Application software

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