
Boys Are Hooked To Video Games And Girls Can't Stay Off Social Media, As Per Study On Teens

Technology is invading the lives of our youth at unprecedented levels. We usually think of how we used to spend our free time as children, whether it was playing board games or reading comics or just watching TV.
However, now teenagers have completely overhauled those traditional practices with technology that is at their disposal.
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A report by the Wall Street Journal, sheds some light on how boys and girls react to technology specifically pertaining to online gaming and social media.
According to a research conducted by Pew Research Centre, 41 percent of teenage boys say that they spend a lot of time playing video games, whereas, in comparison, only 11 percent girls do so.
Marc Potenza, a psychiatry professor at Yale University, in collaboration with researchers at universities in China embarked on a mission to deduce this anomaly. They took help of functional MRIs and measured brain activities by tracking alterations in blood flow.
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They observed neural responses of teenage boys and girls, specifically in the part of the brain that is associated with reward processing and craving (both contribute to the occurrence of addiction). When they were shown images of kids playing video games, the brain of the teenage boys showed higher activation levels than the girls. This research thus stated that men could be more prone to develop internet gaming disorder as compared to women.
But this doesn't mean girls get a clean chit here. Their obsession might not lie in online gaming, but they're equally hooked to social media. Research data from Pew sheds light on the fact that women use social media platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram in much higher frequency than men.
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According to Rosanna Guadagno, who is a social psychologist at Stanford University, many girls and women are drawn to such photo-sharing apps as they like forming bonds and find similarities.
Moreover, researches have also revealed that women face more FOMO or fear of missing out than boys that forces them to stay hooked and up to date on the social media platform. This has also resulted in many young girls to face symptoms like anxiety, depression, way more than boys.
Article : NewsPoint