Generation is counted when any major change in the technology is occurred. After the development of the electronic component like vacuum tubes transistors the look working method is change in same direction the size of computer is reduced, speed is increased.
Generation of computer :- The developmental of Digital computer is often divided in to stages or Generation each Generation is Characterized by Ramarkble improvement over previous Generation in the Technology used to Build the Computers . Computers that are made using a particular Technology are said to belong to that Generation. Each Generation resulted in increasingly smaller cheaper more powerful more efficient and reliable machines.
Even since the man through of counting, he developed the concept of communication. His initial approach to accounting and data computations and their recording was with help of sticks, pebbles or lines on walls of caves. Then he moved toward counting using ten minutes fingers of his hands, which probably is the basis of presents decimal system.
First electronic computer used vacuum tubes, and they were huge and complex. The first general purposes electronic computer was the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer), It was digital, although it didn't operate with binary code, and was reprogrammable to solve a complete range of computing problems. It was programmed using plug boards and switches, supporting input from of computing problems. It was programmed using plug boards and switches, supporting input from an IBM cart reader, and output to an IBM card punch. It took up 167 square meters, weighed 27 tons, and consuming 150 kilowatts of power. It used throusands of 167 square meters, weighed 27 tons, and consuming 150 kilowatts of power. It used thousands of vacuum tubes, crystal diodes, relays,, resistors, and capacitors. It could perform 5000 editions or 500 two digit multiplication in one second. The ENIAC was so large that would occupy the big hall it had around 18000 vacuum tubes and consumed a large amount of electricity. With the development of transistors and their use in circuits, magnetic care for memory stronger, the vacuum tubes of first generation are replaced by transistors to arrive at second generation of compoters. The size of transistors is much smaller when compared to vacuum tubes. They consumed less power generated less in heat and are faster and reliable.
Even the cost of transistors is less in comparison with the cost of vacuum tubes, the cost of computer reduced drastically, they were more reliable then first generation computers. Gotten, COBOL, snowbal, algol etc. Like high level languages are developed in this generation. In this generation they are using magnetic tapes for storing. With the development of transistors and their use in circuits, magnetic care for memory stronger, the vacuum tubes of first generation are replaced by transistors to arrive at second generation of compoters. The size of transistors is much smaller when compared to vacuum tubes. They consumed less power generated less in heat and are faster and reliable.
Even the cost of transistors is less in comparison with the cost of vacuum tubes, the cost of computer reduced drastically, they were more reliable then first generation computers. Gotten, COBOL, snowbal, algol etc. Like high level languages are developed in this generation. In this generation they are using magnetic tapes for storing.
Generation of computer :- The developmental of Digital computer is often divided in to stages or Generation each Generation is Characterized by Ramarkble improvement over previous Generation in the Technology used to Build the Computers . Computers that are made using a particular Technology are said to belong to that Generation. Each Generation resulted in increasingly smaller cheaper more powerful more efficient and reliable machines.
Even since the man through of counting, he developed the concept of communication. His initial approach to accounting and data computations and their recording was with help of sticks, pebbles or lines on walls of caves. Then he moved toward counting using ten minutes fingers of his hands, which probably is the basis of presents decimal system.
First electronic computer used vacuum tubes, and they were huge and complex. The first general purposes electronic computer was the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer), It was digital, although it didn't operate with binary code, and was reprogrammable to solve a complete range of computing problems. It was programmed using plug boards and switches, supporting input from of computing problems. It was programmed using plug boards and switches, supporting input from an IBM cart reader, and output to an IBM card punch. It took up 167 square meters, weighed 27 tons, and consuming 150 kilowatts of power. It used throusands of 167 square meters, weighed 27 tons, and consuming 150 kilowatts of power. It used thousands of vacuum tubes, crystal diodes, relays,, resistors, and capacitors. It could perform 5000 editions or 500 two digit multiplication in one second. The ENIAC was so large that would occupy the big hall it had around 18000 vacuum tubes and consumed a large amount of electricity. With the development of transistors and their use in circuits, magnetic care for memory stronger, the vacuum tubes of first generation are replaced by transistors to arrive at second generation of compoters. The size of transistors is much smaller when compared to vacuum tubes. They consumed less power generated less in heat and are faster and reliable.
Even the cost of transistors is less in comparison with the cost of vacuum tubes, the cost of computer reduced drastically, they were more reliable then first generation computers. Gotten, COBOL, snowbal, algol etc. Like high level languages are developed in this generation. In this generation they are using magnetic tapes for storing. With the development of transistors and their use in circuits, magnetic care for memory stronger, the vacuum tubes of first generation are replaced by transistors to arrive at second generation of compoters. The size of transistors is much smaller when compared to vacuum tubes. They consumed less power generated less in heat and are faster and reliable.
Even the cost of transistors is less in comparison with the cost of vacuum tubes, the cost of computer reduced drastically, they were more reliable then first generation computers. Gotten, COBOL, snowbal, algol etc. Like high level languages are developed in this generation. In this generation they are using magnetic tapes for storing.
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