The primitive from of computer was the 'Abacus' developed in around 3000 B. C in China, which used to represents
The decimal numbers, and arithmetic operations of a smaller volume could be performed with its help. There were numbers of improvement in this machine still the stepped wheel calculator was invented which multiplied and divided directly.
In 1822, Charles Babbage of England proposed the 'Difference Engine 'which was refined to analytical engine in 1883 and this became the first completely automatic general digital computer. In 1937. Prof. Howard Aiken used the punch card technology and he developed the first electromagnetic digital computer named as MARK I. In 1945 first electronic machine was designed which contained approximately 18000 vacuum tubes, weighted 30 tones, occupied 1500 squad space and memory of 1950 machine named EDVAC (electronic numerical integrator and calculator ). In 1950 machine named system for storing data. The modem computer stepped in 1951 with developmental of UNIVAC (universal automatic computer) by Remington Rand.
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